Popular game franchise Need for Speed is all set to make its entry into Play 4 Free online action racing game arena with its upcoming game release - Need for Speed: World Online, the game co-developed by EA Black Box and EA Singapore will provide Need for Speed fans with most licensed cars, parts and game modes ever in the games history.

NFS World Online - the massively multiplayer online game will be a free to play game for PC featuring different road scenarios with options for selecting your online game playing character.
According to the official announcement at NFS blog :
"Players will prove their racing supremacy through the sophisticated online matchmaking features and the more flamboyant gamers will get the chance to show off their skills through customizable rides and user profiles."
The game is scheduled to begin in Asia Summer 2009, and a teaser site in Chinese/Taiwanese is already online here.
video not avaliable
video not available
how to download this game?
how to download this game?
its very esy just go to
its very esy just go to google and type download need for speed undr groung for free then it says download now clik it n thenclick to need for speed logo n wait for minimum 5 hours
how to download need for speed world
ok easyest thing to is goo to "needforspeedworld.com" and it will give u the options of downloading it the google ones are stupid and take too long waiting minimume of 5 hours is just dumb!!
it doesn't
it doesn't
took ten min to download 5 hours lol have fun
download plz
want download need for speed world
jub jub
where do you download need for speed world
you should go to:
downloading Need for Speed™
downloading Need for Speed™ World
Download link pls!!
can i plis download this game
can i please download this game
dowload this game
dowload this game
i want to play
i want to play
works for me
works for me
yo is it in english and if it plzz tell me how to download it!!!
where do you make the account?thanks...
Its only on PC?
when will it be release?
This will be fun
This is a wonderful opinion. The things mentioned are unanimous and needs to be appreciated by everyone.
this game how to dowenload it
this game how to dowenload it
cool(en)...I like it much*I really want to appear this game ... it looks awesome
When is the game released to play online in asia??????????
nfs is freken awsome
man i hope it is not just on pc beacuse that would succccccccccccccccckkkkkkkkkkkk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OMG! A Remake of Carbon, Most Wanted and Underground 2!
This game looks awesome. I heard that this game has three cities; Palmont from Carbon, Rockport from MW and Bayview from U2! I was waiting for an NFS BETA game and putting the best of the Need For Speed Franchise together is JUST AWESOME!
nfs world
no help
hi nfs team and AE team
plss tell me wer to download nee for speed world online thnkz!!!!!!
Online game
Please tell me as how to play this game
biggest best racing
biggest best racing franchise to pc ps1ps2ps3pspndsnwii by ea games need for speed a new game every year last year we had nfs undercover 2 years ago we had nfs carbon and now we have nitro shift and world online . greatest fan ea game rock
NFS returns
I hope i would be able to see the Palmont and its police once more. Its been a long time i have played Carbon and enjoyed it :P
how do i play it?
can any1 say to me how 2 download it or how 2 pla it cuzz it looks so fking awsom
can any one tell me how to
can any one tell me how to download it :) plz
Its not availabe for download yet, so stop asking
Hi I just found this I hope it helps somehow http://nfswo.ea.com.tw/gamedownload.html
I have downloaded this game and instaled it but i need to register but it's closed so does anyone having a world online account
This game is Asam
This game is Asam
really good
really interesting and e4njoyable site keep posting....
Good link providing you understand it.
qui peu me dire
je recherche se jeu ou le trouver cet pour voir si il va passe sur mon pc ! j'ai tout les nfs sur console mais suis que j'aime le plus cet NFS MN
What system is Need for Speed: World Online for?
it says need for speed world
it says need for speed world ONLINE , its for PC dumb ass
Taiwan already got the game... :/
Taiwan has the Beta Version! its going to be released world wide on 2010 fall so don't worry everyone can play! :P just get a good Internet Speed and good Graphics!
the EU closed demo is open for subscribing :D
when i start the launcher its failed the website (from germany)
halp me please! i will play world online
World Online is scheduled for release worldwide in fall 2010.
World Online is scheduled for release worldwide in fall 2010.
holoy shit
dude im a serious need for speed fan my fave one is most wanted black edtion but this this is just sick man seriouly i cant wait to get i idc if its 100$ ima get it cause i have been watin for a long time for them to come out with a game like this. free roam online. run away from cops with you freinds. dude this is pretty sick man fant wait to get it
Need for Speed: World Online will only be released in the UK, US etc. if the Asian community approves of it. EA have already discussed about the possibility of releasing a console version, if the game is a success :)
I really enjoyed NFS: MW and Carbon, so this should be BAD ASS ;)
wer can i download NFS world online????????
i downloaded it
everyone,there is some bad and good news.the good news is, to download it,you have to go to http://nfswo.ea.com.tw/gamedownload.html
the bad news, its not in english, its in japanese or chinese(dont recognize)
Where The Hell Can You Download it apart from a chinese website
taiwan version
tw is taiwan /
to the one who has downloaded
if u down load off the taiwan website which i have doin now can u install n play it i dont care if forien aslong as i can race
i dont now what you here but i now one thing you mast to regiter.and in this is a probleme becouse all over the world are a fiwe acconts!but i hope it will be more in a few time
I really want that game?Please tell me a link to download it.I download all games but there isn't this game.PLS If you know a link pls write on ilija8@live.com this is my e-mail write pls!!!
this is the website
this is the website http://world.needforspeed.com/e can u tell me how to play the game please :) :)
if you go to the chinese
if you go to the chinese website what button to click on to download it????
You can download here: http://nfswo.ea.com.tw/gamedownload.html but im think its on chinese game
Not Working
Nope guys. The Link to game is not working.
wer i can find the nfs world
wer i can find the nfs world online ican't download because the home page cannot be found
wo is da der klink zum
wo is da der klink zum downloaden
guys when i can download that game plsss say me..?
People is this game gona be free?Or I will have to buy it?
Yes, this game is gonny be free massive multi player racing game as it is shown up there on the title :P
Be patient and enjoy :D
only morons pay a monthly fee
only morons pay a monthly fee to use a game they've already purchased
about downloading Need for Speed™ WORLD beta.
1. First create an EA Account in http://www.needforspeed.com/web/world(by doing this you can participate for the Need for Speed™ WORLD beta tests.)
2. After that I recommend that you should wait until the EA Officials let you to download Need for Speed™ WORLD beta from there official site without wasting hours to download a non-working beta from any other site. I think after some days later the download link will appear in your EA Account when you login or in an e-mail from EA Officials(use the same e-mail address which you have entered in the EA account sign-up forum earlier when checking your mail to know whether they have sent a download link) - [this means EA servers take some time to successfully verify you. after all these done you can play it with no bugs.]
LINK: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P8XY6ftCbYU&feature=related
LINK: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gmaPnXHucTE
Please Follow these instructions to Play in Beta
First of all i hate to be a killjoy but you cannot just download the game on pirated sites or download sites and think you can play without any issues (uber fail).
You must first apply for beta on the world.needforspeed.com website and then once you have been accepted to beta you will be able to download the game, since this is under beta stages the game is not even released yet to the general public so you are failing by downloading a old beta version of the game plus you wont even be able to connect to it anyways. Since it is a MMO Game there is no "singlemode" player races or tracks or free-roam its all SERVER related.
You must use a Email address and password you created when you applied for BETA when the servers are online during beta testing fazes otherwise normally it wont even work even for people who have been accepted to beta.
Read This Forum Thread.
So if you plan on downloading a version from a pirated site or download site you are waisting your time and hard drive space since you wont be able to play it anyway you look at it. Just food for thought.
I'm fully agreed with
I'm fully agreed with MattChicago.
this game is stupid
i think
i think guys we should have to be patient and we have to wait ... because all of us like this game so much..
.so dont be fool about where can we download it ... if the game is ready to ralease just go to the EAgames official website ...
guys .. just wait and be patient ..
i hope that ive help ..
how help me!!!???
Hi I have a problem and are in romania and not know how to play Need for Speed world I downloaded from the net and I do not know how to play? Server in romania is closed until fall and I heard from someone other servers so not only in America ...... there that can help me! Good Please! My yahoo messenger id is: Lex.Haking, if you can help me please contact me!
slt qui peux me dire quoment
slt qui peux me dire quoment telecharger nfs world?
online only?
is this game online only,because thate would be f'd up
the Need for Speed™ WORLD beta download is successful.
Hello! Friends. Did you see my previous post(submitted by haZh)?. It works really fine. I got an e-mail from the EA Officials to download the Need for Speed™ WORLD beta. Also the setup package is already downloaded. But there is also one more download to complete the setup. Anyway, this means I was correctly configured by the EA Servers. Thats why I got the mail. I didn't still played this beta release because the entire download takes much time(my internet connection gets slower sometimes. you know! ;). So guys, don't worry. It works really fine and do what i told you in the previous post. THIS IS NOT FAKE!. IT REALLY WORKS. REFER MY PREVIOUS POST CAREFULLY. SO YOU CAN HAVE YOUR OWN GAME WHICH IS CORRECTLY CONFIGURED BY THE EA SERVERS. SIGN UP FOR Need for Speed™ WORLD beta AND GET STARTED!!!
download link
PLEAZE PLEAZE give me the download linK PLEAZZZE
I have got a error when i
I have got a error when i launch the game then it says There has been an undefined error, pleas try it again later.If the problem persists please contact Customer Support.Pleas help i wanna play this game so much THANK YOU WHO HELPS ME ;D
i need help
when i download need for speed world beta it works but is something is missing is:user name and passwork,after go on need for speed world beta after wait some 55m after is working some work some not work it's happen to me too! but mine is work. thanks to me made by labress_bro
i need help
hey guys i need help mine is not working
nfs world
Read more:
Read more: http://www.megaleecher.net/Play_Need_For_Speed_Online_Free#ixzz0trVncMdE
Good link providing you
Good link providing you understand it.
how to report problem i go in
how to report problem i go in lancher and he stoped working!!!?!??!
error HELP!!!
When the update is finishing i click "launch" and an error message appears that says "disconnected from server.Game will shut down" PLEASEEEEEEE help me i like that game
cant run
i entered my email adress and it send me an error
THIS GAME IS FREE!!! http://world.needforspeed.com/ <--YOU CAN DOWNLOAD HERE!!!
i love you
i love you
NFS games from NFS shift
NFS games from NFS shift onwards are completely a crap. I mean downloading such games are completely a wastage of time. NFS shift has completely gone a super flop, and in the same way NFS world is gonna to be so, even though a good storyline and graphics is expected from it. This stupid kind of system has been introduced by the manufacturers so as to create diffficulties for crackers to find a crack/patch for it.
Guys, just imagine, why is there a need to launch a beta(stupid) version for it, where we used to have either demos or full versions to download
Although the game in my pc is not working when I starts the game after a few appear dont sent send error
Foarte bun
CEL mai fain
I wanna play
I wanna play
hey hey heyy
i wanna play nfs world is amazing game we can play online for your countryyy!
need for speed world
how do u play need for speed world? please tell me :) :)
Thanks for the nice
Thanks for the nice information; it is really awesome and very useful for the blogger reader those want to know about the topic.
Is there any link of torrent
Is there any link of torrent of this game but without crack.
It was good.
It was good.
It was good.
Read more: http://www.megaleecher.net/comment/reply/609/30594#ixzz1NWHhsCcb
how to play this game on
how to play this game on line?????
without registration
How to play without Need For Speed World e-mail registration? :-)
without registration
How to play without Need For Speed World e-mail registration? :-)
So what im seeing is that you have to buy the game first and then its free to play it online then?
my game always says
my game always says that there has been an error in downloading and it has been doing it for two days.
i cant join races and i cant even see multiplayre ppl,, im also level 2 because the event. and still cant join games only teleport.
how to download NFS world
it ask for serial number
Hi there...thanks for sharing your cool games with us...! I always appreciate articles by different users..keep up the good work.
thanks for sharing your cool
thanks for sharing your cool games
cum imi fac con
why server currently down for me
why server currently down for
why server currently down for me????????????????????????
need for speed is shhit
need for speed is shhit i like most wanted
how to play the game
how to play the game online
Need for speed
Do you have any videos about gameplay of this game ? I think i will try it.
is there eva a private
f$$k is there eva a private fuvken server ea offline stuped asses
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