Surfing the web without someone else keeping a track of your activities is nearly impossible these days. Government and ad agencies are always keeping tabs on regular users’ activities, and then there is the internet service provider itself, which keeps track of each and every website you visit. There is no escaping either of these entities. You can try out different techniques, but none of them will actually work. Your only way to keep them at bay is VPN. VPNs are designed to hide your actual IP address and change your server to a completely new location. As soon as you enable them on your device, all of your activity from there on out is completely hidden. So, if you are serious about anonymously surfing the web, then you should try out one of the following VPN solutions. From time-to-time we have been covering top free and paid VPN service providers on this blog to allow our readers enjoy the internet with fully anonymity and security, and here we are once again with a fresh list of top three free VPN service providers.