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$10 Indian Laptop is Not Actually a Laptop ?

Cheap LaptopIf you are a regular technology news surfer you must have heard about the much hyped $10 Laptop from India's Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), but the hype surrounding the cheapest laptop of the world having 2GB ram turned out to just a rumor when MHRD finally inaugurated the device at Tirupati (India), stating it as a computing device and not a laptop. The cheap computing device named "Sakshat" is developed by the students of Vellore Institute of Technology and a researcher from the Indian Institute of Science in Bangalore, India.

Clearing the doubts Joint Secretary Mr. N. K. Sinha said the computing device is 10 inches long and 5 inches wide, the computing device will have 2GB storage capacity and can store e-books, e-journals, and educative material through the Sakshat portal.


I dont think the device is worth anything useful, at maximum it can replace the text-book burden in Indian schooling system.

I think it is for villager's

A computing device for 10$ should be worth it. The only spec given is 2GB RAM. What about other things :-)

this will show india's high technology to other countries

It said 2GB storage capacity (as in hdd capacity).

I Think thats joke if its real so i pay u 10$ r u sent me laptop


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