With the internet becoming so important to everyday life these days, protecting your online presence is a vital step in smart web use. Leaving yourself vulnerable to identity thieves, hackers, and viruses is a sure way of giving yourself headaches in the future. Fortunately, Kepard offers an excellent option for securing your web connection with the added bonus of web-censorship and geo-restriction bypass through its VPN service, and with its new giveaway, Kepard is giving you a chance to access the security and benefits of a premium VPN account for free.

Having a premium VPN account with Kepard gives you access to a range of benefits for your online experience, and you now have the opportunity to join up with Kepard free of charge. Ten accounts are up for grabs, and the giveaway allows winners to take advantage of all of the benefits of a VPN account for three months. Internet security is a necessary step, and you now you can try out the best of the best for free.
Why Go for VPN?
VPN services can be a smart idea for all web users, whether they are using it for business or pleasure. With identity theft on the rise, it’s important for everyone to consider their online security, and Kepard’s VPN services are the most flexible, strongest protection services around. With easy, fast connections and unmatched online freedom, Kepard’s services can satisfy any web user’s needs.

With a premium VPN account, you’ll have access to Kepard’s five servers around the world, with no limits on data usage and the highest connection speeds. You’ll also be able to get around the restrictions of your normal servers, as Kepard allows you to access sites that would otherwise be blocked at school or work. This all comes in addition to the advanced encryption techniques that Kepard’s services utilize to guarantee the safety of you information.
Sign Me Up!
If you want to put your name in for the giveaway, follow the steps below:
1. Head to the comments section on this page and drop us a line. Why should you be one of the winners? Let us know!
2. Get the word out on Twitter! Send Kepard’s message out to your followers: You can win 1 of 10 free VPN accounts from @kepard (RT to enter)
3. Go over to Facebook and head to the Kepard Facebook page/a>. Hit the “Like” button, and then watch there for an announcement of the winners.
Update : Winners announced. If you have not received your accounts, comment below.

I want to win this vpn
I want to win this vpn account. Thanks!
I want an account....
...so that I can access all the US-only and UK-only sites from my homeland, Sweden!
I've tweeted this @ https://twitter.com/ecsjjgg/status/303837254252630016
protecting my privacy online
I would like this app for protecting my privacy online and surf anywhere without being tracked and unrestricted...
VPN Giveaway
February 19, 2013
I am about to leave and teach as a pro bono teacher of law and American culture at Zhejiang International Studies University in Hangzhou, China for six (6) months. In China, the Internet is censored and restricted. For example, it is impossible to have access to the New York Times and Bloomberg. It would be helpful to use your service to provide for continuing availability of these services as well as privacy for my personal e-mails.
Thanks and regards,
Victor H. Sparrow, III
I am a pirate, I really need one of these accounts because this is by far the best VPN out there, and I unfortunately do not have any money to buy one of those expensive other VPNs.
Thanks, Noah,
I would love to win this giveaway - I never win anything and would truly appreciate using Kepard VPN if I win.
I'm Living In Iran, the
I'm Living In Iran, the goverment Has Filtered Most Of The Websites On The Other Hand West Sanctioned Iran Government so we Can't Have Visa Or Master Card That's Why I Think I Deserve to have One.
Why? I've tried a lot of VPN
Why? I've tried a lot of VPN services. Kepard VPN is certainly one of the best. I would like to get a license for the Premium version. Thanks for the contest. Good luck to all.
I am a responsible vpn user .
Looks like very good VPN
Looks like very good VPN service provider,with 256-bit encryption and multi-platform support,really would like to win!
Becuz ISP in my counrty do
Becuz ISP in my counrty do some hardcore traffic shaping..
due to interbet disctrictions
due to interbet disctrictions in my country i shoul be one of the winners.
Sign Me Up! Premium VPN Accounts Up For Free Kepard
nothing is for free ! get lucky ... to get barrier free internet experience ...count me in.
tanks you
tanks you
i ali aminelahi
tanks you
i want to test this VPN on my fresh hackintosh
yeah, i'm gonna test it on my Mac OS X.. it's kinda cool right..
In China
I desperately need a good VPN. I live in China, and it's so damn difficult to access so many sites. Help!
I even had problems posting this comment!!
VPN Security
Users of this Security (Kepard's) will surely be secured in internet browsing.
I should be one of the
I should be one of the winners because some website is hard to reach because I'm in a third world country.
I need VPN because...
I want to bypass firewall restriction of my college.
I need VPN because...
I want to bypass firewall restriction
I should win the free Kepard because...
I live in Germany and can't use any American websites and i'm American If I get kepard VPN then I would finally be able to use American websites again. I really want it!
I would like to be one of the winners desperately.
I would like to be one of the winners desperately because I deserve it and more over it's the first comment. Soif you go by first come first serve it'll be me.
For a valid reason, I'm a software developer and I usually travel different countries. I really need protection for my network. Hope you understand my needs.
thanks to megaleecher
Sir i am gonna buy hidemyass..if you give me keypard...I wouldn't have buy another vpn service.Thats why i need this vpn a lot.
thanks to megaleecher
I need this vpn a lot..Because of my online work
Cause it's a just cause
Cause it's a just cause
kepard premium
sounds great and just what i need ill be starting an online college course soon and as an old timer i need this sort of backup and peace of mind fingers crossed!!!
regards to all and peace
I don't want to be a victim
I don't want to be a victim of identity thieves, hackers, and viruses.
well ,i'm here in place where
well ,i'm here in place where there is a lot of restriction on accessing websites , i'm here right now in saudi arabia, working as contract worker , really want to enjoy my surfing and reading articles on the net, hope i'll win one license , so i can get back my freedom on the net, thanks alot really a great giveaway, more power to you guys,,,,,
i want to use vpn due to some
i want to use vpn due to some security reasons, and try what are the advantage of using premium vpn.
I want to be The Winner for Give away
As i desperatly need a Free account for my online transaction and Surf around the world ..... As I live in Saudi Arabia where all side are BLOCKED :(
Great offer, Thanks!
Great offer, Thanks!
Needthe kind of account you
Needthe kind of account you offer here in the Philippines, where i do charity work and where my access to many legitimate sites, from ausralia and the us is restricted or forbidden because of government rules.
Kepard VPN for me
Already promote kepard VPN at https://twitter.com/rse2free and https://www.facebook.com/rian.s.effendi
VPN Giveaway
I've just watched Skyfall in which this technology was used and I want to take over the world and know a lot of politicians' heads together. More seriously I want to learn more about this technology as I'm only a beginner and I want to expand my mind more before I die.
count me in plz
i want test it and give you a review
I wanna win it so that i can
I wanna win it so that i can access from my homeland china
Please let me get because is all blocked for my country !
I promote Kepard VPN on https://twitter.com/Mario_Cigic/status/304206648015208448
Guys.............. Keep
Keep offers like this going...... one day I hope I will be chosen..
I want to improve my
I want to improve my safety.Thanks For Giveaway.
Why Win?
this awasome for kepard giveaway.
"[external]"but you want free 30 day premium without this event giveaway?
you know? this invite code for limited edition you can open http://kep.md/DXJ and fill out your detail & get for free 30 day premium is good deal right? for free no waiting :)
Need to access Netflix
I would really appreciate a Kepard account so that i can access Netflix from Australia.
Thanks for this opportunity.
Kepard Premium VPN
Count me in.
Thank u.
Handy for visit region blocked sites.
I really need this Awesome
I really need this Awesome VPN from Kepard.
Please count me in too. I wish to win this Giveaway..
why i be a winner
i be a winner because im the one of the part of megaleecher.net society ....that is enough for me!!
I need vpn because I live in iran
I need vpn because I live in iran,
I need vpn for freedoms
Secure network & personal
Secure network & personal laptop. Here to share with you :
You can win 1 of 10 free VPN accounts from @kepard (RT to enter)
Read more: Guaranteed VPN Security: Kepard Puts 10 Premium VPN Accounts Up For Free http://www.megaleecher.net/Free_Kepard_VPN#ixzz2LX7R60UA
thank you very much
thank you very much successful and victorious always
Because I'm awesome. And so
Because I'm awesome. And so is Pandora, Netflix, Hulu and all those cool stuff that aren't available in my country. Yeah, I must win! @StefanyBaez
I want to win this vpn account. Thanks!
Read more: Guaranteed VPN Security: Kepard Puts 10 Premium VPN Accounts Up For Free http://www.megaleecher.net/Free_Kepard_VPN#ixzz2LdOqtxXo
I'd use the VPN to use my
I'd use the VPN to use my smartphone securely when I'm on public wifi. I'd also use it for iPlayer and BT.
RT http://bit.ly/X3X03X
I am computer engineer and my department is security(Ceh).I must be own.
Kepard VPN Giveaway
I would be able to bypass the firewall at my workplace and access several useful sites, and simultaneously surf anonymously.
Winners announced..
Winners announced above.
I want this VPN
I want this VPN for security and remove Geo-restriction
I want to try VPN
I want to experience VPN premium
I love vpn
I love using vpn like this, can save money.
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