SparkleXP is a free and open-source utility to tweak Windows XP and improve its performance, SparkleXP helps freeing up computer resources resulting in a faster and responsive computer.
SparkleXP tweaks your XP settings in a fully automated and safe way to achieve maximum performance, this fantastic little tool creates a additional Hardware Profile and a correlative new User on your Windows XP system to get a lightweight desktop, you can choose to boot into your regular or lightweight desktop configuration at startup.
Following XP settings are tweaked on your system:
- System services
- Hardware profile
- User profile
- User policies
- Taskbar
- Program priority
- Start menu
- Desktop
- System registry
Windows XP Running Processes Before Tweaking:

Windows XP Running Processes After Tweaking:

The software is still in BETA and more tweaks should be expected! :)
Direct Download For SparkleXP - The Windows XP Tweaker >>
page no found niff niff
Corrected !!
Thanks for pointing out, the link is now corrected...
how to download pls
hey wat does it mean when it says "cant install if the only user is administrator"
Broken, yet again
Sourceforge no longer has a page for this project. Please consider fixing the download link.
where is the download link what is this?
People don't use that
People don't use that software it will destroy and corrupt your existing system. I have tried it and I have to install my system again. Its totally a crap thing.....I don't no why Megaleecher is promoting that tool...
Hi Bilal
The software is meant for advanced users and can do the damage you had faced, anything which messes with core Windows functionality/settings has this risk associated with it.
Thanks I have to much free time and needed to find a way to waste a half hour.
404 error can't find page
Great concept
lousy execution
Link updated
The link is updated now, download from - http://download.cnet.com/SparkleXP/3000-2094_4-10730157.html
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