We have shared tricks to bypass country restrictions and access streaming video services outside USA, but here is something way easier and FASTER to access all those streaming video/audio services from outside USA.
tunlr - would be without a doubt the most easiest, smartest and fastest service to bypass geographic content restrictions out there. The user simply needs to change there DNS servers on PC/ MAC/Linux/mobile device and they can enjoy a plethora of US and UK geographically restricted streaming audio and video services. The service currently supports audio/video streaming from USA video streaming services like - Netflix, Hulu/HuluPlus, CBS, ABC, MTV, theWB, CW TV, Crackle, NBC, FOX, TV.com, PBS, Vevo, History, Lifetime TV; U.S. based audio streaming services - Pandora, Last.fm, Turntable.fm, MOG.com, iHeartRadio; and Non-U.S. based streaming services BBC iPlayer (UK), Channel4 4oD (UK), iTV Player (UK), Zattoo (Switzerland, German). Mobile apps of most of these services are also accessible from restricted countries via this service, and that's not all tunlr DNS service smartly re-routes and tricks only few data packets (which decides whether a user is from intended country or not) and streams real video and audio directly via high-speed, HD link from original service provider for fastest possible speeds.