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The Sorry State Of Bank Of Baroda Internet Banking And Customer Support

I have been a Bank of Baroda customer for almost 11 years now and have enjoyed their services until past few years, it is very sad to see how a bank which claims itself to be "India's International Bank" and offer "A Hi-Tech Convenience eBanking Product suite" via their "BarodaConnect (BOBiBanking) Portal" fairs at the bottom when compared to competition like SBI Online, Axis iConnect, HDFC e-Banking etc. in terms of both usability and convenience of use.

Since, past years I have always found their online portal to be very amateurish and their SMS delivery (for One-time-password) slow - they are even not supported for auto-account updation by wealth management systems like Perfios, Mint etc. as they use an in-compatible login system, adding "insult to the loss" they have now blocked any user having the latest Java version (Jave SE 7 Update 65) out of their portal completely showing the below error - ironically they want you to use Java and bug you with multiple login and Q&A prompts citing higher security measures just to view your account but fail to reply multiple emails and calls when they failed to recognize a new version of Java with "Critical Security Fixes"!!!. We have already written about the security risk of having older Java version on your computer, even Java itself is imposing stricter security measures to mitigate this risk. After, emailing two times without receiving a reply, a visit to the branch and a call to customer-care and waiting for almost 20 days the only solution I had was to "downgrade Java" on my computer as demonstrated next.

Blocked Because Of Java

Now You Can Have Sex With Your iPad !!!

Virtual Sex is definitely something catching-up fantasy of creators and seems like a big market for future. Fleshlight Inc. makers of some very popular sex-toys has now confirmed that they will be developing the strap-on masturbation sex toy accessory/case for iPad after it get pitched by TVMiller.Com and even got featured in GTA V Parody a long-time ago. The company's original advertisement video for "Fleshlight LaunchPad!" got pulled down from Youtube, but we managed to grab a news clip item featuring it for you ;).

Fleshlight LaunchPad!

Youtube To Get A Whole Lot Better...

Google announced a slew of new features at this year's VidCon. After giving the treat for high-quality 4K Ulta-HD video streaming to users, Youtube is all prepped-up to make available streaming support for high-frame rate (HFR) videos at 48 and 60 FPS. With all the new clarity and loss of "cinematic look" on higher frame rates, this would be a feature best suited for video game footage and trailers. Apart for this, Youtube will also enable fans to contribute money to channels and support them, allow uploads of fan contributed video subtitles, better Annotations in form of new interactive information cards which uploaders can program to work across desktop, phones and tablets and more ways to create and generate playlists.

Youtube team has also made available a playlist of these high-frame rate videos as shared below, make sure you watch them in HD quality to load the HFR version.

SOAP : The New Age Router With Touchscreen, Home Automation And Power Of Android

Technology has evolved by leaps and bounds but ironically the Router we use to consume majority of it remained more or less same since years, a brand new router design is all buckled-up to change this soon. Named "SOAP - The Intelligent Router" aims to be the center hub for your home networking, automation, security, storage and parental control needs.

The first thing you would notice about SOAP would be it's novel touch-screen with full Android OS running under it's hood, a very first of it's kind on any router. Soap will be featuring powerful processing power thanks to the ARM CPU's upto quad core with GB's of RAM and inbuilt SSD storage which was unheard of in the world of routers until now. Soap not only boasts of high-speed, cutting edge Wi-Fi routing capabilities but will also feature top home automation protocols built right into it be it Zigbee, Z-Wave, Insteon, Bluetooth 4.0, X10 RF, 433mhz and many more. This is not all thanks to the Android OS, SOAP can also act as you network guardian and offer numerous features like Parental control, network security, entertainment and wireless-storage solution - do watch the video and comparison chart (with other routers) shared below.

Soap Router

Amazon Fire Phone Gets Unveiled

The much rumored 3D phone from Amazon finally got unveiled and is definitely a fresh take on how we use our mobile-phones. Named, Amazon Fire Phone - the phone features some neat new features like Dynamic Perspective for 3D experience, Firefly technology for quickly identifying printed/web content, email addresses, phone numbers, QR and bar codes, plus over 100 million items, including movies, TV episodes, songs, and products—simply using a dedicated Firefly button to discover useful information and take action in seconds, Mayday - a whole new way to get free, live, on-device video support with an Amazon expert, 24x7, 365 days a year at the touch of a button, 13MP camera with optical image stabilization and free unlimited photo storage in the cloud and much more. The phone is not available outside USA for now, but as happened in past this should make it's way to online e-commerce portals and free ads site in other countries for sale by individual sellers soon.

All in all this phone do look promising and should do good, if Amazon prices this more aggressively then this could be a sureshot winner. Do watch the video shared below.

Amazon Fire Phone

Chinese Android Phone Comes Pre-loaded With Spyware As Fake Google AppStore

More and more cases on spying using electronic devices are coming into light, few days ago it was reported that NSA of USA is doing targeted spying by intercepting and bugging electronic devices with backdoors to users in their surveillance list. Many countries including USA and India have already banned Chinese technology in sensitive departments after fearing hidden backdoors which can be used for spying, we have also shared the news of Spyware Electric Kettles and Hidden Backdoor in Routers earlier on this blog.

This time the experts at the German security vendor GDATA have discovered dangerous computer malware in firmware of an Android device, the "N9500" model of Android smartphone which is produced by the Chinese manufacturer Star comes per-loaded with Spyware straight from the factory disguised as Google Play Store app giving it full access on the device.

China Android Spyware

It is also not possible to remove the manipulated app and the spyware as they are integrated deep into the firmware preventing removal. Large online retailers are still selling the Android device at prices ranging from 130 to 165 euros and distributing it across Europe.

Popcorn Time: The 'Netflix For Pirated Movies' Now Offers Free VPN To Keep Users Anonymous

We posted about the open-source, cross-platform, free utility Popcorn Time a few months ago. The original application was taken down after threats by anti-piracy agencies, but was open-sourced which resulted in numerous forks making it virtually impossible to block the application (Don't forget to enjoy behind the scene story in this animated video from the developer shared below).

A new avatar of the app now not only supports Netflix styled one-click, high-quality, movie and TV streaming but also allows user to enjoy the cover of privacy by providing seamless free VPN anonymity. This VPN feature will now automatically mask users' web traffic from their cable service providers, an Android application is also been developed for mobile usage.

Popcorn Time
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