Submitted by Deepesh Agarwal on Wed, 07/29/2009 - 06:49
Mozilla has posted very first mockups of Firefox 4.0 on Windows, the new mockups proposes two designs one including top-tabs similar to Google Chrome and the other one similar to existing design minus some buttons and new location bar, in both the designs the main aim seems pretty clear and that is to save some space, I hope the Google Chrome style made it to final release.

how do download ???
I want ask the same question:how to down firefox 4 mockups.
Why not give a link???
I think I should DO A GOOGLE SEARCH.
Nice infographics
Thanks in advance for any advice!
abd alrazak
why don't give a link !!!???
why don't give a link !!!???
firefox 4
link please?????.....
firefox 4
link !!!
why there's no link
There's no link because it's not available for download.
Nice really nice, more streamlined look. Cant wait for the final version
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