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Stop Autoplay - Firefox Extension To Make Auto Playing Media On Webpages Play At Will

Block Background Music "Stop AutoPlay" is a free firefox extension to block annoying autoplay media on webpages like background sounds and auto-start movies, Stop Autoplay will stop the auto-loading media and allow you to control whether to play it or not.

Block Unwanted Sounds On A Webpage

To block the autoplay of the embedded media, you have two modes to choose:

  • Disable only the autoplay of the embedded media. In this case, the media file will still be loaded and embedded when page is loading. Press the Play button of the controller when you want.
  • Block the media when loading a page. It will be replaced by a red frame with a play button in the center. Click in the red frame to load and then play it.

It is advised not to use this extension with Flashblock extension for Firefox.

FarCry 2 Development Update

After a successful release of one of the best tropical shooter game "Far Cry" in 2004, Ubisoft is developing the next version of the game named "Far Cry 2", unlike "Far Cry" this time the game will also be made available on XBOX 360 & PS3.

Far Cry 2 Screenshots

A completely new game engine is being developed for the game named "Dunia", this time there will be no concept of "Levels" in the game and everything will be based on an open and dynamic environment, a lot of eye candy is also expected with new real-time day and night lightening and RealTree vegetation system, you will be needing a high-end multi-core CPU and a good Directx10 GPU card to enjoy the game.

Far Cry 2

gOS Rocket Beta Available For Download

gOS is a small & efficient operating system based on Ubuntu & Enlightenment window manager, the main specialization of gOS is its tight integration with Web 2.0 services specially Google Apps, the motto behind the project is to Access your work from anywhere.

gOS Online Office

gOS needs very little system resources to run since all the applications are web based using Ajax to function, gOS was recently released at Consumer Electronics Show 2008 and is now available for free download.

gOS Online Office

gOS Video:

Windows 7 - Microsoft's Upcoming OS Milestone 1 Delivered To Key Partners

Windows 7 Vienna Logo Artistic IllustrationTGDaily has reported with reference from several key industry partners about Microsoft's next OS offering codenamed "Windows 7" being shipped to its key partners as “Milestone 1” (M1) code drop for validation purposes.

Sources claim from a recently distributed roadmap for Windows 7 release to manufacturing in H2 2009. However, Microsoft declined to comment on this date.

Use Process Lasso And Say GoodBye To CPU Hoggers & System Lockup

Process Lasso is an advanced task manager with ability to keep tab on resource hoggers resulting in system lockups and crashes, this small utility sits in your system tray and kicks in when certain user defined conditions are met like an application eating up more than 60% of your CPU cycles, Process Lasso will then avoid system lockup or crash by dynamically lowering process priority of the particular process.

Process Lasso

Author Description:

Process Lasso is a unique new technology intended to automatically adjust the allocation of CPU cycles so that system responsiveness is improved in high-load situations. It does this by dynamically temporarily lowering the priorities of processes that are consuming too many CPU cycles, there-by giving other processes a chance to run if they are in need. This is useful for both single and multi-core processors. No longer will a single process be able to bring your system to a virtual stall.

Process Lasso Download

In addition, Process Lasso offers capabilities such as default process priorities, default process CPU affinities, termination of disallowed processes, and logging of processes executed. With Process Lasso you essentially create rules to manage processes running on your system. For example:

1. Examples Make notepad.exe run at below normal priority each time its launched.
2. Make firefox.exe run only on CPU #1 each time its launched.
3. When any process is consuming 35% or greater of the CPU for 1.5 seconds or more and the total system CPU usage is 95% or greater, lower that process's priority until it returns to 5% CPU utilization.

Rapidshare Manager (RSM) For Premium Users From Rapidshare.Com

Rapidshare released their official download manager "Rapidshare Manager" - a free software for rapidshare premium users to download files without hassle, RapidShare Manager is a user friendly tool to upload and download files from, software allows professional uploading and downloading for beginners as well as experienced users. Upload is possible for premium, collector's and free user. Premium users can upload files with a file size up to 2000 MB. Files bigger than 100 MB can only be downloaded by Premium users, unless the files have been a direct download and the traffic is paid by the file holder. Additional information to this feature can be found in the Premium Zone.

Rapidshare Manager

RapidShare Manager requires Microsoft .NET Framework installed on your computer to run.

Autologin Into Windows XP And Vista Without Entering Password

Both Windows Vista and XP supports multiple user accounts and prompt for login each time computer starts, this can get annoying and time-waster if you are the only user of the computer and do not want to get prompted for password or welcome screen, to get windows to autologin into your user account follow the steps as below:

For Windows Vista:

Free PDF Recovery Tool To Crack Recover PDF Passwords

Acrobat PDF files can be protected using passwords to restrict access to the file itself or certain functions like editing, copying or printing. However in many situations the owner himself forgets the password resulting in an unaccessible document, for such cases there exist several PDF password recovery\cracking software's but most of them are commercial and you need to pay for them. But don't worry we have found something free for you, "PDFCrack" is a open-source command line utility for Linux and Windows to crack PDF passwords with ease, the software uses wordlist and brute force password cracking methods to get its work done.


  1. Supports the standard security handler (revision 2 and 3) on all known PDF-versions
  2. Supports cracking both owner and userpasswords
  3. Both word lists and brute forcing the password is supported
  4. Simple permutations (currently only trying first character as Upper Case)
  5. Save/Load a running job
  6. Simple benchmarking
  7. Optimized search for owner-password when user-password is known

Fone2Phone - Utility To Download Data Off Your Old CellPhone To iPhone

Fone2Phone is a new utility for MacOS allowing you to transfer your contacts, notes, dates, bookmarks, music, photos and videos from your old cell phone to iPhone easily.

Fone2Phone uses a bluetooth connection between your MAC and Old Cellphone to get data on the Mac, from where you can synchronize it to your iPhone.

Fone2Phone is not free and costs 12.52 euros, however a demo version can be downloaded from the author website.

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