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Winamp Media Player Now Available On Android - Features Wi-Fi Sync And Shoutcast Support

After RealPlayer and MPlayer yet another popular multimedia player "Winamp" has landed onto Google Android platform.

With impressive features like Wireless Desktop Sync, SHOUTcast Radio, complete Android media management with sync to desktop library, Persistent Player Controls, Play Queue Management, Widget Players & Shortcuts etc., Winamp For Android is certainly going to find it's place as the default multimedia player of choice for many.

Winamp Android

Airtel 3G Services Launched - Tariff, Availability And Activation Procedure Here

Much awaited Airtel 3G services are finally launched in Karnataka and is scheduled to get rolled-out in all 13 telecom-circles it has won licenses for by March 2011. We got an exclusive peak inside Airtel 3G services and were even succeeded in accessing Airtel 3G Portal while in testing. The service is now officially launched and tariff announced, with comparison to BSNL 3G offering I am not excited with Airtel's 3G rate-card as posted ahead.

Airtel 3G

Chronic-Dev Team Finally Ready To Deliver iOS 4.2.1 Untethered Jailbreak

Chronic Dev Team has finally achieved success in developing an untethered jailbreak for iOS 4.2.1 and the same is scheduled to be pushed for end-users via greenpois0n update soon. A demo video is posted by the team as a proof as posted after the jump.

greenpois0n rc 5 demo

Bake Your Own Custom Android ROM Online Using RomKitchen

rom kitchenThe best thing about open-source software is that custom version of them can be created and shared provided that you have the required technical knowledge, we have earlier blogged about the online custom Linux distro maker SUSE Studio making things easier for non-programmers and today we have something on the similar lines but for Google Android.

As the name suggest "RomKitchen" allows users to customize, compile and download there own version of Google Android OS by doing everything online in less than 5 minutes, the free online customization service supports only Samsung Galaxy S and Captivate as of now and allows users to pick there choice of Base ROM, Kernel, Modem, CSC, Apps, Tweaks, Themes and Boot Animation (coming soon) offering the most easy-to-use, personal custom android rom experience.

Android ROM Kitchen

MPlayer Ported To Android - Supports All Major Multimedia Formats, Subtitles And Streaming

MPlayer LogoIf you are not a big fan of funky graphical user-interface like RealPlayer For Android and need a basic yet powerful multimedia player for Google Android "MPlayer Android Port" is for you. Supporting playback of all major video-codecs like .avi, .mp4,.mkv etc. the android port of popular free and open source media-player MPlayer also supports all subtitle formats, proper audio-video syncing and online media streaming.

MPlayer Port Running On Android

GeoHot Offered Free "Windows Phone 7" By Dev Team To Let Him Jailbreak And Develop Upon

WP7 Jailbreak

Unlike Sony and Apple, Microsoft is actually encouraging (or having a soft spot) for jail-breaking their mobile-phone, impressed by Microsoft's approach with ChevronWP7 jailbreakers (they called them to Redmond and gifted them the T-Shirt shown below) jail-breaking star GeoHot posted "perhaps a more appropriate way to deal with jailbreakers, I’m going out to buy a Windows 7 phone" on his website which resulted in some rather interesting response from Windows Mobile 7 Dev Experience Team Director "Brandon Watson" who tweeted back offering a free phone to him to develop upon :

"#geohot if you want to build cool stuff on #wp7, send me email and the team will give you a phone - let dev creativity flourish #wp7dev"

WP7 Jailbreak Reward

Download RealPlayer Beta For Android Devices

"Real Player" the popular multimedia player from RealNetworks is now available on Google Android OS as a BETA release, in it's current build the multimedia-player makes it easier for users to play and organize music, photos and videos. No streaming options are seen as of now but considering the fact that RealNetworks is mostly known for there audio/video streaming services the feature must get unveiled in future builds.

Real Player Beta For Android Mobile

Featuring an intuitive user interface managing your multimedia collection on the device gets simpler, high-resolution application images with direct download link available after the jump.

Apple iPad 2 Leaked Video

While there is not much information available about the next-generation Apple iPad 2 the tablet is rumored to be releasing officially in February, 2011, the rumor-mill is once again hot after leak of the following video allegedly showing Apple iPad 2 which is said to be leaked from CES 2011 via an Chinese iPad accessory supplier.

Apple iPad 2

Full-video after the jump.

GeoHot Sued By Sony For Jail-breaking PlayStation 3

Unlike cellphone companies game-console makers subsidize their products to later make money by selling game-copies earning huge-margins, and this exact reason seems to be the motive why Sony Corporation has taken the legal-route filing an lawsuit against Geohot and the fail0verflow team for developing PlayStation 3 exploits and jailbreak tools releasing them in public which could potentially lead to Pirated PS3 Games hurting Sony's revenue stream.

GeoHot Website Informing About The Lawsuit
Sony PlayStation 3
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