Submitted by Deepesh Agarwal on Wed, 01/15/2014 - 10:43
Whispers of an upcoming major update to Microsoft Windows operating-system have already started, according to industry watcher's Microsoft will be discussing the next version of Windows at coming April,2014 BUILD conference. Codenamed 'Threshold', the next version of Windows is expected to be called Microsoft Windows 9 and should be targeted with an speculated release date of April, 2015. While not much is public now, it is expected that a more mature and fixed "Metro 2" design language will be used taking the failure of Windows 8 into consideration.

how did they take windows 8
how did they take windows 8 fail in to consideration and still sticking to metro. i do like metro but thats why its failing . because its to hard to find a 3rd party for a start menu....
Get windows 8.1
Get windows 8.1
windows8 to 8.1
I want to update my windows 8 to 8.1 but I can't do this
because of my windows don't found it .please tell me what's should I do.
Upgrade to Windows 8.1
Just follow the upgrade instructions here - and if you have a genuine copy of windows it will work.
about windows 9
I would like to know the latest news about windows 9
Finally... Or not...
Metro 2???? How about hackintosh instead?? Anyone for Mac os x maverick? Window's again you fail your people, I personally hacked my window 8 to hide the metro UI crap and load right on to desktop and yes start menu (none native).. This is disappointing but hay it is to early right.. M$ you better add a hoverboard to that metro 2 crap or it's hackintosh all the way.
Woooooow you hacked your Windows 8 .... why bother installing when u hate metro in the first place. Also why are you bitching against win8 :/.... shouldn't be any reasons to I guess. We all have our preferences and you definitely don't share OUR preference. ;) greeting Robin :D
Why not?
Everynew laptop/PC comes with window 8. Microsoft so ready to push out there best working OS window 7 for something that is suppose to be "more USER 2.0 friendly" or as few of us referring to the user "web user" or "tablet/netbook user" as for why I still have it because it is less resource demanding and HP has locked the OS key to its BIOS which means no downgrading without losing everything Thank you partner ship with crap as for "bitching" your right I am bitching over something a child has on his game system or something a tablet uses has as a GUI or a cellphone has. Why should I not want this the metro ui hell its in everything a child uses now a days right? I mean why have something useful like ohh I don't know a start menu when I can simply navigate through folder and folder and folder looking for what I need to look for like for instances device management because driver still not window 8/8.1 ready yet or end a service because it is unnecessary or even go through registry to delete virus attacks and fix I/O problems yes why do anything useful just surf the net and let the tiles do the work for me until my computer crashes then I can worry about that while trying to talk to Microsoft and try to refresh my OS from scratch losing my work and downloads. Yes that is what I want to do very much so (sarcasm)
The simple fact is window 8 is a fail like window vista like window me... Window is usually a hit or miss and right now what window 8 feels like is a 50 year old company trying to get a face lift and plastic surgery so they can feel young and edgy again. What they need to do is stop the metro UI stuff get that going on the phone or tablet and give people a real start menu and a new GUI. They want to be innovative that is great I want them to be, but becoming a trend looking all gimmicky is not away to be anywhere near innovative. Window 8 is just tablet with a desktop app, background bells and whistle.. Anyone over the age of 15 doesn't really like window 8 we just learn to get used to it. Those who still hold on to window 7 and tried window 8 go back to window 7 because it's reliable and works. Window 9 should be cutting loose the tablet tile and going back to what works. Start menu is that edge at least put that back and I would stop "bitching" about it.. window 8.1 they gave you a task icon on the desktop app, you know what that is... A metro ui short cut not a start menu, you had to right click on it to get to very important things NO stop pretending to give user crap give them back the real stuff and give those 14 year old kids tablets that all they know how to use. Window 9 should be a 3 part system.. One for tablet one for phone and one for PC that is only the desktop with a start menu no need for the crap tiles.
Me hacking window 8 all i did was buy start8 which gave me back my start menu and allowed me to load desktop app instead of the metro ui, it also allowed me to disable the charm which again shortcut you back to metro ui. I still have metro ui which can be accessed on my start menu.
You obviously dont know how
You obviously dont know how windows works , and you def don.t get the tiles. Itrs sad that you took all this time to complain vs using that time to learn the windows 8 UI. You make 0 valid points its actually embarrasing that you would write this down. How is 8 a fail , just because you can't grasp the UI ? You need to refreash your PC and loose everything ? Windows 8 brings a new feature that allows you to just refresh your windows files and leave your apps alone , this is a new feature in windows 8 that windows 7 never had. Its actually bette. 1st proof your just talking and making no sense. Windows 7 is reliable and just works but what windows 8 doesn't ? It supports a shit load of new features , better hardware support , its faster than windows 7 on the same hardware , meaning the drivers are easier to build , printing support for pcl 4 allows for generic drivers from manufactures , one driver for all printer models with all the necessary functionality working such as duplex printing. I can go on and on about the new features under the hood that make a difference. But you will never grasp the concepts based on your childish post.
Think about it start menu is old school that shit don't work properly at all , ever had a computer with 30 plus applications installed , you open the start menu and you have to put your mouse on the arrow to scroll through all the app , and you have to read each program name to find your application, let me guess you keep all your important things on the desktop. The desktop and tiles menu is the same fucking thing , just keep what you need on the tiles menu and your set. Its actually a visual start menu but here let me give you a stupid clunky text based menu you like to waste time looking for shit go ahead.
Not a single piece of technical reasoning is in your post , get stardock and stay in the past, its ok by me less people that know things makes it easier for me to make money.
Your not fucking hacking anything , are you serious you installed a program. That is not hacking , evenm though you think your self as a hacker who might get some free programs using key generators or what not but your not a hacker lol wow that made me laugh for 3 min your a idiot not a hacker.
bet your 14 year old right?
I am glad I made at least an a__l window fanatic laugh thought you fan boys rub one off to window vista or something.
So where do I begin oh boy.. Love to see you window 8 fan boy. You should right a blog after you start high school.
"You obviously don't know how windows works" ---- hmm yes obviously hell I am on my window 8 PC it right now and I can not make heads or tails on how to get myself out of that darn desktop of mine *sideways frown face also sarcasm* " and you def don.t get the tiles." --- let me correct your underage spelling there for you "and you definitely do not get the tiles" sorry I tend to correct underage mistakes i find the lack of knowledge sad.. Well I mean I can navigate through them just fine. I can find application through the window store easily, Open my data through my desktop and it opens my app nicely but i feel it is a waste of time since it is virtually useless to watch video through window video app when we have media player or I can download VLC and watch my movie on that loads faster and I can also run it behind on my desktop while running other things. Music the same deal why open an app when I have media player. Now photo hmm got me there app makes it some what easy but i do run Irfan viewer which lets me view and edit my photo also run gif, mov, avi, mkv just like VLC does.
"Windows 8 brings a new feature that allows you to just refresh your windows files and leave your apps alone" -- This is true but I am not talking about app that you can always re-download if you use the same email account you register window 8 to. I am talking about data you know photo, video, music, documents. Window 8 still has bugs that I am hoping they will iron out with SP1 if they do make a service pack for window 8. The bug causes some times the account to not load after software update, driver updates which can cause the new blue screen of death or as we call it the side ways frown face which requires you to re-install a copy of window 8 that is stored in the UEFI partition. But you can always back up your files to an external hard drive which people still down. No OS is 1005 crash prove by the way. I will say this window 8 has the right idea to have an ISO copy of it's O.S. on that UEFI so when it crashes you can always re-install window 8 over and over again. I guess it was intended by Microsoft then hmmm.
"1st proof your just talking and making no sense. Windows 7 is reliable and just works but what windows 8 doesn't ? It supports a shit load of new features , better hardware support , its faster than windows 7 on the same hardware" ---- Not gonna correct your grammar mistake cause I am make them anyways on mine. As for "shit load of hardware support and its faster then windows 7" Like any new OS a lot of company have re patch old driver as well as new driver to any new operating system (O.S.) it takes time and yet still many have issue with drive. Now "it's faster then window 7" that is very debatable but you did add "on the same hardware" to be far I am running all on a WD 7200Rpm 1tb black edition hard drive. I was running window 7 before on a Corsiar 64gb SSD drive and using my 1tb as storage space for games and media including program.. I am sorry you don't know what that is I mean "APPS".. what was my load time on my SSD was about 7 seconds same as my window 8. Software can seem faster but hardware beats it to the punch anyways.
"Think about it start menu is old school that shit don't work properly at all , ever had a computer with 30 plus applications installed , you open the start menu and you have to put your mouse on the arrow to scroll through all the app , and you have to read each program name to find your application, let me guess you keep all your important things on the desktop." ---- Actually it worked very well since window 95. "you open the start menu and you have to put your mouse on the arrow to scroll through all the app" Called a search bar man sat on the bottom of the start menu was introduce in vista and window 7 made more sense to have it then to "scroll" you know using your finger tendon to actually do something beside veg out on your bed while on your tablet angry because your mom took your sexbox one from you. "let me guess you keep all your important things on the desktop" actually I have partitioned my 1tb hard drive and store my programs, media and documents on it so when window 8 crashes again I still have my information.
"The desktop and tiles menu is the same fucking thing , just keep what you need on the tiles menu and your set" Wow... so then master of the window 8 tile how do I put up my documents on my tile? How do I tile my media folder so I can watch your mom bang your neighbor (Damn yes he did). Factor is tile only runs application that runs your media, your desktop is GUI (graphic user interface) In which you can easily interface create document, media and shortcut program or folder or even directory. Modern UI also known as metro UI was created nearly as an interface to help bring in "old people" like me to the modern world by creating simple to use and understand tile on a transparent surface. The real reason why I hate Modern UI is because it is pointless if you have a desktop with a startmenu.
Speaking of "Your not fucking hacking anything , are you serious you installed a program. That is not hacking , evenm though you think your self as a hacker who might get some free programs using key generators or what not but your not a hacker lol wow that made me laugh for 3 min your a idiot not a hacker." ----- true but the program cost $5 I was able to retrieve a copy of a key from off the server bank and reintroduce that under the hidden "program application" folder on the main directory as a .bin file using the hash code, This enable me to fool live validation from stardock into believing I bought the program the same deal with my window 8 professional copy. I was able to slip in an SLI and SLIC key copy of the trial version VLK and reset every 180 days 100 times I was also able to install an OEM version to make it more legit-able looking. I also shut off the online validation system and reintroduce a re patched copy which tricked Microsoft.
The thing is I really do not see a purpose to modern UI, It is un-necessary unless running a tablet. Window 9 needs to redirect it's modern 2 UI to handle more then applications. It has no real world uses unless your a grade school then I see where limiting the use of a desktop and working around tablet like application is a good must.
Window 8 was a fail not because of quick it started, but how fast Microsoft wanted to push out reliable interface for something more bell's and whistle. No real programmer is going to use window 8 unless they are making casual gaming or small application for younger generation. I see no real use as a normal user either, It offer frustrations, window 8.1 was far worse no idea why they did not introduce this small upgrade as a service pack to window 8 instead of making you upgrade your OS.
Window 8 fan boy "greg" Thank you for your 5 cents but invalid. I do see where in some point us "old" user have to move on from how great things were to how useless things are. Personally working on my hackintosh in a Mac PowerPC G5 series case. No point in beating it any more Just going to the Mac side
Windows 9 will be the version
Windows 9 will be the version that break the cycle... two version of Windows that are crap in a row.
Microsoft really need to understand that nobody with half a brain want to even use Metro on a desktop computer, it's awful to use with a mouse. Give us the option to entirely disable the Modern UI and all it's bringing with it during installation and we may care about it.
Actually I really like the
Actually I really like the metro ui but yea like I said we akte have our own preferences. Greetings Robin
A better PC OS
Microsoft, listen up: Make a fast efficient, feature rich windows 7 like OS with optional windows 8 metro apps, a real start button, and include MS Office with Outlook, plug all of the infection holes in the registry (.exe, .dll and .sys and other functions can be altered at will? really?) and you will have a win. Everyone wants a computer that does it all right out of the box that does not get infected and runs like lightning.
Could not agree more.
Could not agree more.
Microsoft is infected with
Microsoft is infected with Metro.
Anything that interface touches, it kills.
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