Windows Server 2008 is the next server OS offering from Microsoft, successor to Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008 introduces most of the new features from Windows Vista to Windows Server.
Windows Server 2008 is built from the same code base as Windows Vista Service Pack 1; therefore, it shares much of the same architecture and functionality. As the code base is common, it automatically benefits from most of the technical, security, management and administrative features new to Windows Vista such as the new improved rewritten networking stack (native IPv6, native wireless, speed and security improvements); improved image-based installation, deployment and recovery; improved diagnostics, monitoring, event logging and reporting tools; new security features such as Bitlocker and ASLR; improved Windows Firewall with secure default configuration; .NET Framework 3.0 technologies, specifically Windows Communication Foundation, Microsoft Message Queuing and Windows Workflow Foundation; and the core kernel, memory and file system improvements. Processors and memory devices are modelled as Plug and Play devices, to allow hot-plugging of these devices. This allows the system resources to be partitioned dynamically using Dynamic Hardware Partitioning; each partition having its own memory, processor and I/O host bridge devices independent of other partitions.
Major New Features In Windows Server 2008:
- Self-healing NTFS file system - No need to take down server and perform low-level Disk check.
- Windows Hardware Error Architecture (WHEA)- A standard way to report errors by server applications.
- Windows Server Virtualization.
- PowerShell - New command shell to completely replace GUI.
- Kernel Transaction Manager - to solve registry and file system corruption caused by multiple threads seeking access to the same resource.
- All new SMB2 network file system.
- A better service shutdown system.
You can download Windows Server 2008 RC1 as a 30 day trial via direct links from the link below:
password for trial
I downloaded win server enterprise 2008 trial and when it was completed it asks for a admin pass word that I do not know. Is this a standard login and password for this trial?
Please help.
actually no .. it asks u to
actually no .. it asks u to set a password for the administrator account (1st log in only) and it must be a complix one .. what means it must include at least 3 of the following character types:
*special characters .. like @,$, .. etc
you may try Microsoft default password : P@$$w0rD
good luck
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