After having there share of copyright woes, action against downloaders, imposing account limits and loosing users, Rapidshare is doing another effort to win back its lost audience by announcing that they have removed all restrictions which applied to its subscribers until now. The change also affects unregistered users, so basically there is no upload & download limit on Rapidshare, nor is the storage space and upload file size restricted.

Personally, I believe this change is not enough to catch up with some much better and cheaper services such as Zevera, which is a multi-host downloading service where you can benefit from multi-service premium downloads with just one account. A single account with all premium access to anything you want from any known FileHoster such as Rapidshare, Hotfile, Megaupload, Mediafire, Depositfiles, Netload, Filesonic, Fileserve etc. is now the choice of smart users.