In yet another shocking news on game leak before official release date Mass Effect 2 became prey to illegal file-sharing mafia with both XBOX 360 and PC version of the game making it's way to torrent networks days before the official public release, the game was scheduled to start retailing from coming Tuesday in North America and Friday throughout Europe, according to TorrentFreak the leak had lead to massive piracy of the title with more than 300,000+ gamers having either downloaded it or are in the process of downloading a copy of the game via BitTorrent.

The XBOX 360 version of the game made it's way first on BitTorrent networks with release of Mass.Effect.2.XBOX360-GLoBAL which was followed by famous Razar1911 group releasing the PC version as Mass_Effect_2-Razor1911, every game publisher has to face piracy but anything can't be worse than having the game leaked before the official release.
The massive 14 GB download of the game will soon spread to smaller torrent portals and will get uploaded to file-sharing sites like Rapidshare, Hotfile, Megaupload etc. resulting in more piracy.
The Terrible Torrents
I am always amazed by the media and companies in these situations, not only with games but movies and other things as well.
Here we have examples of most articles, pirates, torrents, illegal, downloading, leaked... all nasty words to those who would lose out on money. What I don't ever see is how in the world did something ever get leaked to begin with? Surely someone didn't accidentally upload the game to a torrent site, a worker accidentally slipped and a copy went flying out into the street where it rolled down a hill, over an anthill only to fly into a pirater's window? Especially with large productions with movies involved, they say, it was leaked, that simple.
Ok, I would like to ask, why is it no one is ever responsible for these leaks? It's like the boogie man of software street, it happens but no one knows how. Could be a half a billion dollar movie, the richest corporations, beefed up security.. doesn't matter... it was LEAKED. Now back to our targets in this scenario... all the attention on the all too eager folk who are torrenting, it's all their fault, those nasty torrenters. Ok, regardless how you feel about it, illegally sharing, fine, is it right, perhaps not but what I see in many cases is the same thing Microsoft figures... getting the word out through pirating is a hell of a lot cheaper than advertising.
Now excuse me, I have to go fix a leak.
Cheapest PR ever ... Why do
Cheapest PR ever ...
Why do you think the top movies and games are "LEAKED" before the date of the official release? Why are there patches released on the day they go public? Why is everyone screaming PIRACY at that moment and forgets right after that? Why is there no person found guilty for the "leek" ...
think of it as a
think of it as a competition..those rivals companies will make any means to put thier rivals not to earn!!!
everyone downloading the
everyone downloading the game, game does not work or crash at a scene. You ending up buying the game for your gaming experience. No lost for anyone.
Buy the game! Alot of work has been put into it.
Buy the game it's not that expensive and worth it!
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