As reviewed earlier ibVPN is an leading VPN service provider and they have now extended there offering with an native VPN client for Apple iOS. For starters ibVPN is an premium VPN service provider offering 30 servers with more than 500 IPs in 12 countries (US, CA, UK, DE, NL, IE, FR, CH, LU, RO, RU and SE). The latest release in ibVPN native platform application list is the iOS client, exclusively designed app for easy VPN use on Apple iPhone and iPad. The ibVPN iOS client is available in App Store and it’s the only VPN for iOS with 15 days free for new users at unlimited bandwidth.
The good news is ibVPN is giving away 30 free one month iOS VPN packages exclusively to our readers. Using the native VPN client users can enjoy unrestricted and anonymous digital content on their mobile devices.

ibVPN Client for Apple iOS features :
- Using ib VPN on your iPhone or iPad provides you many advantages like:
- Providing access to blocked or geo-restricted websites like Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Skype, etc.
- Unlimited bandwidth
- It keeps you safe from 3rd party tracking cookies. No more being tracked by websites you have no idea about
- You can get access to 3 servers for 15 days with Free iOS package
- You can choose from 14 fast VPN servers located in 12 countries with the Premium iOS package: USA, Canada, UK, Germany, Netherlands, Ireland, France, Luxembourg, Romania, Russia, Sweden and Switzerland.
UPDATE : Here are the 30 winners, kindly get in touch if you do not receive your accounts be next 7 days.

What would you use this iOS VPN application for ? Read more: ib
I would like to have a vpn account cuz i live in morocco and a lot of good resources are blocked in my country
thank you for all theses great stuffs
iOS VPN account
I would love to have a free iOS vpn account as I had a stroke in May and this would enable me to work from home more efficietly. Thank you for the offer for a chance to win a free monthly account
I would use VPN to make calls
I would use VPN to make calls using Viber, since Viber it requires VPN
Having an iOS VPN without any country restriction is great! I have no longer needed to stay in front of my computer to watch video streaming and web browsing! I can do those when I am on the move (be mobile).
This is wonderful experience when I can be stay connected to watch my favourite shows and browse the web without any restriction whereby those websites such as Hulu, Spotify, CBS, BBC blocked my country IP address.
I hope that this giveaway can make my wish comes true.
I would
I would use it to watch all the news and shows from over seas because where I say we have no good online sites to watch tv! And maybe download some of them and share what i download!
VPN browsing
I would use this to gain access to websites I can' t normally have access to. For example, the Jay Leno Show is one I don't access on my regular cable TV, but with VPN I could. There are often video links I am directed to that won't allow me access and with this I would.
What would you use this ios vpn application for?
I would use this app for secure browsing, bypassing geolocation restriction and internet
Free iOS VPN giveaway comment
In order to bypass the internet filtering in my own country.
I will use it to watch my
I will use it to watch my Timewarner tv outside my home network
I will use ibvpn to get
I will use ibvpn to get protection when using public wifi hotspots
Timewarner streaming from my
Timewarner streaming from my home
"What would you use this iOS VPN application for ?".
It makes me feel safe and accessible to all website
I live in china and its hell
I live in china and its hell not being able to surf websites like facebook and twitter....actually lost in the picture so I am going to use it to enjoy facebook and twitter....In fact all blocked sites
Used it before,fast &
Used it before,fast & useful.Nice giveaway.Count me in this contest.
What would you use this iOS VPN application for Read more: ibVP
Thank for this giveaway! I
Thank for this giveaway! I would like to use this VPN to surf website anonymously and to help protect my privacy. I could also use it to access some blocked site in my country.
Count me in too!
ios vpn
Just purchased an ipad and looking for a good vpn to watch uk tv in cyprus.This sounds ideal.Will keep my fingers crossed for a free subscription.
i need it because the network
i need it because the network I work on it has a limits and black list for sites, another reason some site doesn’t work out the home country but with VPN it work perfect
-Providing access to blocked or geo-restricted websites like Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Skype, etc.
- Unlimited bandwidth
- It keeps you safe from 3rd party tracking cookies. No more being tracked by websites you have no idea about
- You can get access to 3 servers for 15 days with Free iOS package
- You can choose from 14 fast VPN servers located in 12 countries with the Premium iOS package: USA, Canada, UK, Germany, Netherlands, Ireland, France, Luxembourg, Romania, Russia, Sweden and Switzerland
Not an option
I need to access internet, all site is blocked in my country.
Ibvpn site already is blocked in my country
for my browser,
for my browser,
nice tool
That`s what I need thanks
IOS VPN Giveaway
I would use the VPN to visit other countries with my iPad.
I would also use it when using torrent downloads, so my requests would not be tracked by whomever is currently tracking torrent downloads.
Privacy is my most important goal.
Not filtering
Not filtering
To Watch the news
It is difficult to get news from CNN here in Thailand and while traveling.
iOS VPN will allow me to watch the news from home.
iOS VPN application
I would use iOS VPN application for increased privacy. Seems like everybody is tracking everything you do these days, either to try to sell you something, track what you buy, what websites you visit. It would be nice to know that I can read a news article on-line or ad without the Fortune 500 companies filling up my in box with offers for this or that that I did not request information on. At the least the iOS VPN application is a start
I need ibVPN for free because
Being a citizen of Nepal where maximum sites are being blocked, cant access Netflix, Pandora, Hulu and many more websites which need USA IP address only. It will help me to enjoy the sites, contents, movies, music etc. ibVPn will be my best friend because of him I can enjoy all websites without blocking. thanks.
What would you use this iOS
What would you use this iOS VPN application for ?
I really need to increase the security on my iphone. I also travel a lot so this would come in handy abroad.
being a carer to a 90 yrs old
being a carer to a 90 yrs old mother access to iOS VPN service would enable me to access additional content when she is resting
as well as access to restricted websites .
I really love VPN
I really love VPN
Safety of my transaction
I feel much secure while I make bank to bank transfer & while doing any online work or surfing ..... As its hide my info from hackers
İOS VPN And Secure
However, I want to avoid the attack by malicious people. I think this is important.
Thanks For Giveaway.
Tried the 15 day trial and loved it
I alredy tried the 15 day trial, the services is awesome! I watched all US netflix contents with no problem, we do have netflix in our country but is still very limited. Really enjoyed, right now Im in US but when I go back to my country and as soon as I get the chance I will buy at least the 6 month package. And well, who can say no to a securer web browsing? :)
I would use it for watching
I would use it for watching Hulu
I want to use this vpn access
I want to use this vpn access youtube. and other website be denied by GFW
"Congratulation! You won a
"Congratulation! You won a FREE 1-month account for ibVPN!", Many thanks, i got this bonus.! good luck everyone!
Winners announced..
The winners list is updated above, pls. check.
What do I want a free VPN for?
I want a free VPN for using Skyfire since my Nokia E71. I live in Latin America and Skyfire doesn't work here.
Received 1x ibVPS
Yay! I just got my ibVPS!
Thank U
Thanx for the great VPN account, I really need it to know what happens in my country
All national sites are blocked and even ibvpn site is blocked
Wow! Nice way to start the day
Woke up to find in my iOS device email that I've won 30 day of VPN for use for free!! Thanks a lot. Really ibVPN is the only choice! Excellent prices but best of all: unlimited bandwidth! After all, most of us want the VPN. For streaming video from other country and doing it with limited bandwidth is just not fair. Thanks! And I will be with you as long as the service is available.
OMG I won the IBVPN account :)
Dear many many thanks for the great gift ...... U can not imagine what is the place for this for me ....... It makes my whole month excellent :) I can not explain my feeling for this present .... Once again many many thanks :)
will use for watching
will use for watching overseas content
For usinig viber, facebook ,
For usinig viber, facebook , any usefull data in net ....
Using any usefull data in net
Using for viber , facebook ,,,,,,,
i would like to use it to
i would like to use it to visit some websites that be blocked in my country
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