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Watch Live Cricket Online

Watch Live CricketIt's cricket fever time in the South-Asian sub-continent as arch rivals India and Pakistan starts Pakistan's tour of India, now you can watch Live cricket feed via the famous P2P TV network Sopcast.

SoP is the abbreviation for Streaming over P2P, a simple, free way to broadcast video and audio or watch the video and listen to radio on the Internet. Adopting P2P(Peer-to-Peer) technology, It is very efficient and easy to use. Let anyone become a broadcaster without the costs of a powerful server and vast bandwidth. You can build your own TV stations comparable with large commercial sites with minimal resources. Using SopCast, you can serve 10,000 online users with a personal computer and a home broadband connection.

Spy Your Sent Emails With Certified Email Tracking

Email Tracking

"Return Receipts" feature offered in email clients almost never works. The majority of all email software and users in the world do not support these kinds of Return Receipts.

Wouldn't it be nice to know when your emails gets received and where? there exist many services which lets you track your messages, these services can also be used to provide certified "Email Read Receipt", You can also retract your emails in case you changed your mind. You can also send self-destruct emails which expire after a certain time period, or if your recipient tries to copy, print or forward them.

You even don't need to download or install anything, just append the email tracking service provider's domain to end of receivers email id and it will be tracked automatically.

These services offer features like:

  • Self Destructing Emails
  • Stop printing and copying of email
  • Date and time of message opening
  • Location of recipient (IP based on ISP city /town)
  • Map of location
  • Apparent email address of opening (if available)
  • Referrer details (ie; if accessed via web mail etc)
  • URL clicks
  • How long the email was read for
  • How many times your email was opened
  • If your email was forwarded, or opened on a different computer

Free Calls To USA & Canada

Lypp is offering free calls to Canada and North America till 31 October 2007, Lypp utilizes existing IM networks like Google Talk, iChat, ICQ, MSN, Jabber, AIM and Yahoo! to initialize group calls. To do so, users will send a command message to the Lypp IM bot with a command like: call [phone number, phone number, phone number]. Lypp will then call your phone and those of your friends, connecting all in a conference call.

DMOZ banned by Google...

Google has banned the world largest human edited web-directory DMOZ from its index, searching for DMOZ does not bring the directory as the top result, also Google cache does not show anything for the domain.

Google Shared Stuff Now Online

A new service by Google named "Google Shared Stuff" is now online, this new service lets you share your links with your friends and everybody else public). The service make use of a bookmarklet in your browser's bookmark bar which popup's a new windows as shown below.

Trojan Worm Hits Skype VOIP Service

A new threat named "Warezov Trojan horse" has hit the leading VOIP service provider Skype, the target Skype user receives a message stating "Check up this" and a link to the infected file "file_01.exe" with the Trojan payload, once a user is fooled into downloading this malicious file more files are downloaded automatically and installed. The infected computer now acts as the propagator and all their contacts are sent the same message to spread the Trojan.

Google Maps Airline Flight ProgressTracker

This is yet another example of how useful Google Maps can be, "GMaps Flight Tracker" is a Google Map mashup for tracking inbound flights to land at Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, JFK New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco and Seattle airports, the flight progress is updated every 40 seconds.

Spybot - Search & Destroy 1.5.1 Released

After a very long wait, very popular free spyware cleaning software Spybot - Search & Destroy has been updated to version 1.5.1, the new version is 100% compatible with windows vista and has a new user interface.

Spybot Search & Destroy

Here is the official changelog:
System support

* Restored Win95 compatibility
* Improved Wine compatibility
* Fixed HyperThreading issues
* Improved 64 bit immunization
* Create Portable.ini in main folder to use app folder as data folder as well
* New warnings about missing admin rights on Windows Vista
* Support for multi-line bookmarks (IE 7 / Vista)
* New Immunization for Firefox & Mozilla
* Improved Immunization for Opera


* Added version info to bug report
* Include Errors.log now includes timestamps
* Improved Windows version display


* "Single excludes" now include filenames to be more unique
* Improved settings retrieval from registry (mixed installations)
* Fixed .reg import bugs
* Added support for automated removal of F/Ps from host lists
* Changed update UserAgent and Referrer
* Improved (Vista-compatible) support for fast user switching
* Updater now in separate executable file
* Vista manifests for assigning required rights to each application
* Deactivated list of active ports per process for Vista (incompatible)
* Fixed support for handle list on 64 bit systems
* Improved disabling/enabling BHOs
* New special error reporting for beta versions
* Support for Windows Error Reporting for public versions
* Fixed update-related crashes on Vista
* Fixed memory leaks (replaced Indy with Synapse)
* Vista-compatible MSI installer for those who like/need that
* Support for alpha tests on services and domains lists
* Added hundreds of new automated tests of internal functionality for prerelease QA
* Added TeaTimer hide icon (disabled) registry value in installer

Detection and removal of threats

* Improved PE detection all over the place
* New 64 bit detection all over the place
* Improved file removal methods
* Added optional custom RecoveryDir setting in Default.ini
* Automatic guessing of "Download Dir" folders
* Added support for renaming services before stopping/killing/deleting them
* Improved plugin support (example: current TCP/IP Plugin)
* Support for regular expressions nearly all over the SBI interface
* Much improved logic connections between files, registry and API detections (others would invent a new TLA for that *g*)
* Speed-ups through improved caches
* File version checking
* Authenticode checking
* Improved archives checking
* Faster fulltext checking
* Improved Sys Internals file location algo
* Improved hosts file location algo
* Added some more Opera 9 detection schemes

User interface changes

* Fixed "show more information" panels
* Implemented workarounds for misarranged buttons (including TeaTimer)
* Improved support for /allhives in tools section (inactive installation support)
* Fixed flag shown on shortcut bar after changes
* Fixed IE proxy import in wizard
* Changed "use proxy" button to checkbox
* Improved localization on simple dialogs
* Added option to add a proxy inside app if running on Win PE
* Improved localization of list of updates
* Added Firefox icon on Cookie exclude page
* Fixed bad keyboard handling on some exclude lists
* Fixed cookie removal selection problems
* New confirmation dialog for system restore points
* Changed default font to Tahoma
* Red cross (trademarked) replaced with green cross
* Made "Check" option unavailable during fix
* Process list now is a bit less eager on tooltips
* Improved "delay start" dialogs
* Now displays checksum for each result for better trackback of results
* Fixed "Ignore Products" column width problems on Vista
* Improved localization of product descriptions
* Adjusted wizard for new situation (external updater etc.)
* Fixed Tools snapshot comparison highlighting
* Made display of registry changes in results list less confusing
* Improved SDHelper dialogs and block/allow choices
* Update date format on info page now localized
* Displayed app version is now four digits (e.g.
* (De+)Select all in list of old reports
* Improved Warning/Confirmation dialog IE plugin
* Configuration & Information dialog in IE plugin

Satellite Dish Alignment Using Google Maps

Align Dish AntennaSatellite Alignment Calculator 2.0 is a very nifty meshup making use of Google Maps to pinpoint the exact direction you need to align your satellite receiver in order to get it working, its very easy to use just choose your satellite, enter your location and press go. Zoom to maximum and a blue line will show the direction in which you need to point the dish for that particular Satellite.

This is just one of the many helpful tips we have posted, You can find more stories here,
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