Submitted by Deepesh Agarwal on Wed, 05/07/2008 - 09:40
Got bored with your old Windows XP interface?, Now you can enjoy Mac OS X Leopard interface on your Windows XP SP2 system using the free "Leopard Mods On XP", unlike many other theme packs this is not just a theme but a full mod changing core system files and behavior.

From Author Site:
This mods pack includes:
- explorer.exe
- shell32.dll
- xpsp2res.dll
- mydocs.dll
- msgina.dllImportant Note:
- Please make backup before replace your system files.
- These mods pack can only work in Windows XP SP2 ONLY (English version, other language doesn't support ).
- Only do in SAFE MODE
nice post
keep up the good job!!
It Does Work But..
Yeah right the instruction and the works does the change but only for XP's Icons alone... it won't make XP look and feel like Mac.
if you want it to feel like a
if you want it to feel like a mac the get a fuckin mac dumb ass
What's the point????
Why would you want to replace an adequate and proven interface, with a poor implimentation? with a more clunckier feel than the original, eg. XP shell32.dll (8MB) - Replacement shell32.dll size(27MB) - try it and feel the power...... or lack of it..
I didn't notice much difference in the looks department, apart from some icons, but i did feel the speed drop. 5 minutes later I just restored all...
perfect very beautyful
very beautyful
COOL skin
please mail me the link for downloading the skin for mac os x leopard theme download. My mail id is
Broke my computer
this is really unsafe to do i did it and restarted and gave me the blue screen of death so i would not try this unless got a copy of windows to reinsal
Re: Broke my computer
Didn't broke my computer, maybe it's because you don't have XP?
Its not happing with my pc Sukhwinder Singh
i am unable to paste above file in windows folder. Pls Guide me how i will do that on my pc.send me some screen shots of the process in mail id
its good
how do u backup???
how do u backup???
windows search "system restore" and create a restore point OR use a backup utility.
please mail me the link for downloading the skin for mac os x leopard theme download. My mail id is
i like the way it looks
can u make this compatible with Xp Sp3? idk, its not working very well.
Anotherlink like Rapidshare?
Please upload this download link to rapidshare
I can't able to download from this server...!
very good
very good
download skin
bagus banget
sorry bout that , its just the sotry of life
How do we download the skin i saw the cool skins and stuff but how do you download it???
When i open replacer it says file not found! blah blah blah!
how we will get this software
taty boy.....hy hy hy
taty boy.....hy hy hy
taty mad boy of xp in pone.........get in the ass.... be be .i am taty boy
fare... bad link
i have try to follow the link but not done... bad link
LInk's working fine..
Checked, working fine, here's the direct download link:
i never see any changes stil same
service pack 3
how about for xp service pack 3?
i am having the same prob here. If u install it, only part of ur icons will be changed. it will not have the exact look shown on the screen shot. but icons like 'My computer', Control Panel, my documents.... wil be changed. But it will not affect your system performance at all. enjoy
Mac theme for Xp
I...I....I....I LOVE IT!!!!!!!
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I tried this and it look like it only did part of the install. The icons changed and the log in window changed but the background did not and it still has the format of XP… maybe I am doing something wrong… if anyone can help please email me at and yes is the animations that was on the screen shot available meilleure page de casinos, I am downloading it tonight, and can’t wait to try it!!!
one question
Hey i'm runnin Win Xp Sp3. will this is run in ma machine.
i wanna try
i wanna try
Service pack 3
i tried it, to me its really kool, cos i wanna have this Mac OS feel. but it does not give me the whole feel, only few of my OS looks was changed, even my start bar is still XP not Mac. Please how do i get the full option look on my Sp3. i really need it. Thx in advance. My email is
how to uninstall this
how to uninstall this leopard mod??
Double Two Thumbs UP!
it aint working
have done your instruction but no effect and changes happened. except for some icons.
i keep getting a direct3d error when i miniise something
help me fix that but besides that it works great
Not great!
I have been trying for 2 days to install this theme on SP3 machine with no success. Any window that is not "maximized" seems to relocate off screen where it cannot be accessed. Overall it seems that a tremendous amount of work went into this theme so I do not want to write a negative comment about it, but I cannot be the only person that has this problem of windows relocating off screen.
hey can i make the task bar like that...only the icons changed...please help...i really want my task bar like that...pleaase can e-mail me
thx for the great job !!
how do i download it ???
how do i download it ??? there is no download link there i can see ...please help me
I love it
good ...i'll try it...
Hay,... Thank's to Show Me,...Mac OS Pack to Windows Xp,..I Hope tomorrow Is A Better Than,...And Give me some Aplications MaC tO xp,....sEE u
Does Not Work Intirely
This does not work on service pack 2 i only get the boot skin and logon screen and wallpaper what is wrong? pls email me
Download MAC OS X Leopard, it's cool.
Mac os x Leopard it's great beautiful skin for my windows.
that is great, thank you
that is great, thank you
to install mac os transformation pack on windows xp2
please tell me the exact steps to install mac os xleopard transformation pack in windows xp2....................please its very urgent
I like that, Thanks
I like that, Thanks
Nt viable
This Software does no good to ur system apart from a slow performence the anti virus software does not work properly, the system files get currupt which cannot be replaced. the shell file is too heavy to boot. Leave this software alone
it is full of erros and vurisues
it has given me lods of viruses and it it says ilegal eror 0573374745
i wouldnt put it on unless you have a copy of windows if you follow this link you will be able to download windows xp
from kalem
very nice transmission pac of
very nice transmission pac of mac os leopad hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii i am sunny the cool boy
I've already followed the
I've already followed the instruction but it doesn't work properly. Some icons have changed. That's all.
going slow
this thing make my fifa 11 going stupid and ugly !!!!!!
I am unable to do this
Kindly help me i am unable to this can any one send me necessary screen shots please help i will be very thankful to you
my email address
Yasir Zia
Please help me
PC games
It's great but can you play your pc games on this mac os
can't download
Plz attach the "Mac OS X Leopard Transformation Pack For Windows XP" and send it to my Email:
My sever allow only the download from gmail, so plz help me.. ToT
Hey please help me, how to install this theme into my pc? i've downloaded it but i don't know how to install this or change my desktop appearance, email me please email me i need any help! want it so bad
for install Leopard Mods On XP
sir, we are trying to install this on safe mode but i could not install plz tell me the process from beginning ,i how can i install .
q ingin pintar komputer
q ingin pintar komputer
how to install mac os x lion on windows
please i want to install mac os x lion on my laptop but i don't know how please e-mail me the tutorials. thank you.
About This Themes Pack
Nice Great Thinking.........
Well Done........
May God Blase You.....
Thanx mate, I like it at
Thanx mate, I like it at least makes a change
happy to get it
1 i get it on 2007 but now seeing this i was very much happy and got it as fast as i can i very like it
nice share.... thanks for share
i hope you can share again about this feature
nice share....thanks for
nice share....thanks for share
i hope you can share again about this feature good
good I Like It Very Much
good I Like It Very Much
how to install....??
how to install....??
i need tell somethings?
can be Windows xp SP3? or not able? :D
Not Working
This Theme is not working
I installed Leopard Xp
I installed Leopard Xp yesterday. I want to Get back the original view of Windows 7. Even though I uninstall it but getup is not changing. What should I do?
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