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Mysterious "Not Found" error on image access and solution to fix it

While debugging this blog's theme files I encountered an mysterious "404 Not Found" HTTP error for file when accessing the image file directly from the CDN. On further research it turned out this to be only specific when using "Chrome DevTools" which tries to load the file for debugging purposes, users won't be hitting this 404. It is also very easy to disable this JavaScript source maps completely from "Chrome DevTools" settings as shown below. error debugging

Firefox Beats All To Get Crown Of Being The Most Stable Web-browser

After taking the crown for being the "fastest web-browser" in the latest 2013 Tom's Hardware benchmarks, the free and open-source web-browser Firefox grabbed another feather for it's cap by being the most stable of the lot. Sauce Labs an automated selenium unit testing service provider, crunched their data of more then 55+ million test runs and plotted the web-browser crash rate letting users a glimpse into the most stable and most crash-prone web-browser as shown below.

Project Pipelight Finally Brings Netflix Streaming To Linux

Linux users were unable to enjoy, popular on-demand internet multimedia streaming service Netflix as it requires Microsoft Silverlight plugin, and the Mono-based 'Moonlight' implementation of Silverlight for Linux does not support the "Silverlight v 5 DRM".

With true spirit of Linux geekry, the developers of project "Pipelight" spun a Netscape plugin hack which allows Linux users to run windows only plugins inside any Netscape Plugin compatible web-browsers. Currently they have got Silverlight working with its core features like watching DRM protected videos.

Netflix For Linux

Fixing the "error: SSL certificate problem, verify that the CA cert is OK" Error On Linux

While trying to use git clone on my CentOS server, I encountered fatal: HTTP request failed with error description showing something being wrong with my SSL CA Root certificates as shown below. To resolve this error simply follow any one of the solution posted below.

error: SSL certificate problem, verify that the CA cert is OK. Details:
error:14090086:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_SERVER_CERTIFICATE:certificate verify failed while accessing

SSL verification error

Google Goes Nasty With Gmail Inbox Advertisements, Microsoft Taunts With New Scroogle And We Tell You How To Get Rid of Them

The new Gmail Tabbed interface introduced a few months ago turned out to be the part of a bigger advertisement revenue earning strategy by Google, the new design is now spawning targeted ads right into your inbox disguised as genuine emails. Whether this is SPAM (which is basically unsolicited emails) or not, nobody is liking the new move from Google. Microsoft took no time to make another video in their Scroogled by Google campaign which can be watched after the "Read more" link below with a working tip to get rid of these invasive inbox advertisements.

media reports on gmail advt

A Working Noob Friendly Facebook Exploit Which Allows Any User To Gain Full-Access To Other Facebook Accounts

Today I received the below email with subject "Confirm your ownership of" asking me to claim my facebook email address, first it seemed like an phishing email but on closer inspection of links and sender headers it turned out to be a genuine email with correct links and real facebook as sender. I was pretty sure there was something fishy and on researching the target link I discovered a recent working exploit for facebook which only got public on June,14 2013 and was used by someone to try and hack my facebook account. This noob friendly hack exploits a critical vulnerability in Facebook which allows a hacker to easily take complete control over any Facebook account if victim clicks the link while logged into Facebook.

Easiest And Fastest Way To Use Traffic Shaping On Linux

We demonstrated how to use Raspberry Pi as an home-automation server with voice commands using SiriProxy earlier, since Apple Siri (and SiriProxy) needs an good active internet connection to convert speech-to-text for recognizing commands this failed due to limited bandwidth availbility when using Raspberry Pi as an 24x7 downloading server. After a lot of research, I made a simple shell script which prioritizes our SiriProxy traffic over others only when needed, utilizing full-bandwidth for downloads when not in use.

Linux traffic priority example using TC

Difference Between Porn Vs. Real Life Sex Explained In Video Using Food

If you've ever watched porn, and if you've ever had sex, you know that the two are very different. But what are the differences, specifically? Whet your appetite and watch the video!

The Simple Video Explanation Of How Bitcoin Works

Bitcoin the digital cryptocurrency recently made a lot of buzz into offline media with it's valuation zooming upwards, if you are still unaware of this popular "internet currency" Bitcoin is an open-source, peer-to-peer technology which operates with no central authority or banks; managing transactions and the issuing of bitcoins is carried out collectively by the network. Nobody owns or controls Bitcoin and everyone can take part. Here are two videos showing how this currency of future works.

First Ever Professional Porn Video Made Using Google Glass Goes Viral On Internet

There could be many ways one can use the Google Glass technology, while there have been serious concerns about privacy risks of Google Glass which the company needs to address before the device gets mass level usage approval, another problem to address is the "Google Glass Porn".

Google Glass Adult Site

While the company strictly prohibits usage of Google Glass with adult images/videos there are already third-party apps and websites promoting this new adult niche. The first ever professional porn video (available after the read more link below) shot using "Google Glass" is doing rounds over internet getting huge publicity. That's not all, the "Tits & Glass" app also manages to stay on the official "Google Glass AppStore" by showing only SFW (Safe for work) tagged photos on users Glass gadgets, while NSFW photos stay on the publishers website shared only through the webapp.

Google Glass Movie Store
This is just one of the many helpful tips we have posted, You can find more stories here,
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