Microsoft Windows DirectX 10 features heavily improved 3D rendering capabilities and several new features to deliver a new generation of visual effects with significantly improved game and 3-D application performance, Sadly, DirectX 10 is officially available for Windows Vista only and Microsoft has no plans to release DirectX 10 for Windows XP, However, guys at "Falling Leaf Systems" ported DirectX 10 on Windows XP starting the project named "Alky" with the aim to provide compatibility libraries for making DirectX 10 work on Windows XP with full support for application development API's, the Alky project is now closed but the source-code is made open-source for further development by community.

The free DirectX 10 compatibility libraries provided by Alky project allow's developers to create DirectX 10 powered games and applications on platforms other than Windows Vista using Microsoft DirectX 10 SDK and API's, Windows XP users on forums and blogs are reporting successfully using Alky's DirectX 10 for Windows XP to port and play Directx 10 only games like Halo 2 and Shadowrun on Windows XP.
You can download Alky's un-official DirectX 10 For Windows XP here, once downloaded simply extract the zip archive and copy the d3d10.dll, d3dx10.dll, d3dx10.dll, dxgi.dll, and Nucleus.dll files to your Windows folder usually C:\windows\system32\.
Direct download links:
DirectX 10 For Windows XP [Zip file, 843 KB] >>
DirectX 10 For Windows XP Source Code [Zip file, 4.48 MB] >>
NOTE: This is an unofficial hack of DirectX 10 and might be illegal and harmful to use, this is posted here for educational purpose only - Use at your own risk.
Direct download links
Direct download links
nice files
very thank
very thank
thank you
thanks for the directx 10
some problem
i had a problem on my installed games because of this...
example: gta san andreas fail to run.and other old games that release on directx 8...
do u know why ?
or it's my mistake on installing it??
gta san andeas fail to run
no mistakes on installation from cd will occur.if yes,uninstall then reinstall back.if it still fails.that means the computer u are using may be out of date or your computer did not meet the requirements of the game:
The operating system has to be Windows 2000 or Windows XP with DirectX 9.0 installed.
If you want be able to run GTA: San Andreas, the game has to find on your PC the following: 1 GHz CPU, 256 MB of RAM, graphics card with 64 MB RAM and 3.6 GB of free space on the hard disk. These are the minimum requirements.
For a smooth gaming experience, Rockstar recommends a Pentium 4 or AMD Athlon XP, 384 MB RAM and a 128 MB graphics card. An Audigy2 soundblaster and a gamepad are also recommended.
The full version of the game will require 4.7 GB of free space.
posaljite mi igru
gta san andreas
Vry Nice
All this has to be increased
do more researches
this really worked
a DX 10 game worked
retard who can't spell
Graphics Moron not grafics
Oi not everybody speaks
Oi not everybody speaks English natively. What he/she wrote would be typical of a Spanish speaking individual who is attempting to be polite by writing here in English. I am so sick of individuals who consider the internet an excuse to drop all effort at wisdom and just mouth off like juveniles on the school bus. Why don't you think first?
yeah man espeacially since
yeah man espeacially since spanish is a phinetic language meaning you spell it the same way as how it sounds
That'd be 'phonetic' then
That'd be 'phonetic' then
Dude, but she\he can use
Dude, but she\he can use his\her brain and use Google Translator! Sucker :-P
Fuck man give us download link.... U asshole...
wheres the link fuck
wheres the link fuck
wow lol
the link is right FUCKING THERE
Dont scold
You fellows don't use brain and know only fucking.The link is there above^
Why do you give us THAT link? I never download from those guys as I cannot download from their site....common guys, some of us are in darkest Africa...KEEP IT SIMPLE STUPID...?
Dowload DrirectX V10
manila directX
nice it works on xp home edition !!!
hahhah..maza a gaya
maja a gaya launde....gajab ka hai yeh
Here's the link is you want
Here's the link is you want it Or you can use the link on top it's the same
DX 10
if you are not sure about the link DL it @ ds link
hope it helps!!!
and ds is safe for real!!!
dont be a noob!!
where should i find the origional dix 10 which is 58mb....?????
thank you
thank you
were i dowland
were i dowland directX 10 ????
thank you
thank you
thank you
thank you
I m having this error "The application failed to initialize properly (0xc0000005). Click OK to terminate the problem"
My game have 2's for launching using DX9 the other DX10 I only get this error when i try launching it using DX10 even after I installed the above DX10...All I have to do is just extract the files into C:\windows\system32\ right ?
Download DirectX 10 For Windows XP
thnks verey mtch
thx you
thx for directx 10 :):):):)
thanks you
thx for directx 10
thank you
thank you
RapidShare just sucks
Could you please upload it in other site?
thank you
In Indonesian
Where do you Live ?
i wan 2 install it but it is will harm my window xp cos i already format my window xp 3th time 1.cos i cant play gta 4(parental eror) 2.cos im using vista transforming pack (damn u vista pack) 3.time i will take care my new pc =="................................... ( i dun wan 2 format it again it will harm my system requipment)
i give up
i give up ov instaling this its just to complex fore me...
there must be an easyer way.
No dx10 or 11 for XP
MS has no XP release for dx10 or 11 (Win7-Vista only)
Most of the downloads are trojans..
Try installing and then try dxdiag (run command).. you'll see XP still runs on 9.0c (the latest MS release)
Thank you ^^
Thank you ^^
how was it differnt ??
how was it differnt ??
Makaseh yu, api sai wat
Makaseh yu, api sai wat ngerti?
need the dx direct download
This Download..
DirectX 10 For Windows XP here,
The Files don't work.
I'm Trying to get Direct X for Windows XP.
I clicked on the link and went and downloaded the files.
Once I had the files downloaded I extracted them to
C: - Windows - System32
Then once they where placed in there
I tried to use the program FPSC x10 Which is a mandatory for you to have DX10 for it to be used.
The Program did not work and gave me a error and almost killed my computer which I have to Quickly
do a System Restore and Went to blue screen a couple of times intill I got back hear to post this.
Now Normally on DX9 you can use the program but you just can't test maps or do some things.
But them things I can't do I REALLY need to do.
I don't think the files work and I SERIOUSLY say don't download them.
Unless someone can tell me I did something wrong or there is something else that needs to be done.
But I did fellow what I was told and all I got was Error's and Blue Screens.
I would love it if someone would send me a E-mail telling me how to do it my e-mail is:
This thing f$*kt up my computer. All games work very bad. I don’t recommended to install. just install vista or 7. i want the regular updates because i am a heavy gamer.
Good luck!
Haha real funny reading what
Haha real funny reading what story this made in the comment section.
Works.. but most dx10 games
Works.. but most dx10 games require Vista… you can play the russian version of Cryostasis on XP (vista only) with this fix.
Halo 2
I recently installed halo 2 on my xp pc, it works fine, but when I go onto the cmpaign, it doesn't work, it goes as far as the choosing difficulty, but when I choose it, all the options go away and the background is still there. Then it stops the music, and starts again with the choir music, and 5 seconds into it, it stops and restarts the background animation and restarts the choir music and into it another 5 seconds it stops and does the same thing. IT DOES THAT FoREVER until I press esc or backspace Which takes me back to choosing difficulty. Please tellme if getting directx 10 would fix this.
directx10 for XP
Does it really works?well, actually i try to install it first.Then it really appears in my dxdiag that i had a directx10.But when i try to run the game it says directx10 not installed.Hows that?
that's good
There is NO Directx 10 for PC
Do your research ladies and gentlemen!
Microsoft DID NOT publish directx 10 & 11 for XP. If they did, they would lose sales in Vista and Windows 7. Only thing left to do is actually buy =(.
D.X 10
Thank you very much.
It doesn't work on my pc.
It doesn't work on my pc.
Hey there guys! I just wanna
Hey there guys! I just wanna ask u if this DX10 works with game "They Came From The Skies" Thanks
Microsoft Windows DirectX 10
I have installed it in my PC. It has great features for 3D Renderings but When a DirectX 10 application runs on a Windows Vista-based computer that has multiple graphics cards, the computer does not use the secondary graphics card.
thanks for this site owners or partners for posting max info for everything that corresponds to what we search..........
thank you
thank you
Re: File Not Found
The Dx10 download files were taken offline by RapidShare "File Not Found" is the error you get if you attempt to download it. I had to go to the pirate bay in order to get my copy of Direct X for Windows XP.
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