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Windows 7 Hack Tool Goes Open-Source, Now Available For Download

Windows 7 HackingFew days ago I posted the most easiest way to hack into any computer running Windows 7, Vista, XP, Gentoo, Debian, Ubuntu and Fedora bypassing the login completely, the hack allowed users to bypass the login and access operating-system with root or administrator privileges, Now, two Indian security researchers Vipin Kumar and Nitin Kumar have publicly released their Windows 7 exploit code VBootkit 2.0 as open-source under GPL license allowing hackers to exploit Windows 7 kernel undetected without modifying any files on the disk, the whole process takes place in memory exploiting trusted kernel files with hacker's code allowing them to gain control of the user computer without getting detected.

Using VBootkit To Hack Windows 7

The demonstration download includes fully compiled binary files and source-code with the remote command controlling utility which can be used to send commands to exploited Windows 7 computer.

Free Utility To Check Support For Hardware Virtualization Feature On Your CPU

XP ModeWindows 7 XP Mode is must for users facing incompatible application problems on the latest operating system, but not all users can benefit from this feature as it requires hardware virtualization support from your CPU, the most easiest way to check whether your CPU supports Hardware Virtualization or not would be free portable utility SecurAble, the simple utility won't bog you down with complicated data displaying only three CPU features with bold graphics including processor bit-length, hardware D.E.P. and hardware virtualization support.

SecurAble Screen Displaying CPU Features

Microsoft Windows 7 RC Official Download Links

Windows 7Much awaited Windows 7 RC 1 is now officially available for download from Microsoft servers, you can find direct ISO download links at end of this post, the first release candidate of the upcoming operating system is set to expire on June 1, 2010 giving users plenty of time to test the platform before purchasing.

Using Windows 7 Virtual XP Mode To Run Incompatible Applications

Windows 7 CompatibilityCustom and legacy software application compatibility has always been an issue with newer operating system platforms, and if this is the reason stopping you from upgrading to the latest operating-system technology all new Microsoft Windows Virtual XP Mode is now here for rescue, the XP virtulization technology integrates seamlessly with host system offering a streamlined experience with full backward application compatibility, to check the new Virtual XP Mode in Windows 7 I tested it using popular accounting software Tally 7.2 which is incompatible with Windows Vista and Windows 7, launching the application on Windows 7 throws the error as shown below.

Tally On Windows 7

Setting up Virtual XP Mode and making applications work with it is quite easy and simply requires users to install applications on guest operating system, you can follow the easy to setup guide ahead to make non-compatible applications work in Windows 7 using Virtual XP Mode.

Free Utilities To Print Folder File List With Ease

Directory PrinterAt times we need to print listing of all file contained inside a directory, and if you are looking for a simple to use handy utility for this here are few good free options.

JR Directory Printer is an portable directory printer for Windows featuring recursive directory scanning with options to provide output in lowercase and DOS filenames with selectable file details.

Free Directory Lister For Windows

JR Directory Printer is the most easy to use directory printer but if you are looking for something more advanced with advanced formatting options and filtering conditions Karen's Directory Printer and LS - File List Generator would be the perfect choice.

Windows 7 Virtual XP Mode Public Download Availability Announced

Windows 7 XP ModeOld application compatibility has always been an roadblock preventing users and organizations from upgrading to newer operating-system technologies, to take care of the problem Microsoft has now introduced Virtual XP Mode in its upcoming Windows 7 operating system, a fully functional licensed copy of Windows XP SP3 will be available via Windows Virtual PC Beta to users of Windows 7 Professional, Ultimate, and Enterprise editions enabling u

Simple Hack To Bypass Logon Passwords On Windows 7, Vista, XP, Gentoo, Debian, Ubuntu and Fedora

Computer PasswordImagine the security nightmare if general users are able to bypass your operating system security and logon as Administrator or root account having all privileges by simply inserting an floppy or CD, now this scary situation is possible using a prototype software KON-BOOT which hacks into Windows and linux kernel on the fly while booting, the novice friendly softwares allows users to bypass logon passwords completely by simply booting via the KON-BOOT CD or Floppy disk, in its current incarnation the software has been tested to bypass logon passwords on Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003/2008, Gentoo, Ubuntu, Debian and Fedora.

Hacking Windows And Linux Logon Passwords

Just follow the simple steps ahead to create KON-BOOT bootable CD or Floppy and bypass logon passwords easily.

Peacekeeper Is Here To Decide World's Fastest Webbrowser

PeacekeeperWhile the browser war gets hotter after every new release claiming to be the worlds fastest web-browser, a new free online service from Futuremark suitably named PeaceKeeper lets users benchmark web-browsers allowing them to compare scores on their systems.

Browser Benchmark
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