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VLC Media Player Gets Updated To v 1.1.0 , Introduces Impressive New Features

VLC Media PLayerFree and open source, cross-platform multimedia player VLC Media Player got updated to v 1.1.0 introducing impressive new features like better support for HD video via GPU decoding, improved audio experience, faster decoding, lighter footprint, new add-ons and script framework for personalization and added support for WebM decoding and encoding. Full list of new changes with download links is available after the jump.

VLC Media Player v 1.1 Update
Ready for HD

* GPU decoding on Windows Vista and 7, using DxVA2 for H.264, VC-1 and MPEG-2
* GPU decoding on GNU/Linux, using VAAPI for H.264, VC-1 and MPEG-2
* DSP decoding using OpenMax IL, for compatible embedded devices
* Improved support for MKV HD, including seeking fixes, and 7.1 channels codecs
* Support for new codecs, like Blu-Ray subtitles, MPEG-4 lossless and VP8

New add-ons and script framework so one can personalize its vlc.

* Written in lua
* 2 main types of scripts:
o content add-ons, integrated in the playlist
o functionnalities extensions, like metadata searching on the web, or subtitles look-ups
* Very Simple

Web improvements

* Support for WebM decoding and encoding
* Improved web plugins
* Better streaming capabilities

Better Audio experience

* Integrated playlist in the Qt4 interface
* Multiple views (like album art) in the playlist in the Qt4 interface
* Support for AMR-NB, Mpeg-4 ALS, Vorbis 6.1/7.1, FLAC 6.1/7.1 and WMAS
* CDDB and CD-Text works now on the Windows port when listening to CD-Audio
* Support for DVD-Audio files (.aob)
* Improved meta-data and album-art support

Faster, Lighter

* Faster decoding, with up to 40% speed-ups, in HD resolutions
* First part of the Video Output core rewrite
* Removal or rewrite of dozens of modules, code simplification and tens of thousands of lines of code removed
* Some functionalities that are less used are now moved to extensions
* More assembly optimizatinons, especially SSSE3/SSE4 and ARM Neon
* Fewer threads used

Better for developers

* Simplified and improved libVLC, removal of exceptions for better C integration
* New phonon-backend for Qt applications, on all platforms
* New C++ bindings

Windows, Linux and Mac binaries/source code are available for download here - .


VLC media player is the best I have used ever

thank u

thank you for your help

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