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Favkeeper - Free, cross browser bookmark synching with cloud backup

Synchronized web-browsing across devices is a common feature amongst modern web-browsers like Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome, the ability to have in-sync web-browsing history and other settings is definitely a must have feature considering we have many computing devices including desktop, laptop, mobiles and tablets nowadays.

However very useful, the built-in feature only allows users to sync between same web-browser, and if you are looking to get your bookmarks synced across multiple browsers and devices free utility and cloud service FavKeeper is the solution. FavKeeper allows users to not only have cross-browser bookmark synching but also unlimited free cloud backup.

Google Shared Stuff Now Online

A new service by Google named "Google Shared Stuff" is now online, this new service lets you share your links with your friends and everybody else public). The service make use of a bookmarklet in your browser's bookmark bar which popup's a new windows as shown below.

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