We were one of the first blogs to have reviewed Kon Boot earlier as the easiest way to bypass login authentication passwords On Windows 7, Vista, XP, Gentoo, Debian, Ubuntu and Fedora operating-systems, the utility has now been updated to v 1.1 fixing bugs with added support for 64 Bit operating systems.

Now supporting creation of KonBoot bootable USB, CD/DVD and Floppy disk drives the utility allows users to completely bypass the Windows authentication process hooking itself during boot procedure, the utility does not make any permanent changes to files on your computer.
Here is the official change-log from previous version :
Version 1.1
- Added 64-bit environment support
- Added USB support tools (grldr, klmemusb)
- Added debugging code to make it easier to track down various compatibility problems
- Fixed bug in Windows 7 support failures
- Removed Linux support
- Many performance improvements to source code
- Improved BIOS support by reducing code size significantly

While the utility can definitely be used for malicious purposes to hack into Windows 7, Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008, Windows Vista and Windows XP computers illegally bypassing the password authentication easily by simply booting via a KonBoot bootable medium (USB/CD/DVD/Floppy) but could also be a lifesaver for authorities, schools, institutions, cyber-cafes and computer repair shops when used with proper authority.
Sadly, the new version is not free anymore and does require a small fee of $15.99 for personal and $75.00 for commercial license, however we have an EXCLUSIVE 20% discount coupon for our readers, simply visit the order page here and use megaleech20 to avail the limited period discount.
Konbot & speed up booting windows 7
Konbot seems indeed to steal data bosses who have a computer in windows login passwords commonly used in multinational companies.
Are there any programs or tips to speed up booting windows 7?
how can we download
How can we download this cool thing... And how to use it? can we use it by burn into an cd or dvd
Email me if you guys have any help please...
it is a cool program and works fine as advertised. there is a free version still floating around for 32 bit systems (kon boot 1.0), but it has some bug for windows 7 and doesnt work as widely as 1.1. annoyingly it is picked up as a virus by microsoft. although they are the only antivrius company in like 30 to flag it as a virus. it is not a virus. i purchased a 1.1 and it has a usb installer, iso for cd burning and some floppy option. got 20% with megaleecher.net code in article. it's no longer free, but cheap.
kon boot 1.1
please send me iso of latest kon boot 1.1 , you have already purchased. I shall be very thankful to you
i had download kon-boot. but when i wanna to extract they need password. how can i solve this problem? i'm using windows7
password is kon-boot
Simply Awesome !
Magic, simply superb stuff !!!
Nice, gotta give this on a
Nice, gotta give this on a try then. Good stuff.
well...I had problems here...
well...I had problems here... I had windows 7 home premium 64 instaled and after I saw the screens of konboot ... I've just redirected to the logon again :(
Not Working.....
I have the same problem. After it goes through the motions it just takes me back to the login screen wanting a password. Please help.....
dito, after kon boot screens
dito, after kon boot screens the normal login screen with password appears..
It s not working. :-(
It works soooper
Nice, simple way to bypass
please could someone up the
please could someone up the latest version?
How about USB
how to configure KON-boot from Flash drives?
hi guys where can i download this???
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