Submitted by Deepesh Agarwal on Fri, 11/23/2007 - 10:19
Apple has made iPhone very restricted in terms of customization, but there are ways to bypass these restrictions and install custom themes, "iPhone Hack Toolkit" is a free iPhone jail-breaking software.

- Download iPhone Hack Toolkit Ver1.0 (Download Link at end of the post)
- Connect your iPhone with PC (Ensure you have installed iTunes software on your PC).
- Open iPhone Hack Toolkit Ver1.0 software.
- First “Jailbreak” your iPhone, choose “Import” and insert .pkg file (download it from here).
Now enjoy your new iPhone theme :)
How long does it take to jailbreak the phone?
iphone toolk sucks plz help
Plz help me on this query.
I had installed a theme from Iphone Tool kit for themes hacking.
But some of my text messages changed to I_NAVIGATION_VIDEOS and END_CALL_BUTTON
I reloaded teh original theme.
But still the text is coming cryptic.
i also resetted teh settings but it didnt worked
Plz help me and plz plz mail teh solution on my email idRegards
Email :
iphone hack
use the program works great!
Best program on the market and will "unbrick" a bricked phone (did mine today as i bricked it whilst restoring.
has ny1 changd there theme using iphone hack toolkit
if u hav changed ur theme using iphone hack tool kit...plz reply how n the steps u did everyone has a doubt i too have tht when i click jailbreak tht ok pop coomez then nuthin help i have iphone version 2.....
it just works on older firmwares
apparently no one from the site explained that this unlocking software will only work on 1.1.1 and lower versions of the firmware it took me a hours trying to unlock but i'm using the 1.1.4 version.
How To
How to install game to my iPod touch whitout iTunes...?!
I mean how to download game without iTunes and install that to my iPod Touch?
how do u put games on a
how do u put games on a itouch,I'm kinda new @ this
How to install iTouch games...
You will need to use iTunes to download and install iTouch games via Apple iTunes Store, try the iTunes store account trick to get access to free iTouch games and applications.
Themes without jailbreaking
YOu would think that apple would have their own themes for us to play with so we would not have to jailbreak our phones. :)
i'm using iphone 2.2.1
how can i change my iphone theme n how to install the applications without using itunes
delete theme?
how do you delete a them once it is installed?
i am using winscp and i can't find the pkg file to delete.
where would it be located?
please help
guys i need a big help here, my iphone got hanged up, and i tried to reboot it by pressing the home button+power switch but nothing happens, my phone canonot turn on..please guys help help help..:c
please help guys
..this is my problem, im just browsing photos on my phone then suddenly my iphone got hanged up,,i tried to reboot it by pressing home button+power switch, it got restarted but it cannot turn on totally,it just showing the apple logo..please guys help!!
waiting for your solutions on my problem..
thankz a lot...
Same thing happened to mine.
Same thing happened to mine. You'll have to restore to factory settings using iTunes. At least, that's how I fixed my problem.
I had the same problem one
I had the same problem one week before......You first open itunes but donot connect you iphone. Press home button and connect it to the itunes and keep pressing home until it is in a recovery mode then restrore and upgrade your iphone.....its works........if not then go to your apple showroom and fix the problem
please help
I downloaded a theme but i cannot install it because i dont know how to install it. please teach it how to install it.
I've downloaded the program and now it only says waiting for iPhone...why it doesn't see it?
i just downloaded iphone hack toolkit 1.0 and when i opened it, i keeps showing 'waiting for iphone'....i waited like 30 minutes more and it still shows that...why?can anyone help me with that?
Unlocking & Jailbreaking iphone 3G
Hi all,
I recently bought an Iphone 3G with SW version 4.0 but i'm in INDIA so i want to use AIRTEL sim in it. So How can jailbreak or unlock it for free........THANKS IN ADVANCE
jail break
After installing the software and connecting my iphon, the message that comes is " waiting for ipone". Nothing happens. what is the next step to take.
This really sucks. It will
This really sucks. It will just bring mess into your Iphone guys.
Be Careful
A ton of people do this, but it's worth mentioning that you should be careful with this because it could void your warranty. You could also brick your phone, so you can't use it anymore. It's better to things according to the guidelines than to take risks and end up having to buy a new iPhone.
Hello admin, I have tried to
Hello admin, I have tried to do this but it's not working. You should give an idea or recommendation to other app similar like that
Thank You!
the app only works if your volume is on and the ringer is turned on. If the ringer is set to vibe, the sound will not play.
Hi Can U help me Please
I m Using Iphone 3g and i want to set a wallpaper on my homescreen also Like 3gs Is there any easy way u can tell me admin i shall be thank ful to u for this kindness of urs
Die iPhone Reparatur München erwartet sie und ihr Gerät
A iPhone user must know how to change his own theme. but sometime a new user can not understand how to change hit iPhone theme so that he needs to a catalog for using it. i think iPhone company has every kinds of helping things.....just follow them.
will definately try this
will definately try this method on my new iphone 5
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