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Windows Worm Downadup On The Rise Secure Your PC Now

High risk Microsoft Windows worm Win32/Conficker is on the rise, according to a report by F-Secure a fresh variant of the worm is propagating fast and has already infected more then nine million computers exploiting Windows Server service vulnerability, once infected the user is being prevented from visiting anti-virus and anti-malware websites making it very difficult to fix the infection.

How Win32/Conficker Spreads

How Win32/Conficker Spreads

Microsoft has issued a fix long back in last October via Security Update MS08-067, if you are not infected you can apply the patch and get secured against the vulnerability, however, if you are already infected download the free Removal patch from F-Secure from the link at end of the post.

Toddler Proof Your Computer By Locking Keyboard, CD Drives And Power Button

Yesterday, I posted about free utility Toddler Trap for locking keyboard and mouse, however if you have kids around your computer there are strong chances that they press the Power or CD/DVD drive buttons on your computer resulting in unwanted situations, here is yet another handy free utility "Toddler Keys" which will prevent these unwanted situations by locking computer Keyboard, Mouse, Power and CD/DVD buttons.

Disable Mouse, Keyboard, CD/DVD Drives And Power Button

The utility also lets you configure custom sounds and images which can be used on every keystroke to let the little ones enjoy their encounter with computer, you need to type word quit (can be customized) to exit the lock.

Locking Keyboard And Mouse For Cleaning Or Preventing Toddlers From Messing Your PC

Keyboard TrapGetting your computer keyboard and mouse locked is a much needed functionality while cleaning it or when you have toddlers around your computer, free portable utility Toddler Trap lets you achieve this functionality with ease, just launch the small application and it will take focus negating any keystrokes and mouse movements.

Toddler Trap

Once activated the only action you can take with your keyboard or mouse is to close the application using the X button.

Removing Fake AntiSpyware Software's Like MS AntiSpyware 2009

There exist hundreds of fake anti-spyware and anti-virus software's with the sole aim of forcing computer users into paying for removal of nonexistent malware, these genre of fake products is known as Rogue Anti-Spyware Products, these malicious applications gets installed on computers by deceiving users using false advertising or by taking advantage of security vulnerabilities, once installed these applications display false malware detections, nagging user with false security alerts and even disable access to certain functions urging users to buy the product and remove detected malware's and restrictions.

Fake MS AntiSpyware 2009

One of the most common rogue antispyware application is MS AntiSpyware 2009 and MS AntiVirus 2009, once installed this rogue antispyware nags user with fake alerts and buy now dialog boxes.

Microsoft Office 14 Screenshots !

MS Office 14 LogoA probable concept screenshot of Microsoft Office 14 is now leaked out from a powerpoint presentation hosted at Microsoft servers, Microsoft has not declared any release dates or roadmap for the next version of Microsoft Office but speculation is that Microsoft Office 14 will get released in 2010.

Click To Enlarge

Microsoft Office 14

As you can see the new design has refined ribbon interface with image controls in status-bar, the screenshot seems to be of Grava - a utility for educational content creators which is rumored to be a part of MS Office 14.

Windows 7 Beta Download And Genuine License Key

Microsoft Windows 7 Beta 1 which got leaked and cracked earlier is now officially available as a public download, Microsoft is also giving away 2.5 million free legitimate keys to let users try the first Beta of their upcoming operating system.

Windows 7 Product Key

Windows 7 Beta 1 downloads are in huge demand slowing down the Microsoft download servers, you can download and get legitimate activations keys for 32 Bit and 64 Bit Windows 7 using the following method:

Free, Simple And Fast CD/DVD/Blu-Ray/HD-DVD Burner For Windows

JetBeeIf you are looking for a small, simple, fast and free CD, DVD and Blue-Ray burning solution JetBee would be the best solution currently available, I have written about Free Nero Alternative before but this one is far better then any other free CD/DVD burner out there.

JetBee CD/DVD Burner

JetBee is pretty small with installer sized only 1.59 MB and application just 658 KB, the application launches almost instantly and you simply need to Drag-N-Drop files and Click the Burn button to start the burning process, the application then minimize to the system tray so you can work on other things unobtrusively, this is by far the most easiest and fast approach you can get in a CD/DVD/Blue-Ray burner application, JetBee allows creation of Audio-CD, DVD Video and UDF discs with full support for creation of multi-session and bootable media featuring buffer underrun protection, test writing, and optimal power calibration.

Cool Laptop Battery Power Monitor For Windows 98, XP, And 2003

Laptop Power MonitorMicrosoft Windows provide a small power icon to display the battery status in system tray, the small icon provides a rough idea about the amount of power remaining and the user is required to hover the mouse over the icon to get the exact amount in percentage, to make things more noticeable and detailed there exist quite a few battery monitoring software's but all of them take up precious desktop space to display the power status, to solve this problem free utility Power Meter Plus uses a smart approach displaying the power status transparently, the meter gradually becomes more visible as the power levels drop, meaning the lower the power the more noticeable the meter will be.

Power Meter Plus

Handy Firefox Addon To Bypass Rapidshare Ban And Automate Downloading

If your institution or ISP blocks access to Rapidshare, free Firefox addon "Download Rapidshare @ Office" can be the solution you are looking for, the handy little addon changes Rapidshare links (rs* to IP's fooling the proxy server into allowing the access, you just need to paste all your Rapidshare links into the addon toolbar and it takes care of everything else including managing the wait-times restrictions, the whole process is fully automatic and very easy, you can also use this to download multiple files as a Rapidshare free user easily.

Rapidshare Automated Downloading

Windows 7 Beta Leaked Version Could Corrupt Your MP3's

Windows 7Microsoft Windows 7 Beta 1 which got leaked and cracked a few days ago, is being reported to corrupt some MP3 files when used via included Windows Media Player 12, users on forums are reporting data corruption issues because of this bug in Windows 7 beta 1 build 7000 while playing MP3 files using Windows Media Player 12, Approximately 2-3 seconds data will get cut-off from the beginning of MP3s as Windows Media Player 12 tries to retrieve meta-information from internet and write it to any MP3 file with a Meta data header larger than 16KB.

Windows Media Player 12 Bug
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