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Upcoming Android Market Update Ripped And Posted For Users To Enjoy Right Now

Android MarketGoogle has scheduled to roll-out the official Android Market Update v 2.2.6 over the span of next two weeks to all devices running Android 1.6 or higher. However, users can enjoy the update right now as developers have ripped and posted the new Android market APK install file for everybody to download and install.

The new update brings a sleeker UI introducing features aiming to improve merchandising of applications and streamlining the whole browse-to-purchase experience. Full-quality images and description of new android market features is available after the jump with direct download links to the install package.

Updated Android market Interface

New green curved carousel on the home and category screens lets users quickly flip through the items to view promoted applications and immediately go to the download page for the application they want. Two new categories for Widgets and Live Wallpapers are also introduced with more categories for popular applications and games to be launched in the weeks ahead.

All New Carousel
Android Market Update

Listing Page
Android Market Update

Users can now access all the information about an application on a single page without the need to navigate across different tabs streamlining the browse-to-purchase experience. The app purchase refund windows is now reduced to 15 minutes.

Application Details Page
Android Market Update
Application Updates Page
Android Market Update
Android Market Update
Users can download and install the Android Market Update APK using the link below or use a on-device barcode scanner to download directly on the device.


Sadly errored with an "Application Did Not Install"

How helpful of an error message...

Running CM 6.1 on HTC Vision.

It doesn't work on my stock Verizon Droid Eris 2.1
I get this error:
Could not open /sdcard/ as a APK file.

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