If your profession demands a USA phone-number or if you have relatives in USA having a local forwarding number comes pretty handy, usually you need to shell out money for having such facility as most VOIP service providers charge you for having an U.S.A. incoming phone number, but today I will be sharing not one but three services which will provide you a fully-functional USA call-in landline number for free without requiring any payment information.

Out of the three services tested, I found SIPGate to be the most feature-rich so I will be providing step-by-step instructions for it only, links to other two service are at the end of the post, follow the instructions next to receive your own free US incoming number from SIPGate :
- Access SIPGate registration page via AceVPN or any other USA proxy/VPN.
- Visit FakeNameGenerator and create an USA identity, use this information to signup at SIPGate.
- Confirm your email and you will be prompted with a screen as below, click Proceed.... button.
- A confirmation will be provided and number will get reserved, this will be your local USA phone number.
- Now download the SIPgate softphone and install it.
- To receive forwarded calls on you PC via SIPgate softpone, add and setup a new VOIP phone from your SIPGate settings page and login into SIPGate softphone from your desktop.
- The status of newly added VOIP phone should be Online as shown below.
- Let the SIPGate softphone run in background and any calls made to your local US phone number will now get forwarded to your desktop softphone now.

The other two services offering free USA call-in number are :
Anyone know if this works?
No More
This is to inform that the service of said programme would be closed after 31-10-2013.
Yes, it work. Registered 20 numbers already.
application crashes when i click on the icon......help?
works ;}
Tested it and works nice job ;}
Invite Code from Sipgate
please and please i am having a very serious problem, i need a us number but sipgate.com is asking for a us resident number and i do not live in usa rather in the uk, please can anybody please help me send invite code. I am down on my knees please help me;
Tested and works
Works just like he said nice job :} very impressed!
VOIP is offline
Why's that? Should I still use the VPN after I register or is that for registration purpouses only?
Any help is apprecieated
Couldn't get sipgate to register with hotspot shield
I couldn't get sipgate to let me register with Hotspot shield (still said I wasn't in the US even though the IP I have was registered in the US. :(
Need an invite to ACEVPN to try that one.
any advice please send to c109 at fromthecouch . com
Cannot Sign up even logged with US proxy.
I tried many ways...but still showing below error,eventhough my IP is "US"
Sorry, sipgate is currently available for U.S. residents only. We apologize for this inconvenience. We are working to improve the scope of our service and to make it available everywhere.
Thank you for your patience!
application crashes when i click on the icon......help?
and not login in web pages with my user and pass SIP.
help me.
how login to SIPphone Program? which user & password? plz help me ,.plz put images for help me
In case somebody is still having trouble with the app crashing on Vista, check if you have connected the microphone. I had the same problem, but it is working fine if I start the app after connecting the microphone.
not work now ;;;;;;;;;; Add
not work now
Add VoIP Phone****
Add Cell Phone or Landline phone
VoIP Amount: Description: Your current plan does not allow you to create an additional VoIP phone. Please, select a plan that supports more VoIP phones.
how to login in program?
i add voip but i cant get online
how i can login win sipgate? i install win program and firefox addon
but when i use my email address and password for login in win program have error:login filed but i logged in with same details in sipgate site.
plz help me, how i can login and use it? i need to it very much
It works great
It works like a charm... any suggestions for unlimited outgoing calls to US
any body can help me? i want to call me from usa to my number for 1minute then i call u and i can get 1 usa number, if u are in usa and can help me plz pm me in yahoo:wk_7@yahoo.com
Couldn't register using Hotspot Shield
I'm in the Caribbean. Tried to register for a Sipgate number and it told me sorry, only for US.
Fired up Hotspot Shield and tried to register again but blocked. Tried again using Firefox browser (different cookies?) and blocked. Deleted Safari cookies that said "sipgate" and tried again after shutting down and restarting and going through Hotspot Shield...
Nope... DENIED!
try using FreeVPN
Doesn't work now
On the registration page, they now needs a US cell number, to send an invite code.
Yeha.. I'm facing that
Yeha.. I'm facing that problem either..
you now need a us mobile
you now need a us mobile phone number. lol.
cell phone
it is asking me for a usa cell phone number. lol if i had a us cell phone, i would not need sip gate.
same problem here, does
same problem here, does anyone workaround this issue.
yup ditto
aint working any more
sign up problem
how to get a invitation code for a particular number through email.help ya...
same problem, it's not working anymore
no more useful , sipgate asking for invitation code :(
not useful ... sipgate
not useful ... sipgate registration problem :(
It's a pretty smart trick. I
It's a pretty smart trick. I will give it a try. Anyway SIPgate is particularly useful for those not making a lot of outgoing calls, a cheaper alternative to Vonage and even Skype, on top of traditional landlines.
don't work
it don't works :(
Cellular number in USA required
I tried sign up but I need to have a USA cell number to receive an SMS with the validation code.
Technically, I just need somebody to receive the SMS and then forward it to me (as an e-mail, for example). Still trying to work around this...
sip gate is asking for
sip gate is asking for monbile no to get invitation code and to sign up nw what to do?????
hi thanks for tut. but
thanks for tut.
but sipgate require usa cell phone
and google number does not work to receive activation
thanks vyke
This works perfectly! You can even make free calls in the US if you combine this with Google Voice.
For the SMS confirmation, just call or chat (facebook) with a friend in the US. Watch out though, because currently it only sends a confirmation to each number once so I had to call another friend.
Also, their softphone I downloaded is a bit buggy. Anyone know about this? - Maybe it will work after a restart.
Thanks and good luck!
I tried many times but still Not working,,,,
Hi every body,,, is there any one who can help me with SMS conformation! i don't know any one in USA,,, i will not forget his help forever,,,please email me at cutemoon700@gmail.com
any one to help me get a
any one to help me get a confirmation code.
please send it to usa@yopmail.com
This is great!
I am using Onesuite VoIP for calling long distance and this SiPGate is the perfect pair for it. Now I can have a free roaming phone number and can receive US calls whenever I am plus I can call back the US for dirt cheap price using my Onesuite account. I just registered to SIP Gate and it works! Thanks.
Hi every body, is there any
Hi every body, is there any one who can help me with SMS conformation! i don't know any one in USA,please email me at hower1988@gmail.com
1-when I create the random
1-when I create the random phone number in "http://www.fakenamegenerator.com/" and I want to Register by this information in "https://secure.sipgate.com/register/"
, I need "Network operator" to register,but I do not know it.
2-when I want to register in "https://secure.sipgate.com/register/" ,I do not see the first form (on this instraction page) and I see other page.
please help me
Can anybody get a SMS
Can anybody get a SMS confirmation code for sipgate? My email is jjliu98@yahoo.com.
Thank you.
help anyone can get a sms confirmation
can anyone get a sms confirmation for me from sipgate
my email anees125@msn.com
Help Needed
Can anyone getme a SMS code
my email mohsinrizwan@yahoo.com
Need sms confirmation
Can someone send me a sms confirmation?
my email: metlx_cezar@hotmail.com
Need confirmation code.
Can someone please send me a confirmation code so that I can get started. I can't even sign up. lol send it ksharp71@gmail.com Good looking out!
demande sms confirm
Hello ,
can anyone get a sms confirmation for me from sipgate
my email:
Confirmation Code Please Good People
If anyone can please please spend a few seconds and get me a confirmation code i would forever be thankful
Confirmation Code Please Good People
If anyone can please please spend a few seconds and get me a confirmation code i would forever be thankful
telecom news
it doesnt work now
Hi my name is Stefanie Miller
Hi my name is Stefanie Miller and I am in love with Brent Rudolph.
Do unlimited call to U.S
You can do unlimited outgoing calls to U.S by using Bobsled software and website and also has android and iphone app .
Its Not Working Anymore
Not working
It not working anymore. my no stopped working
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