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Free Utility To Check And Download Latest Developmental Builds Of Google Chrome

If Google Chrome is not working as expected or you are having some issues with the browser you can try updating to the latest developmental nightly builds, updating Google Chrome from the Dev channel allows you to get early access to the upcoming features, with up-to-date security and bug fixes.

Chrome Nightly Updater is an nice little handy utility allowing you to check and download latest build of Google Chrome, either as an executable or an Zip file.

Google Chrome Updater

Alternatively, you can also use the official Chrome Channel Chooser utility, allowing you to choose the Dev Channel as Chrome's default update source, once enabled this will make Google Chrome update from the Developmental build channel.

Launching Internet Explorer 8 InPrivate Browsing Mode By Default

PrivateInternet Explorer 8 Beta 2 introduced the InPrivate invisible browsing mode also called as "Porn Browsing Mode", allowing users to surf internet without leaving any browsing traces, all the cache files, Browsing History and Cookie information is automatically deleted after end of private browsing session.

Internet Explorer 8 Private Surfing Mode

For faster and easy access to IE8 private browsing mode we will be creating a shortcut to launch the browser InPrivate mode by default, simply follow the instructions below:

Amazing Notepad Trick To Create Hidden Text Files Without Using Any Third Party Software

Hidden TextToday I will be sharing a pretty unknown trick to create hidden text files using nothing but Notepad, you can use this simple trick to hide plain text data without using any third-party utility or simply use it to impress your friends showing your geekness, the text files created using the method below won't show anywhere in DOS or Windows irrespective of the hidden and system display file-settings, the files created using this can only be accessed if you know the correct file-name used while creating the file.

Simple follow the steps below to create hidden text file:

  1. Launch Windows command prompt from Start Menu -> Run -> Type cmd and press Enter.
  2. Using DOS commands navigate to the desired folder.
  3. Now type in notepad VisibleFile.txt:HiddenFile.txt and hit Enter, you can change VisibleFile.txt and HiddenFile.txt to names of your choice (notice the : between both file-names), You will be prompted to Create a New file click Yes as shown below.
  4. Notepad Trick

Accessing EXT2 Linux File System From Windows

EXT2 Linux File SystemIf you have an Linux Operating system using EXT2 file-system installed along with Windows and want read/write access to the EXT2 file-system from Windows give free utility "Ext2 Installable File System" a try, once installed the utility provides any Windows NT4.0/2000/XP/2003/Vista computer full read/write access to Linux Ext2 volumes, The "Ext2 Installable File System" software package installs a kernel level Windows driver Ext2fs.sys which caches file data along with file system's meta data and all the on-disk structures of the Ext2 file system for faster performance.

Linux Filesystem From Windows

How To Create And Use iPhone Ringtones For Free

Apple iPhone now officially supports ringtones but require you to pay and purchase them from iTunes Store, However, you can easily create and use custom iPhone ringtones from your existing MP3 music library for free, there exist several different tricks and utilities to create iPhone compatible ringtones with ease.

Ring Ring would be the most easy to use free utility for creating custom iPhone ringtones, to convert any MP3 file into iPhone compatible ringtone format all you need to do is to simply Drag-and-drop it into the application and choose start and stop timings, details of the full procedure are as follows:

  1. Download and Extract Ring Ring - iPhone Ringtone Maker.
  2. Double-click "RingRing.exe" to launch application.
  3. Ring-Ring iPhone Ringtone Maker
  4. Drag-and-drop or Double-click and browse desired MP3 file from the Drop-target as shown above.

How To Remove Unknown or Non-Removable Viruses, Spywares, Adwares And Trojans

VirusMalware creators always try to be one-step ahead of security softwares, using increasingly professional techniques to outpace security software and improve their chances of infecting your computer, if you are stuck in a situation where your anti-virus and anti-malware software is not recognizing or is unable to remove the malware infection usually you are left with only two choices, either to format the computer and reinstall Windows or removing the infection manually.

Virus Alert

Today, I will be sharing two excellent free utilities Anti-Rougue Windows Sweep (ARSwp) and System Repair Engineer (SREng) to diagnose and remove such stubborn Virus, Spyware, Adware and Trojan infections with ease.

Copy Files & Folders From Damaged Media Using Unstoppable Copier

If you have already tried fixing CD/DVD scratches without any success or partial success, and are still unable to copy important files and folders from damaged media, try Unstoppable Copier - the small and portable Windows utility lets you recover maximum possible data from media having bad sectors, scratches or any other reason giving errors while reading data.

Recover Data Using Unstoppable Copier

The program tries to read all possible data smartly skipping unreadable sectors, Using this method most types of files can be made usable even if some parts were not recoverable in the end.

Access All VTC Tutorials and Training Videos For Free

VTCWith a total of 541 different video tutorial titles for virtually everything related to computers, VTC would be the world's largest video tutorial producer, Thanks to Digital Inspiration and Fat Wallet forum members for sharing this trick using which you can access all the tutorials of this huge information resource for free, all you have to do is to enter the special promotion code following the steps below and gain access to full content.

Download VTC Tutorials

Updating Kaspersky Anti-Virus And Kaspersky Internet Security Without Internet Connection

If you are stuck without an internet connection and need to update your Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2009 or Kaspersky Internet Security 2009 you can perform an offline update via the inbuilt feature provided by the software or standalone updating utility provided by Kaspersky, I will be sharing two methods for performing offline updates for your Kaspersky products from a local folder.

Update Method#1

For using the first method you will need a computer installed with Kaspersky Anti-Virus 2009/Kaspersky Internet Security 2009 having access to internet, from this computer we will be copying the downloaded updates and then apply them to other computers without internet access, version of products installed on source and target computers should coincide.

How To Extract And Save Images From Microsoft Office Documents

Inserting pictures in Microsoft Office applications is an easy job, but extracting and saving images from MS-Office files can be a tricky task as Microsoft office does not provide any easy to use option to perform such action, Today I will be sharing some tips to get images out of Microsoft Office documents.

Method #1

The most simple method would be to select and copy the image into clipboard, and then pasting into your favorite image editor which can then be saved to your image format of choice, alternatively, you can also paste the image directly as an image-file via Microsoft Office Picture Manager as shown below:

  • Copy the image into clipboard.

  • Copy Image To Clipboard
This is just one of the many helpful tips we have posted, You can find more stories here,
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