Mark Zuckerberg took industry by surprise by offering $19 Billion USD to get WhatsApp under the facebook nameplate, and the valuation has certainly made WhatsApp competition to get more aggressive. The second in line after WhatsApp, WeChat with a userbase of 355 million users has started a new messaging wars by releasing videos advertisement depicting Mark Zuckerberg to promote their app showing how are they offering a superior product then WhatsApp. Enjoy, both the new video ads from WeChat shared below.
Microsoft Internet Explorer 9 has been a huge improvement to it's ancestors, it's faster, sleeker, feature rich and good looking. Microsoft advertised IE9 as a faster and future technology proof application with smooth animations and HTML5 magic. Now, here is a funny parody take on that commercial labelled "Internet Explorer 9 Commercial - The Honest version".
Remember those old signature dial-up handshake tones, now somebody slowed down it 700% and the result is some really creepy track. Watch the video and you will agree this could surely qualify for a horror film soundtrack.
This is digital age, and here is an awesome video demonstration of new age magic trick using iPod. Do mind that no camera tricks are used in this video and all this is actually done "live" in one continuous take.
As with any popular world event, the recent killing of world's most wanted terrorist "Osama Bin Laden" by American forces in Pakistan has provided another opportunity to exploit common users curiosity for perpetuating malicious intents of scammers, a wave of viral fake “Osama EXECUTION video” wall-posts are making Facebook users victim while trying to get their hands on the non-existent Osama bin laden death video.
We have seen humorous videos and pics on Google's increasing domination in our life and the privacy nightmare it creates - here is a serious video showing Google's increasing power and their "Master Plan".
If you love fun geeky videos like Java Vs .Net Battle shared earlier, here is another one for you from Intel. Going absolutely viral on Youtube "The Chase Film" is aimed to create excitement around the 2nd Generation Intel Core i5 processor demonstrating it's performance capabilities in a fun and action packed way. The video shows a action-movie styled chase sequence taking place through a wide variety of program windows on a computer desktop, full-video available after the jump.