With usage and time, Apple iOS devices iPhone, iPad and iPod touch accumulate long-term caches, temp and off-line junk files generated by Apps or due to failed iTunes syncs. Apart from taking up space on your device, they may devour memory resource and slow down the iPhone when launching Apps.
PhoneClean provides users with an fast, simple and free iOS device cleanup solution. The utility will clean App caches, cookies and off-line files; sweep off media temp files and reclaim other storage space on all your iOS devices.
To confirm wasted disk space on your device, Open iPhone (or iPad) Settings > General > Usage > And you’ll see as below:

Another way to check this wasted space is by using iTunes, open iTunes and connect your device via USB cable you will see the exact amount of wasted resources under "Other" heading.

PhoneClean works on all Apple iPhones, iTouch and iPad and does not require a jailbreak to work. Simply, launch the utility and you it will guide you through the clean-up process.

As PhoneClean is the first and only iDevice Maintenance Freeware made to free up space on iPhone without jailbreaking, it worth a try if you feel the pinch of the limited storage capacity on an iPad, iPhone, or iPod touch. Comparing with endless iTunes restore or iCloud backup, this free application is recommended!
phone clean
Your program is an .exe file which will not work on a mac.
Virus checkDuring
During istallation of phoneclean AVG found infection LuHE.Malmsil.c in ToolHelpers.dll - question is this a false positive? Put in virus vault for the moment until verified.
I met the same message. the
I met the same message. the developers out there said it's because this program want to access to the internet to get the update info, which will not harm the system. And they'll issue an update in one or two weeks in regard of this problem.
Virus checkDuring
i have AVG and nothing happened you might need to update it
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