Few days ago I posted the most easiest way to hack into any computer running Windows 7, Vista, XP, Gentoo, Debian, Ubuntu and Fedora bypassing the login completely, the hack allowed users to bypass the login and access operating-system with root or administrator privileges, Now, two Indian security researchers Vipin Kumar and Nitin Kumar have publicly released their Windows 7 exploit code VBootkit 2.0 as open-source under GPL license allowing hackers to exploit Windows 7 kernel undetected without modifying any files on the disk, the whole process takes place in memory exploiting trusted kernel files with hacker's code allowing them to gain control of the user computer without getting detected.

The demonstration download includes fully compiled binary files and source-code with the remote command controlling utility which can be used to send commands to exploited Windows 7 computer.
Download Vootkit 2.0 With Source-Code [3.4 MB] >>
ROFL takes your system a min to boot up?? LOL buy more ram, or better yet, a computer that can effeciently run Win7.
are you wearing glasses?
he's using vmware... If the boot screen was too quick for you.
Need for speed
give ur pc a few red bulls causing it to get hyper and eventually running faster!!
What Song Was That
Whats that Last Song Live Its Up What Is It :"( Please send it to me..........
can u say me how to hack all things????????
i m willing to do learn it.....
i have no guide at all..........
can u teach me.......
@Hacking - Impossible I loved
@Hacking - Impossible
I loved hacking windows back in the days, now it just seams pointless!, i only did it for fun!!!
need help
I just want to ask a question, i have windows 7 hacked version and i wanted to install internet explorer 9 so i did and after downloading it from clubic site..i hade a windows says that it's gathering necessary updates then it says installing them ...i didnt wait it to finish and i close it ..then i went to see the new updates and i found one frm Microsoft and i disunstall it and my pc automatically rebooted
and now i;m afraid that my windows will be messed up...so how can i know if that will happen and if it does can i just install my windows again?
i hope u give me the answer soon ..i'm really worried
Download link don't work.
Download link don't work.
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