Rapidshare released their official download manager "Rapidshare Manager" - a free software for rapidshare premium users to download files without hassle, RapidShare Manager is a user friendly tool to upload and download files from RapidShare.com, software allows professional uploading and downloading for beginners as well as experienced users. Upload is possible for premium, collector's and free user. Premium users can upload files with a file size up to 2000 MB. Files bigger than 100 MB can only be downloaded by Premium users, unless the files have been a direct download and the traffic is paid by the file holder. Additional information to this feature can be found in the Premium Zone.

RapidShare Manager requires Microsoft .NET Framework installed on your computer to run.
Rapidshare Manager (RSM) For Premium Users From Rapidshare.Com
Wow! what a fantastic app. Truly amazing stuff.
You won't believe your eyes!
why i can't install this
why i can't install this RSM?
I have installed framework 2.0 but still can't install.
please help
cauz ur dummb, hahahahahaha
cauz ur dummb, hahahahahaha
I am a technician, what you need to do is put the crack pipe down for a day, then try reinstalling.
Your welcome!
I cannot install it
I cannot install it too, I am sure I setup framework 2.0 already.
how to download ???
uable to install rapidshare manager
after i installed rapidshare manager, it kept saying 'exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation' whatever that means?
please help!
for windows xp
make sure you choose the rsm for xp if you use windows xp....the one one the rapidshare site is only for vista... i work on xp,downloaded from here and it works fine...just download the correct rsm
I have the same problem
I have the same problem please help me thanks
rapid manager
I have the same problem after installing manager. Any1 with the answer?
Hey Guys I had the exact same problem now just 2 mins ago, I keept getting an error when I download saying " Use The .NET Framework 2.0 Configuration Tool" but all you have to do is save the setup to your desktop then run it form your desktop and it will install in no time!
you da man
you da man
this is doing my head in!
i have tried to install this both on my xp system & x64 ! will not install with net framework 1, 2 , or 3 ?
i have sp3 is that making a difference ? NO! cmon rapidshare sort it out!
This was doing my head in,Heres what your looking for everyone !
After my post above i quickly came across this and tested it !
I did not upload it just i found it on the net !
dont be fooled by the filesize as i found out after ! it also has google earth in the file .
i scanned it 1st with avast & is all ok now iam using it !
all the best 2 u all ! johnnie boy!
ADMIN COMMENT : Sorry, No Links
i also get this error
i also get this error ''exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation''
i got .net v2 with sp2, v3.5 with sp1 on my xp sp3 system.....just stupid from RS to release an application just for vista.....stupid, very stupid
The same problem
I have the same problem!!!! Where I find the RSM for Windows XP?
?f you learn where can you find RSM for xp , could you write to me
thanks a lotssss
The solution!!!!!!!!! UFFF!!!!!!!
The solution is here:
Downloaded and run file .exe!!!!
I'm sorry for my poor English
Thanks for the link.
Thanks for the link. Problem solved!
hi guys!can u pls tell me what to do about this RSM...
i really dont know how to download games thru Phazeddl....
there were lots of links and i cant download RSM..ive already downloaded Microsoft.NetFramework......
can you guys help me out with this...>>>>???? thnksss
rapidshare download manager
Where can i download rapidshare manager fo windows XP? Thank you
RapidShare Manager (RSM) Its Portable Though!!!!!
RapidShare Manager (RSM)
Win app | 6.0Mb | RS.com
RapidShare Manager is a great tool to manage your RapidShare uploads.
The one flaw is that it needs to be installed to use. I took the liberty to make a portable version of it.
The latest version of RSM will work on Vista only.
However, this portable version will work on XP too.
There is only one exe file of 302Kb.
Just run it and this portable version will start almost instantly
unlike having to wait a couple of seconds with the normal version.
The exe file is a WinRAR SFX (self-extracting executable).
You can open the file with WinRAR and see the contents.
This is completely safe.
This portable version will work even if the original gives you the following error.
This error has been common these days.
Quote: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.
Note : You must have .NET Framework 2.0 installed to use this
(Vista has it by default).
Best i could find for u guys
make sure u guys virus scan
make sure u guys virus scan this..................because i just checked after posting this and i'm getting bugs...............i'm sorry for the post
i just ended up using RapidGet
How can u be sure that its not bugged
I am getting the same problem, i have downloaded the complete installed version from some link some one posted here but am reluctant to use it.
How can be u sure that no one has modified this and it does not secretly transfers your password for some one on the internet ?.
This program sucks
This program sucks, I wish there were better alternatives :(
Use Flashget! Its free.
Use Flashget! Its free.
comments pointless
What it the use of comment section if admin removes all links with answers?????????????
Not all comments are removed, only SPAM is cleaned.
How to make rapidshare manager work on vista
Ok, after much trying and searching for an answer I worked it out... save the installer exe to your computer and then right click the exe and run the app as an administrator... Problem solved!
you are the man it worked finally thank you sooo much. as for the rest of you having problems run it as an administrator it works
Rapidshare Manger
Ok, after much trying and searching for an answer I worked it out... save the installer exe to your computer and then right click the exe and run the app as an administrator... Problem solved!
Worked here, had been running manager for a long time and for some reason couldn't log in.It had got changed of admin.and wouldn't run the program.
Thanks for the refresher all.
I had the Rapid Share
I had the Rapid Share Manager working on my Vista machine; however, now I am getting an error message stating "Problems with the network occured. Please check your internet connection"
I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling, but it does not fix the problem -- since the configuration settings (files to upload, account number, etc.,) are still there, I'm thinking it has something to do with where the configuration settings are saved.
Any advice???
I ha The Rapid Share
I've the same problem...2 day ago works fine but now i've network error but my internet is oK!!
Please help us!
I had the Rapid Share
Same here :( Help us!!
Same here, I'm using RS
Same here, I'm using RS Manager for XP but since yesterday no way to use it, I got the same message with problem in my network in uploads and downloads. Maybe Rapidshare block its access to enforce us to use RapidUploader, with this one I can't make pause to my uploads.
Hope soon we find a new and clean release for RS Manager
Same here.
Same here. Rapidshare Manager not working 2 days ago. :(
RSM Problems
I have the same error -- but it only pertains to uploads with RSM, I can still perform the downloads with no problem. I have fallen back to using the "Rapid Uploader" for Rapidshare uploads. It is not as convenient as RSM, but it is better than using Rapidshare's web interface.
Yes, RapidUploader working,
Yes, RapidUploader working, but only for files less then 100 MB :(
Same problem started today
Same problem started today with Rapidshare Manager and it was working fine just two days ago.
Me too
I, too have the "Problems with the network occured. Please check your internet connection" ERROR when i open the RSM. This just started this morning.
Same S*** Here...
Same S*** Here...
same here i'm very pissed
same here i'm very pissed off with this at the moement smh
Files larger than 100Mb..
No way to upload larger files than 100Mb, Rapid Uploader can upload only files with 100Mb max. when I try the browser I got this message after few kbs uploader "NaN % (NaN KB from 164920 KB)", and till now no news from RS about this problem...
No news yet
This seems to be the only site on the net discussing this issue.
I have installed RSM on another XP machine here and i still have the same issue. :(
Im going through upload withdrawals.
Same Problem
"Problems with the network occured. Please check your internet connection"
How to fix that?
No one knows yet :(
No one knows yet :(
Im too getting the same RSM
Im too getting the same RSM network problem. Rapid Uploader sucks compared to it for a number of reasons. I hope they sort it out soon
Same problem with the pached
Same problem with the pached one here :(
Patched RSM not working either
Same problem with the pached one me too
RS Manager Working again !!
Finally RS Manager is working again, just now I tried it and is working fine,
RSM Working again
After several days of error messages, RSM appears to be working again for me also -- let's hope it continues to do so :-)
It comes on & off
Yesterday, I had a perfect downloading day with RSM.
But today it's back to Network Connection error. It has nothing to do with a machine. When the problem is ocurring, it comes on even new installations. I tried on 5 machines & 2 ISP's with same results.
rsm trabaja otra vez
no se cómo y por qué empezó la pesadilla y tampoco como terminó ni el porque, pero ya ha vuelto a la normalidad.
thanks but........
Hi Friend.... It's file cannot i download.Please give me a mirror maybe at rapidshare please
Need Help
Where I find the RSM for Windows XP?
Same Problem with RSM for XP
I had the same problem start with RSM for XP yesterday.
What is RS doing on their end to cause this?
Rapidshare Manager Program Files - Got it!
Hello Friends...
I too like you, had that "exception thrown" problem on my XP machine. so i sent a support mail to rapidshare and they replied to me with the following file attched.
It is the Manager program file and will work 100% on a XP system with .net 2.0 or above.....it works fine on my system.
Please note that to download files you need to have a premium account username & password....it does not support collectors account....
Just extract and run the exe file. The short cut will be automatically placed on the desktop. BELIEVE ME! THIS IS NOT A SCAM OR SOME STUPID PROGRAM...
Hope it works.
Network problem - solved
I had the same problem, no connection. The thing was, that i had manually a DNS server, for another ISP and it didnt work at another ISP (manually for my PC).
So i just switched to automaticly receiving DNS and it works again.
I have Win XP
Wish you good luck
RSm 4 XP
I have WinXp SP3 and RSM won't work it says "exception thrown out by something". Earlier in this post it says donload from http://rapidshare.com/--REMOVED--
but that link isn't working.
Where can I download the latest XP working Version?
RSM For XP Download...
Here you go:
RapidShare and Windows XP
I requested support from RapidShare specifically for Windows XP. I received the following response with the attached link.
We are very sorry for the inconvenience.
At the moment the only way to get RSM Manager running is to use this link:
Then unpack the folder and please do not start the setup.exe.
Just open the folder: rs manager.
Then start the RSM with RapidShareManager_0_1_0_248
Best regards,
Support Team
RapidShare AG
Gewerbestrasse 6
6330 Cham
Hope this helps and the link is left accessible.
I can´t find the address with the browser....sorry, but I can´t install the RSM
truly, regards
Works !!!
Many THanks !
I Wrote to RS Support too. But got no reply yet !
Your post was what I hoped !
Works for me in XP
RapidShare Manager for XP link
thank you very very much
Does NOT Work
Dont waste your time, this is the biggest piece of crap software i have ever seen. It has 101 excuses to not work from 'exception at line...' to some crap about Networking thing being missing (which you WILL have on XP cuz its a Windows Update).
rapidshare manager
thanks meu, é nóis.
didnt wOrk
Help me with this, i cant download anything with rs host. Its always reply me that my Ip still downloading a file...acctually i had never get thpough.........
I want to download Rapid Share Manager file free with serial key
Dear SIr,
Compliments of the day,
I am javed iqbal ahmed from the city karacji of the south east aian country Pakistan.
I have downloaded the software "Rpid Share Manager Download for WIndow XP. I am using Windows Xp service pack 2).
When I tried to repair the erorr then it needs activation key called regisstration key, cd -key with lisence pucahse nae and lisence code.
I dont have this.
I shall be very thankful to you if you kindly send me the lisence code name and lisene code key so that all the errors from my computer will be free.
My email address is " sohailpk_khan@yahoo.com". Please send me email in Ebglish Language and Plain text format not HTML format bcause I don’t know HTML format to read.
I shall be very thankful to you for this act of kindness.
Have a nice day and take very good care of yourself.
Good Bye,
Javed Iqbal Ahmed.
the best
thanx a lot
Same problem with the pached
Same problem with the pached one me too
Thanks for RSM install info
I have no clue how to operate. I tried to add a url and I got the error no rapidshare url found. I need step by step instructions for a moron. Anyone
whoever posted this link,
whoever posted this link, thank you! it works!
RapidShare Manager for XP link
Submitted by Anonymous on Fri, 01/09/2009 - 20:34.
plzzzzzzz ..........
Dear SIr,
Compliments of the day,
I am kranthi kumar from the country india.
I have downloaded the software "Rpid Share Manager Download for WIndow XP. I am using Windows Xp service pack 2).
When I tried to repair the erorr then it needs activation key called regisstration key, cd -key with lisence pucahse nae and lisence code.
I dont have this.
I shall be very thankful to you if you kindly send me the lisence code name and lisene code key so that all the errors from my computer will be free.
My email address is " rompicherla_kranthikumar@yahoo.com". Please send me email in Ebglish Language and Plain text format not HTML format bcause I don’t know HTML format to read.
I shall be very thankful to you for this act of kindness.
Have a nice day and take very good care of yourself.
Good Bye,
kranthi kumar
Rapidshare Manager fix for vista users
Rapidshare Manager fix required for Vista Ultimate 64-bit users. Error is "No Rapidshare URL found" while adding exactly rapidshare links in the add box. Also please note .Net 2.0 Infrastructure for 64-bit application have been correctly installed on my machine. Please advise!
Thank-You for your help in advance
Rapidshare Manager
Don't waste your time with this unless you want to loose your premium account.
* Submission details:
o Submission received: 20 March 2009, 17:17:25
o Processing time: 7 min 53 sec
o Submitted sample:
+ File MD5: 0x525DCA3DD8CB52EC026A2719399710EA
+ File SHA-1: 0x56542BA0DBF387B9134BFDD8F82D93E8F1C9F6C0
+ Filesize: 20,480 bytes
+ Alias:
# Trojan-PSW.Small.gs [PCTools]
# Infostealer [Symantec]
# Trojan-PSW.Win32.Small.gs [Kaspersky Lab]
# Generic PWS.y [McAfee]
# Troj/PWSteal-G [Sophos]
# PWS:Win32/PWSteal.F [Microsoft]
# Trojan-PWS.Win32.Small [Ikarus]
# Win-Trojan/Downloader.20480.VF [AhnLab]
* Summary of the findings:
What's been found Severity Level
Downloads/requests other files from Internet.
Contains characteristics of an identified security risk.
Technical Details:
Possible Security Risk
* Attention! The following threat category was identified:
Threat Category Description
A keylogger program that can capture all user keystrokes (including confidential details such username, password, credit card number, etc.)
RSM: "Problems with the network occured. Please check your inter
I'm running RSM on XP. I've run into this issue dozens of times. I've found by deleting the configuration file and restarting RSM, I could get things to function again. You do however, have to add your login/pswd and any redo any other settings you've changed. I've made a "rsm_cleanup.cmd" file to remove the previous settings files. It looks like this:
rd "c:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Application Data\rapidshare" /s /q
I'm now experimenting with only deleting some of the files in the rapidshare folder. Now "rsm_cleanup.cmd" looks like this:
del "c:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Application Data\rapidshare\downloadQueue.xml"
rem del "c:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Application Data\rapidshare\einstellungen.xml"
del "c:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Application Data\rapidshare\uploadQueue.xml"
This will hopefully avoid wiping out my settings. I'll have to let you know the next time the problem occurs.
Re: RSM: "Problems with the network occured. Please check your i
Well the problem just occurred again. Deleting just the downloadQueue.xml and uploadQueue.xml was sufficient to fix the problem for me.
RSM Got my Firefox to not work
When installed the RSM for vista on my xp machine, after that i cant browse in firefox anymore.
Anyone got a hotfix?
having problems the past few days
Same issues, problem with network. I can sometimes get it going, but it will not continue, only the d/l's I can get started, I have to manually get the new ones going.
I have .net framework 3.5 and poor computer and this is working for me ..just instal an newest version of .net framework :D my eng is so bad :S i hope i help
Which is the virus that automatically scrolls up and down.
RSM issue
Thx for all the info. I'll try this out at work now which had the 'exception' error.!
if you get it from the link above extract to your desktop and run the exe and it starts right up, i have 9 pc on home network and followed the said steps and it worked on all with no problem
THX , it's working :)
Do you need to be a premium user to use this?
Rapidshare Manager on Vista
I solved the issue by doing these steps:
1) Install the application (Rapidshare Manager).
2) Make sure you have .NET Framework installed on yor pc.
3) Right click on RS Manager shortcut in the desktop and choose Run AS Aminstrator.
That's all you have to do.
Protected vs. Run As Admin
I've been lucky in having very few problems with RSM on VistaHP in normal Admin acct. (Not the (hidden?)Superuser Admin acct.
I did initially run the install stub as admin and had no problem installing-
BUT... For 2-3 months after I first installed RSM
I had absolutely NO PROBLEMS WHATSOEVER -everything worked as it should -Then one day out of the blue
when I started RSM it would not connect to RS.
I finally tried running as admin and all worked fine again.
I have run accross some of the minor hang-ups described here and in every case the deletion of the local RSM directory .xml files corrected the problem.
My question is why was I initially able to run RSM in protected mode but now the only way it works is if I start as Admin?
I didn't change or upgrade versions or make any config changes.
Works Perfect
Works Perfect. No problems what so ever. Mine XP SP3 not Vista. Thank you very much for pragramm.
Also link to Microsoft .NET Framework Version 2.0
Thank you for share
Rapidshare emperium
The problem of rapidshare is that they dont have a page wich explane the issues of this shitty program. I'm a rapidshare user for more than 3 years and this downloadmanager did not work ever...
They could make it webbased, but wy should they. They have the money already.
The program sucks and they know it....
Rapidshare Manager no longer works or downloads
Anyone having problems with Rapidshare should delete the Rapidshare files by navigating to the file location, usually:
C:\Users\"UserName"\AppData\Local\RapidShare (for vista)
Just delete all the files in this folder, and re-install Rapidshare Manager and all should be fine.
Thanks Mack
Did exactly what you said and bam...working again...very cool thx
YOU are LEGEND!!!!!
YOU saved my life lol.
I never think about this and It works many times with other programs.
finaly I can use my RSM again.
Im soooo hapy thnx thnx thnx thnx
I don't understand why they do not make a new version of the RSM.. It's solve lots of problems!
Check this for rapiduploader
Check this for rapiduploader for WINDOWS XP.. IT WORKS..!!!!
RSM no longer works
I recently upgraded from winxp to windows7 now my rapidshare manager no longer works anyone have any answers for me on why this is happening. THanks
windows7 now my rapidshare manager no longer works anyone have a
I tried to install all the versions I could find at rapidshare and couldn't find one that works for windows 7. I am waiting for a reply form rapidshare. Surely they have the solution I would think. Anyone can help me please do and contact me at artg@nni.com
Thanks much
I also just upgraded from
I also just upgraded from Vista to Win7 and it will not download but uploads fine.
Truly puzzled
if u have problems then read this
if u guys need help installing this i can help you troubleshoot ok so what i need you guys to do is to upgrade to the latest .Net framework i am not sure what version it is google it for me ok next after u upgrade then when you run the setup on vista run it as admin by right clicking on it and do the same after you're done installing it if any more problems seem to occur well than i will not be able to help u unless u post.
for windows xp
I just downloaded it from above mentioned link.
Saved it on my local hard drive so it created 'rsm' rar folder.
1. unzip/unrar it and u will get rsm folder.
2. In that folder remove 'AiRoboForm-freev' this file which is not actually Rapidshare manager this is a third party tool to save your passwords etc. junk i would say. so i deleted it becasue i didnot need this.
3. within rsm folder there is another folder 'RapidShareManager_0_1_0_248' which actually contains rapidshare manager for windows xp.
4. No need to install anything just run this file 'RapidShareManager' and you will be able to use rapidshare manager on windows xp.
Hope it will help.
Rapidshare, can you please
Rapidshare, can you please sort this out,we all have the same problem
it started 2 days ago,and i have files waiting,i also downloaded net.framework 2 and 3, did not make any change.
Rapidshare, Xp, Vista, and beyond
Just started using rapidshare
xp link above working fine (fingers crossed)
Read all comments and some good advice, was just wondering if there is a Programmer out there reading this that can redesign the programme so it solves All the problems as rapidshare won’t do this.
RAPIDSHARE SUPPORT is a joke. I cannot check the radio button for direct downloads- NECESSARY for use of this software. I tried nine emails for password resets- to no avail. Don't expect support. All they expect is to collect money. If something malfunctions they ignore it. I'll go to usenet, which is free. Why pay for non-support when you can get free downloads anyway?
I have been using rapidshare for about a year as a premium user,
and i have used rapid share on XP, Vista and win 7 and after a few weeks i keep getting PROBLEMS OCCURED WITH NETWORK PLEASE CHECK YOUR INTERNET CONNECTION. can anyone shed any light on this problem.
i have also tried some other down load programs for RS and they report that they cannot conect to rapidshare even after i have set them up with my premium log in details.
title says it...
I can't download RSM for XP,
I can't download RSM for XP, looks like link is broke.
Rapidshare Premium Link Generate
insert your Rapidshare Link in Box then Click on Download,One Pop up Window open then Click on any Link of popup
Now your Rapidshare Premium Link Generate .........Enjoy
Active Not Working.
Hi there, I just wanted to ask if you could help me. I am using premium account and I have installed the RSM however when I add links to the download tab, I then also click on the download buttom. And then all the files are shown exactly as on yours, it even says ACTIVE, but it is not downloading the files... And it doesnt move on at all .. It just stays at 512kb/200MB? .... can you help me please ? anyone ?
I have used this before, and
I have used this before, and works well except I have had it lose connection and download fails.
similar to jdownloader?
Hey guys, just one question : this software is similar to jdownloader?
thank u
thanks to megaleecher
Rapid share support suck ,
Rapid share support suck , they are stupid and ignorant the rs upload tool no longer will work, they want everyone to use the latest rsm, but it don't work with Win XP SP2-3 S o to use their crappy java based tool they expect us to use Win 7 ?
It works no problems, just very badly
Hhmm, no confirmation or error message after submitting my previous post, try again ...
No problems at all installing & running it, seems many people who have commented here don't follow one of the very basic rules, ALWAYS download install programs to disc before running them.
But the program itself is still a total POS even all these years later, it is the worst download/upload manager ever experienced.
It's own claimed purpose is to make downloading & uploading with rapidshare quicker & easier that doing it via their web pages with your browser, by their own measures, it is a TOTAL FAIL, it is quicker & easier using your browser.
Especially for uploading, during which it seems rather fond of taking frequent breaks for no apparent reason, & simply wont upload a single file at full speed (which for my connection is only 120kb/s) for more than a few minutes at a time, it mostly runs at about half speed, that is when it is not taking a breather & doing nothing at all, none of these problems I have when doing it the normal way via browser, & none of these problems I have with similar programs from other sites.
In fact at one of the sites I am involved with we have just released our own, it is only V 1.0 & already works better than rapidshares effort, we outsourced the work & it cost us just a few k, the only excuse for rapidshares effort after all these years is pure incompetence & lack of respect for their users.
I say all this as a long standing premium member that has no plans to stop using their service, it is the best long term file sharing site for legal operators, but rapidshare manager sux big time, if they can't be bothered fixing it, which seems to be the case, they should just enable ftp & be done with it, any free ftp program will do a better job & offer their uploaders a professional standard of service that their own client & website does not, reliably queuing & consistently transferring at good speed are NOT minor details for regular uploaders.
i created rapidshare account
i created rapidshare account (9.90 euro).
how do i download rapidshare manager?
dan zehavi
i have not succeeded to
i have not succeeded to download the rapidshare manager. it writes that the internet page is not available,
can you help me please,
dan zehavi
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