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PS3 iso

GeoHot Sued By Sony For Jail-breaking PlayStation 3

Unlike cellphone companies game-console makers subsidize their products to later make money by selling game-copies earning huge-margins, and this exact reason seems to be the motive why Sony Corporation has taken the legal-route filing an lawsuit against Geohot and the fail0verflow team for developing PlayStation 3 exploits and jailbreak tools releasing them in public which could potentially lead to Pirated PS3 Games hurting Sony's revenue stream.

GeoHot Website Informing About The Lawsuit
Sony PlayStation 3

First Ever Custom Firmware For Sony PlayStation 3 Is Here...

It was just a matter of time before coders start developing custom-firmwares for Sony PS3 console after public root-key leakage by GeoHot, the news is, that milestone has just been reached with first-ever custom-firmware being made available to public by developer who goes by name - Kakaroto.

Geohot PWNS Sony PlayStation 3, Posts Root Keys In Public Encouraging Homebrew

As expected GeoHot has finally pwned Sony PS3 posting METLDR root key publicly. The "root-key" or “private key” is used by the console to block unauthorized access to system-critical portions of the internal firmware effectively preventing piracy and hacking.

Sony PlayStation 3 Exploit Goes Public - Expect Hombrew Soon

GeoHot Hacks Into Sony Playstation 3 Firmware

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