Opera has always been a light, reliable and fast web-browser, while a leading mobile web-browser it never really picked up on Desktop. Opera recently made the decision to use the fast and standard complaint Chromium rendering engine for there web-browser and has now finally revealed the result as Opera Next for Windows and Mac computers.

Opera Next has been developed from scratch to offer a completely revamped new look with a faster Chromium rendering engine, however it's similarity with Chrome web-browser ends there. Opera Next features the signature Speed Dial with a revamped sleek interface and new features like Discover, Stash, Off-road mode, Combined address and search bar and a new download manager as described in detail below with video demonstration.

Download Opera Next for Windows and Mac at : http://Opera.com/next.
they ruinned it... everything
they ruinned it... everything that made Opera unique is gone, it's now just another chrome clone, an inferior one at that.. hell they got rid of Bookmarks, BOOKMARKS, in favor of Stash.... what the hell were they thinking..
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