Submitted by Deepesh Agarwal on Thu, 01/05/2012 - 07:14
Volume² is an free advanced Windows volume controller replacement, allowing users to control system volume by rotating the mouse wheel, hotkeys, or simply moving the mouse cursor to the edges of the screen. Users also get configurable, cool display options and the current volume level numbers gets displayed in the taskbar. The application also supports the audio mixer feature with advanced volume controls, scheduler, an on-screen display (OSD), command-line support, the ability to store and recall presets via one mouse click or system-wide hot keys.

Volume 2 can be downloaded from the official website at - You can also try 3RVX - another free skinnable alternative to native windows volume control.
super !!
super !!
volumouse is
volumouse is better
compared to this Volume-2; volumouse uses about 3/4 less memory and near no CPU usage but no fancy OSD nor scheduler were included.
New version of Volume2
New version
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