In an earlier blog post ([Investigative Video] Health Risks Of WiFi Radiation Are Real) we tried to get an answer for the question - Is WiFi Radiation Safe?, and the conclusion was NO. The same has now being proved by an experiment done by high school students in Denmark, while not exactly an "controlled experiment done under professional lab environment" the students took full-safeguards to make sure both environments are same with only one difference of exposure to radiation.
This all started when five ninth-grade girls started noticing that they are having trouble concentrating after sleeping with their mobile phones at their bedsides, and later decided to do an experiment at school. The girls took 12 trays and filled same amount of garden cress seeds into them, six trays were placed inside a room with Wi-Fi routers that emitted roughly the same microwave radiation as a mobile-phone, and other six trays inside a separate room without WiFi radiation. The girls carefully controlled both environments for temperature, sunlight and water and the results after 12 days were nothing short of "shocking" - the radiation-free room seeds developed into bushy greenery, while the seeds next to the Wi-Fi routers were shriveled, brown and even mutated as shown below.

While this is neither a controlled study nor an conclusive result, this has certainly made it to the international news and attracted professional researchers to do the same in controlled lab conditions to give us an authoritative answer.
For the time-being I am switching off my WiFi router at night, and would love to know what would you do?
Get rid of your WiFi at home.
I think one could eliminate the problem at home by switching your WiFi routers out with powerplant switches.
One end goes to your normal router.
the other power plug goes next to your pc.
And you will be able to connect to it via a LAN cable as if you were connected to the router directly.
only thing is that you are connected through your house power cables.
very useful in this situation.
then if you really can't live without WiFi then keep only a WiFi router on during daytime when you actually use it.
Most newer routers have a usage timer for the WiFi, where you can program the on off times of the network.
Critical thinking
Even if the experiment is accurate, I'm not terribly worried. Humans are not plants (and cress is not representative of all plants) and there is no obvious reason to assume the result is applicable to humans. Relatively small amounts of some forms of chocolate can kill a dog, without causing me to worry about the same happening to me. Some salt on the ground will kill the grass, but I'm not afraid to salt my fries even so.
There's also the detail of specifying "routers", plural. If they surrounded the cress with 20 of them, I wouldn't be surprised if the heat output from the power bricks alone made a difference. There are too many variables at play to assume the radiation was the actual culprit.
There have been some
There have been some scientific studies done that show that radiation, like that that a router emits, affects the way our brains function. Also there are some people who are "allergic" to cellular signals & have to avoid it at all cost.
I have only seen anecdotal
I have only seen anecdotal claims like those you refer to. I've never seen an actual trustworthy research paper coming to that conclusion. Have you actually read them yourself (or been told by someone you have reason to trust to have verified the data), or are you quoting others that have also said they exist?
Even if you are correct, critical thinking still applies. Say, for example, that a credible paper shows that WiFi affects the way our brains function. Then you read a bit more thoroughly, and discover that it's only relevant if your head is within 3 cm of the WiFi antenna, or something like that. And then there's the question of how it affects the brain, and whether there's any reason to believe that's a reason to worry or not. Alcohol affects our brains to an extremely visible degree, yet in a matter of ours our liver has cleansed our system with no lasting effect (unless you effectively overdose on the stuff, of course). If a paper shows WiFi affects our brains, research is then needed to ascertain in what way and whether that's a problem or not in normal use cases. Only after doing all this, can you actually approach a conclusion.
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