A leaked technical video demonstration showing the upcoming high-end Motorola's Moto X smartphone is now posted on YouTube. The Moto X model, which is scheduled to get launched exclusively with Rogers in Canada this August, will be featuring some impressive hardware punch, the most amazing feature and the highlight of the demo video (posted below) is not the hardware but the completely hands-free voice activated features using Google Now.
In the demo, a woman is shown interacting with the handset while she types away on a computer, never having to reach down to tap the handset. Youtube and Vimeo have already taken down the original video citing claim by Motorola, but as it is impossible to censor things on internet we managed to get it for you - do enjoy the video by clicking the image below before it gets pulled down again.
Conclusion: With the new
Conclusion: With the new Motorola X phone, google is helping NSA to listen to your surrounding, what you talk with your family, and others.
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