Submitted by Deepesh Agarwal on Thu, 02/04/2010 - 09:14
WinRAR is a popular shareware data-compression utility supporting all popular compression formats like RAR, ZIP, CAB, ARJ, LZH, ACE, TAR, GZip, UUE, ISO, BZIP2, Z and 7-Zip, the .rar format has now became one of the most widely used format for file archiving and data-compression. Today I will be sharing a tip on how to grab yourself a personal free genuine license for this must-have utility for free, see instructions after the jump.

Today's tip is based on a similar post shared earlier to grab free Winrar 3.62 registration key, simply follow the instructions below to get a personal Winrar 3.80 registration key :
- Open German proxy site and open through it.
- Fill-in the details as shown below :
- After successful submission of the form, you should receive a registration confirmation email in German language - simply copy the Winrar registration key download link from it and open it in your web-browser.
- You should see a screen like as the one shown below, use the Download button to download personalized serial key.
- Download and install Winrar3.80 from here.
- Double-click the earlier downloaded registration file rarkey.rar and Winrar will automatically register the license key.
- You now have a fully functional genuine license for Winrar, enjoy.

Its not free now , they have removed free registration option and added a 10% discount
Bis zu 40 Tage nachdem Sie sich registriert haben erhalten Sie als Leser der
PC-WELT, beim Kauf von WinRAR immer noch einen Discount von 10%. Bei
Mehrplatz-Lizenzen gilt der Rabatt nur für die erste Lizenz.
Um Ihr Angebot wahrzunehmen, klicken Sie hier:
winrar licence download
The link is there in the mail, in the next paragraph. they are only trying to sell the product at a discount.
Not working
Not working :(
thank you
really nice work
thanks again
thank you
yes is works thanks a lot....
Thank you.
It really works. Thanks a lot. Just hit the second link in your email, that's the download link.
All you need to do is change "discount" to "download" in the link provided.
Not working
The file is not a register script cant add it to registry
It is still working
It is still working
it work
still working. Thank you ><
the proxy site is not working now, but ...
the site below is not working but u can use mine instead
Holy karamba its work dude
Holy karamba its work dude superb!!!
hmm the 2nd above my comment
hmm the 2nd above my comment here is right.. the page is working for it.. BUT saddly the offer is over now ^^;
BUT he was right ;) thanks for the hint
Yes, no working...
Yes, no working...
Yaar I have not tried it still but i have an other trick
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