PDF authors often restrict their files using PDF security features preventing users from copying, editing or printing the contents, and like every other protection this can also be easily bypassed, there exist several methods to crack or unlock PDF files, but if you are looking for a simple and fast way to just bypass the copying & printing restrictions of the PDF file Ensode online PDF Unlock Utility will be the best option, You just need to upload the file and the unlocked version of the PDF without printing or copying/pasting restrictions will be displayed in a new browser window in your default PDF application, Similarly you can use "Ensode Free Excel Spreadsheet Unlock Online Utility" to unlock Microsoft Excel spreadsheet passwords.

Another worth mention handy free utility to achieve similar results is "Freeware PDF Unlocker" allowing users to remove password and restrictions on any PDF file that you can read. The utility is very simple to use, simply drag and drop the file to remove restrictions, You do not need to know the "owner" password for this to work. Removes 40 or 128 bit passwords.
pdf cracker
very gud s/w
ya i want the method by which i can bypass the security
please send me at blackbirdxp@rediffmail.com as soon as possible
not so good
Not working with big files with many pages
Thx for sharing. I currently
Thx for sharing. I currently use PDF Password Cracker Pro. It also can easily remove PDF password. And it is completely compatible with Vista.
Link Removed: This post is about FREE solution and the link you posted costs $49 !!
Absolutely GREAT
That was the best and easy trick, thanks for your support for students and edu-followers
This is fantastic......Love this free service. Good for education purposes.
and xls files??? dont workS???????
Ensode Free Excel Spreadsheet Unlock Online Utility"
It didn't work
Dint work :(
Dint work :(
Not removing SAVE restriction
Uploaded a simple 1 page document with fields that allow data entry. A SAVE restriction is placed on the document that disallows saving the entered data.
The online tool uploaded the document and displayed the 'cracked' version. I saved the cracked version, opened it and entered data.
The SAVE restriction still exists. When attempting to save the PDF, a popup window appears stating "Only a blank document can be saved".
Saving the document anyway does result in a blank document.
It actually works!
doesn't work! i can't upload file. the browser , term and conditions, submit buttons do not work.:(
Fake script... its just a image
Fake script... its just a image
It Didn't Work...... I Was Trying.
very very very good
But the site name can be changed to megacheater which is a better choice
If it doesn't work ...
Try http://www.pdfunlock.com
Change pdf to word is another solution
If the PDF has been set the restrictions that prevend people copying and printing, we can just change PDF to Word using free utility PDFUnlock.
But it must be legally of course.
But cracking the so-called user password, which prevends people from opening the PDF, I really have no idea.
How do i unlock premissions for big pdf files greated then 16 MB
The content above works for files 5MB or most 10MB Pdf files....For Files more then that size its just does not work...Does anyone here know what how to crack those files.
The PDF File Cannot be SAVED
The file i am looking to print is visible on the web but it has been disabled from printing it and saving it. What can i do?
Didn't work for me, file
Didn't work for me, file 2,98 MB - 271 pages.
password protected ms word .doc file to .pdf convert
i need to convert a password protected ms word .doc file to pdf...
as i dont know the password em facing problem...guys plz help me out
A) Open document > Select edit menu > choose select all > then choose copy from edit menu.
Open new document > edit menu> paste.
Select tools menu> choose options> window opens with options. Select form different tabs the edit
tab> make sure that al desired boxes are selected.
Select save tab>choose and mark box>ask about properties
accept or Apply options and close.
Save new document different name. When saving it should ask if you want to save properties>
choose not save. Maybe it asks if you want to modify properties> choose yes> select box archive amongst read only, hidden or archive.
Ah I don't like it, didn't
Ah I don't like it, didn't work for me. This one worked instead. http://www.pdfunlock.com/
Site is more appealing and allows for max 10mb, unlike the one posted here.
eed to convert a password protected ms word .doc file to pdf...
as i dont know the password em facing problem...guys plz help me out
how to remove xls password
give me suggestion
How to unlock PDF files
I use PDF Password Recovery 5.0.Awesome it took about 5-seconds to recover
my password. If you need to recover a password greater than 3 characters
I recommend this product.
that is a good tool
that is a good tool
Re: eda
very good.thanks
very good.thanks
online password remove for excel
good job
good job
For some reason I cannot
For some reason I cannot click the browse or submit button. It appears to be locked. And ideas?
not working
not working this pag
I am trying to actually
I am trying to actually change content on these pages - how do i do that? none of these progrms worked in by passing the password the author put on it to actually edit the content....
These sites didn't work for me,
I found this one, working : http://witwall.com/PdfDecrypt
Nice service
Nice service I am enjoying this service, this service working well to my pdf document
another variant
There is no such thing as a free lunch)))i tried to use it, but without any result. That's why i decided to use demo of RECOVER PDF Password. and few days ago i bought it))) who interested - http://mac.eltima.com/pdf-password-recovery.html
Unlock PDF
Cheers, really educational.
well defined content about unlock passwords.
I was searching for informative unlock password website, this website is quite well defined content about unlock passwords.
I'm agree with others that
I'm agree with others that the site doesn't work with large size PDF files. One more thing as far as security is concerned it's not a good practice to upload your pdf documents without knowing that the source is reliable or not. That's why prefer to use desktop utilities. One such tool i personally use to unlock a pdf file is pdf security removal. The tool tool is free to try and it can remove restrictions from large size pdf files for free. Here is the link if you want to try it
What you guys think about this tool?
Hi, i tried this site and yes it works for me. But I'm not sure whether it is completely save our confidential pdf files here. I tried many desktop utilities and currently im using this and thinking about purchasing the registered version as it is working fine . Did anybody here have any experience with this site and their tool? this is the site:
http://www.--SPAM LINK REMOVED--.com
Ensode online PDF Unlock Utility
Worked like a charm.
Excel Password Remover
How to remove excel password. advise me
Unlock A PDF
Unlock A PDF File with one of the advanced PDF Unlocker software it keeps your formatting intact. http://www.unlockapdf.com/
quiero sacarle el password
quiero sacarle el password
ms excel password crack
i need to convert a password protected ms excel.
as i dont know the password em facing problem...guys plz help me out
Read more: Unlock Password Protected Excel Files Online
Its not working
It has been disabled, I am unable to browse files.
Well Done Great Software
it working great...thanks for sharing..keep the good works going guys..:-)
password protected pdf
i need to knoe the procedure of unlocking password protectrd fole to convert it into ms- word
Why not use that?
This method is great,
This method is great, although you can break password of any password protected PDF file using a software called BeCyPDFMetaEdit which provides easiest method to remove all the meta information of the PDF file.
thanks for sharing
thanks for sharing
Excel Password Recovery
Thanks for the useful information. It will help restore the password to Excel file, and can recover the password to Excel sheet.
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