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iTunes 8.0 And A New Cheaper And Sleeker iPod Version

Kevin Rose - founder of Digg is claiming to have knowledge of upcoming revamped iPod models and iTunes 8.0 software with lots of new features, in a blog post Kevin also posted pictures of rumored new version of iPod Nano.

New iPod Nano

Kevin is claiming to have knowledge of following rumors:

ClickTale - Free Revolutionary Website HeatMap And Analytics Service

ClickTaleClickTale is an innovative, advanced visitor tracking and web-analytics service, Unlike traditional web analytics, ClickTale provides webmasters with movies of visitor interaction on their webpages aggregating thousands of user browsing-sessions into meaningful reports and heatmaps of user behavior, empowering them to perform in-depth website usability testing and optimization.

The free hosted service allows webmasters to embed a small javascript code like every other web-analytic service and see how exactly visitors browsed their webpages, where they spent most of their time on the page, what they clicked, and what they skipped.

Web Analysis

Show Classic Menus On Microsoft Office 2007 Ribbon Interface

The new Microsoft Office 2007 ribbon interface can be hard to get hold off initially while migrating from older office versions, and it becomes very frustrating trying searching for features on the unfamiliar Ribbon interface, Sadly, Microsoft does not include any option for reverting back to the classic menu, but thanks to independent software vendors solutions do exist to use classic menu's in Microsoft Office 2007.

Microsoft Office 2003 Classic Menu

Simple Tricks To Copy Windows Error Messages For Troubleshooting

Searching internet is one of the most easiest way to troubleshoot error messages, Microsoft Windows allows you to neatly copy text from any Error/Warning/Information/Confirmation message box to clipboard by simply using the standard copy Ctrl + C key combination on the active message box, the copied text can then be pasted on notepad and can be searched for on internet.

Error Message
Copy Error Message

But not all application error dialogs allow users to copy text this easy, this is where GrabTxt comes in, GarbTxt is a free tool to capture text from any window with ease, simply drag the 'X' button to the desired window and the text gets captured, the captured text can then be copied to the clipboard or selected text used to search for details on Google or with the provided shortcut buttons.

FosiX Lite - Free Software For Analyzing And Visualizing Disk Space Usage

FosiX Lite is a free tool designed to let users analyze their disk space usage graphically, We have written about a similar free disk usage charting tool Space Monger earlier.

FosiX Disk Analyzer

provides a simple and easy to diagnose graphical view of the disk-drive with detailed space usage statistics and graphs letting your easily pinpoint the space occupiers, The software lets you easily navigate through those visualized folders by clicking on the chart elements or by using keyboard shortcuts, The handy utility also provides options to easily eliminate temporary files, clean up shortcuts, delete empty folders and clean up internet traces from your hard-disk to free up some space.

reCAPTCHA Mail Hide - Stop Spam Bots Harvesting Your Email Address from Webpages

Stop SpamPosting emails addresses on public forums and webpages is a sure shot way to get your email address picked by Spam Bots and get listed on spam lists, the most common hack used to prevent SPAM BOTS is to post email address in malformed state for example can be posted as xyz [AT] but as spam harvesters get smart with ever evolving algorithms this is not a fool proof method, similarly Javascript email encoders can also be decoded and e-mail captured.

reCAPTCHA Mail Hide is a simple, fast, fool-proof and free solution to the problem, reCAPTCHA Mail Hide brings proven CAPTCHA based spam protection to prevent your email address from automated email harvesters, using reCAPTCHA Mailhide is very simple just visit this page and submit the email address you wish to protect and post on internet, the service will then give you a simple copy and paste HTML code and a unique URL which you can post on webpages, blogs, comments and forums, the html code snippet will display your partial email address and revealing the full e-mail address requires users to solve a CAPTCHA.

Protected Email Address
Encrypted Email

Change Your Drives Icons And Background Image

Drive IconsDrives Background Image 2.0 is a nice little free utility to set custom Windows Drives Icons and Windows explorer Background image, the software lets you easily select and set your favorite image as background image and Drives Icon at your will.

Drive Wallpaper

You can have different backgrounds and icons for each drive and get relived from the same old plain explorer white background and default Windows drive icons.

Free Activation Keys For Kaspersky AntiVirus 7.0

UPDATE : 100% working trick to activate your copy of Kaspersky to genuine version.

Kaspersky provides some of the best security software solutions available today, always topping the anti-virus test charts with best detection rates, Now you can also enjoy the benefits of there world-class anti-virus for free, in a promotional offer similar to the McAfee Free Anti-Virus offer shared earlier you can grab a 6 month genuine license key for Kaspersky Antivirus 7 absolutely free.

Kaspersky AntiVirus 7

Simply follow the following steps to get your own personal genuine KAV 7.0 activation key which won't get blacklisted.

This is just one of the many helpful tips we have posted, You can find more stories here,
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