We all know Sony takes business very seriously, and unlike other tech companies takes a very strong stand against anybody trying to circumvent their console security for enabling sideloading or game piracy. Sony sued the well-known Apple iOS hacker George Hotz for releasing the first-ever Playstation3 custom firmware which was the initial step towards letting others enable game piracy for the earlier locked platform. An alleged Sony PS4 jailbreak named Reckz0r has now made it's presence public online claiming to allow execution of unassigned/unauthorized code and pirated games on PS4 exploiting an vulnerability in underlying FreeBSD based Orbis OS. The author goes ahead with sharing all details and files showing users how to "crack" their PS4's labeling this as an tribute to George Hot.

I have been away for a while, so my question to you is; did you miss me? I am aware that ya'll were all thirsty for a cup of a fine Reckz0r release, so here I am...with a fine f__kin' glass of a RECKZ0R release, yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! (did that sound sarcastic?)Before I get off started ridiculing Sony, I'd like to pay homage to Sir George Hotz, who looked into the eyes of Sony and made them ej__ulate as they bowed down in fear. Very artistic of you, Geohotz.
Now that, George Hotz has resigned from engaging in all types of sexual activities with an computer, and as all fans of PlayStation are crying for the comeback of GeoHotz..I'd let you all know, you don't need that lil f__kin' fa__ot. You really don't.
As you all know, PS4 runs Orbis OS, that is highly based on FreeBSD (which is a opensource operating system), and as the PS4 is closely identical to a PC, I guess you all knew that PS4 and the Xbox One will probably end up getting pwned soon, and now..its time.
NOTE: I did not find this vulnerability within PS4, nor did I write the exploit, while I was browsing thru an Brazilian console-hacking forum known as condinh0 (I am sure you all know this if you hang out at TOR). A person named x-s4nd3r released the devkit of PS4, as well as the exploit within 5 days of PS4 release. Although most of you don't know how to apply that jailbreak on the PS4, I am making this tutorial to sort this shit out for you.
OS: Orbis
Console: PlayStation 4
Type: Privilege Escalation/Buffer Overflow (allows to run assigned code)
Created on: 25 November 2013-AUTHOR-
Name: x-s4nd3r
Above quote edited to remove profound language.
A word of caution, this jailbreak is neither declared legit nor secure. Also, the author himself warns users to NOT go online as it will get their console banned immediately.
Update # @Reckz0r has now tweeted the following pic claiming to be an twitter direct-message exchange between him and Sony officials threatening him of an eminent arrest if this is not taken offline.

Should've kept it under wrap
Should've kept it under wrap until more games were out.
Now Sony will issue a bunch of firmware update both online and on the game disks, killing this from happening early on.
PS4 Cracking..
This screams fake to me from all aspects.
I am sure this is one of china deployments used to brick a console.
Everything from the way it was released to the way he comment to Sony about his patch release via twitter looks, sounds and feels fake.
I asked around about Reckz0r in the hacking community. No one seems to really know this person so I say its a fake
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