Submitted by Deepesh Agarwal on Tue, 03/11/2008 - 11:32
We have reviewed several free VOIP service provider from time to time, Voixio is another such free ad-supported VOIP provider, Voixio offers an easy to use flash interface to make free VOIP and video calls worldover, before connecting the call Voixio displays an video advertisement, this is the most promising ad-supported VOIP service we have reviewed.

You will need to register for a free account at Voixio in order to make calls, the signup is very easy, however you can use the login "" and password "" to start testing things without registering, After testing do post your feedback in the comments below.
Email and login?
Voixio is seeking for email and password login, is MegaLeecher the password? What is the email login then?
Free VOIP Offer
you can register for a account anyways here are new details for our readers:
Login :
Password :
Are you serious about this? I've been looking EVERYWHERE for free calling online. so is that really legit?
This is 100% legit, the company gets your calls money by showing advertisements before call.
Help not working
i am from bombay(india) n tried 2 call myself @ +919969813102
i saw the add n but didnt called my mobile phone n gave this reason...
your call was not placed
voixio will be live on 1st april....
Voixio is seeking for email and password login, is MegaLeecher the password? What is the email login then?
how to make calls in India
how to make calls in India itself????
give some hint
i made a call to
i made a call to hyderabad(india)
its working
sir ,
i need to speak with my friend , so help me how it is work? how to do ?
I made a call to india and it was working for twice...
But when i called for the third time it showed me that there are no free call from this pc today,.......
Some 1 plz help me
i want 2 call in pakistan from egypt wht can i do my emails is
some 1 plz help me i m wating 4 some 1 reply
hello this is very easy
spend some money to call because our goverment wants us to spend money on calling
i want cal
its working!
its working good....
but after 2~3 calls i got prompt no free calls from this pc today.....
do you have some trick or hack to make unlimited calls????
how does it work
i tried that free login but it does not work
bee cool
bee cool
I can Haz cheeszeburger?
no download
no download link was found on their webpage
international phone
how can i call international call
how can i make a
how can i make a call?????????
30 Minutes free per day
I just tried it and it gives 30 minutes free per day. I guess you could create more than one account if you are determined to get more time free, but eventually that would get confusing.
30 Minutes free per day
I think it works through your IP address and if you r trying to create many accounts i think they will not work because the IP address will remain same.
doesnt work waste of time !
doesnt work
waste of time !
vau!! vau!!
it works!!
in ukraine at list
thanks a lot, man!
Is this totally free services?
how it works?
Is this totally free
Is this totally free services?
password is wrng
password is wrng
I call from canada and you
I call from canada and you can only make 1 five minute call per day to India. Fo second call you will have to wait for 24 hrs again.
The clarity is very good
The greatest VOIP calling service!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I tried to call India and it really worked.
Thanks for that.
But for India it gives us free call for only 10mins.
After that we have to wait next 24hrs.
The voice quality is not bad and not too good also.
But anyways it's good b'cause it's free.
Thanks to VOIXIO and MEGALEECHER for posting it in the blog.
Saini Avoxip.
It works Great.
finally it works but call was for 6 min. only and then got disconnected and after that shows that call limit reached. i will again try tomorrow whether will work again or not
Great Great Great Great Great Great
Really its works.
thaks to all very niveee voip callinggggggggg
thanksss tooo all
It works, but only 3 minutes
only 5 min, clarity less
only 5 min, clarity less
very very good !!
Awesome software... clarity is too good... I called from Sweden to a mobile in India.... Thanks a lot pal :-)
Call hassles free for just 1 cent with Reliance Icall
Hey buddy try reliance icall instead.Reliance icall is better than any free voip provider.
1 cent calling to 20 countries worldwide.
1 cent calling to USA, India, China, Israel, Canada, Singapore, Thailand and landlines only in Malaysia, Germany, UK, Italy, Spain, Australia, New Zealand, Taiwan, Denmark, Sweden, Switzerland, Ireland, Colombia(select cities). This is supported by its state of the art network across the world which gives best call quality with zero call drops. Do visit their website at
it doesent work
it doesent work
how do i download free
hi room how do i download Free VOIP Calls To Landline And Mobile Phones World Over ? can someone show me how and where i can download?
It's working...
It's working... Thnx lot. Just now i call Malaysia to Bangladesh 5 min total free.... :)
How to call and software to talk and how to download it
Hi i want to know how to find out the software which provides free calls allover the world
can u please get i 'll be thank full to u.
user name and password nt workin
user name and password nt workin . and mention the steps to download
waitin for ur reply
working Great
working Great
hi guys, let me tel you that
hi guys,
let me tel you that if you download regcleaner software (wich is free)and when your time limit finished for 24 hours uninstall megaleecher and then run regcleaner after that reinstall megaleecher and you will get again free time and that you can do again and again...its take some minuts but who care if you get free time to talk with yours loved ones.hope its help you,,bye
I don't seem to be able to
I don't seem to be able to use regcleaner? I keep getting "regcleaner is having problems". How does this works?
Hi how does this work as I
how does this work as I don't seem to be able to call?
can i use this service From
can i use this service From egypt to land lines in USA, wz unlimited calls
It does not work. I tried to
It does not work. I tried to make call from usa pc to usa local number but it did not work.
the username or password is
the username or password is wrong i cant sign in????
How to do that?? can someone help me?
is that right???
Calls to Sudan
Al-salam Alykoum;
Am searching for a program to call mobile phones in sudan with the lowest fare; any one can help me ? please respond to my e-mail address:
Thank you;;;;;;;;;
muhammad waqas
i m searching for free call in uk any one can help me i am waiting for reply soon plzzzz help me i really need this ( this my id .
That's nice service. Keep it up!
does this work?
hey im trying to call india from malaysia. wondering if this still works?
Still working..
I checked it out and sounds like awesome because its working like charm :-)
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