Submitted by Deepesh Agarwal on Mon, 02/02/2015 - 09:04
Just days after WhatsApp introduced the much needed Desktop/Web access for the world's leading instant messenger service, we now have WhatsApp Call feature making it's appearance on some selective installations. It seems the WhatsApp Voice Call feature will be invite only for now where a user who already has the feature can initiate a call to a new user activating it on the other users installation. A semi-functional trick to activate the WhatsApp Call feature before everybody else is shared below.

You will need a rooted phone with Terminal Emulator and latest 2.11.508 version of the WhatsApp App to get the "non-functional" feature temporarily activated as shown below:
- Download latest WhatsApp version 2.11.508 with voice-calling feature from the official website and install it -
- Now open the "Android Terminal" app (available in Google Play store for free), and type in
command followed byam start -n com.whatsapp/com.whatsapp.HomeActivity
. - WhatsApp will launch with the new user-interface having the call functionality as shown below, however this will not enable the call functionality yet. Further hacks/tricks to activate the same will be shared as soon as discovered.

It Works :)
It Works :)
Just a visual change! -_-
It will work! But you won't be able to call. Just the UI would change. So, its better to get to normal UI. When invited, the community would assume that the person has already got it activated. So mind well! No messing up with root files and even terminal. Both ways are useless... secondly, Whatsapp Plus and Reborn will also just give the UI no calling. So don't get carried away by their screenshots. Third party apps are still unsuccessful in activating feature even after invitations. Rather, your invitation gets wasted, thereby, leaving your calling feature unactivated. Hope you understand me. You can read my lower and latest comments below to check out current ways to unlock calling such that it works and also the current invitation status. ^_^
Thank You,
Rushi Vyas.
kindly call me for activate
kindly call me for activate whatsapp calling;my no. +919560850033
Please hel0 me to activate
Please hel0 me to activate voice calling frature no. Is 8285060239
Can you please help me
Can you please help me activate my whatsapp. . Give me a call +12158401772
Thank you
please invite me 919645242263
please invite me 919645242263
not working :(
i did all steps but calss not actvied :(
please advice
Works only with 2.11.508
Works only with 2.11.508 version
not working
Works On Xperia U running CM11
Works exactly as stated. Now need people to call :(
whatsapp invite
hey dud.pls do me fav.pls do voice call thru whatsapp voice feature to my no.+919035569921
activate ma call feature
please call me on +250727780117..thx
please call
Please call me I want whatsapp calling facility thankyou.My whatsapp no is 00971522872140
whatsapp calling feature
plz help me to activate my calling feature call me ... +91 9966224221 this is my num from india ,,, soplz help me to activate te calling feature
very good website
very useful! now I can track anyone!
hey dud pls invite me.+91
hey dud pls invite me.+91 9035569921
Whatsapp voice call
i did all steps but calls not activie
please advice
Not Succeeded
when i type su it says " /system/bin/sh: su: not found " pls help me
you need to root your phone
you need to root your phone first make sure you have done that! "su" here refers to superuser and if you haven't rooted your phone you wont find the directory.
Working on Whatsapp+?
May I know is it working on whatsapp+?
yes! This worked. Needs a
*whatsapp v. 2.11.508*
*terminal emulator app*
>open terminal emulator app(free on play store)
> type : su
>you see a '#'
> type: am start -n com.whatsapp/com.whatsapp.HomeActivity
but this is temporary. once you remove app from background too, you gotta redo the terminal command. or you gotta say someone with activated feature to call you. the activation takes time so be patient. i got it! my number is +919724011224
contact me to call you; please mention you got my number on megaleecher as i DONT REPLY OR ANSWER unknown users!
thank you!
how to remove
Once activated such to remove it??
If activated from terminal,
If activated from terminal, ending background app removes it quickly. If problem persists, uninstalling the app and reinstalling latest version from would be belpful.
Thank you!
Rushi Vyas ^_^
activate my whatsapp
activate my whatsapp
calling feature this is my num .. +91 9966224221
call me at 1-613-266-4777
I got your number on megaleecher +919724011224
Need Call Back
Good Day Sir
I got your number on megaleecher +919724011224
I have done exactly what you mentioned above
Can you please call me at 613-266-4777
I am no sure if i should add 1 are + before my number
Thank You.
whatsapp calling
please activate my number 8500829492
please call
Please call me on my whatsapp no.I want this whatsapp calling facility thankyou. My whatsapp no is 00971522872140
for activation whatsapp calling
Hey bro plz help me to activate whatsapp calling, I am rooted my mobile but from terminal emulator I get som errors so call me on +919762260928
U got ur no plzz
U got ur no plzz
Works, I can make free
Works, I can make free awntull calls here.
Get latest version and then call me. Not necessary for v2.11.508 now!
I'm back Rushi Vyas ^_^
Hey Rushi Vyas!
True to your word! Thanks for making the efforts with enabling my call feature!
Truly thankful....
Denzil Snyman..
Cape Tow, South Africa
Can you please call me to
Can you please call me to activate it +9613347445
Thank u:)
please help in activating my whatsapp calling feature
Hello Denzil
I have read your comment on Megaleecher. .you got that calling feature. .please call me on my number. .+61 466098531
Hi Denzil, Adnaan from Cape Town here.
Hi Denzil.I read here tht your whatsapp voice calling is active. Would you mind giving me a call bro to activate mine too. Im also from Cape Town. +27842195553.Thank-you.
please call
Please call me to activate
Cape Town
Please call me 16132664777 canada
please invite
Please invite me +27738109795
cape town resident
Please call me +971554847876
Please call me +971554847876 to activate
Help To Activate This Feature
Please Call Me On Whatsapp +919074201136
Help To Avtivate calling Please
please call me
please call me
my no is 8080461034
for activating whatsapp voice calls
Please Update before calling! Please get latest version from here.
Secondly, use original Whatsapp only! No users of Whatsapp plus or reborn will be entertained. Thank you.
Thanks for the my soon-to-be
Thanks for the my soon-to-be-activated whatsapp calling feauture.
I downloaded whatsapp from
I downloaded whatsapp from the above provided link and write the same commands as given stil. Whatsapp satrts with same same U.I and no whats app call feature
Dont Make A Call
Please Call Me On Whatsapp +919074201136
Help to Activate Calling
Finally Now I have Whatsapp Calling Feature
Thanks for Sharing this lovely article and I was read same article on other website and after following that website steps I am successfully to whatsapp calling feature.
hep to calling activate
hey please call on whatsapp to activate it +919074201136
Please invite me on
Please invite me on activate my calling feature.
Thanks in advance.
You can send me your numbers!
The invitations have been closed by the community. Call receiving is activated on all phones now (obviously with updated Whatsapp) but redialling or placing calls is only for invited people.
CONGRATULATIONS to those who got invited by me successfully! All others, ASA the invitations open, you all will be in the calling crowd too. Till then at least you can receive calls! So don't worry.
Best wishes,
Rushi Vyas
P.S. when you call or text me on Whatsapp, please mind the time zone!!!!!GMT +530!!!!! I've been disturbed many times till now. So please be alert. You're here to seek help and not make the helper himself disappointed. ^_^ thank you.
please call +38765914244
please call +38765914244 thank you.
would you please call me when
would you please call me when the invitations are back to help me activate the calling feature on my device?
+966 556591424
thank you in advance :)
PLease call me at 1-613-266
PLease call me at 1-613-266-4777- and i will call you as well thank you
Pls call me +249912925924
Pls call me +249912925924
Call me pls
Pls call me:
my whtsap nmbr: 9048140789
Can you call me
Can you add and call me for activate call feature
+1 323 473 0756
Please Call Me On Whatsapp
Please Call Me On Whatsapp +972506664407 in order to help me
activate voice calls.
Thank you
please Call Me On Whatsapp
Please Call Me On Whatsapp +38765914244 in order to help meactivate voice calls
please help to calling activate
please call on whatsapp to activate it
Please call me
Hi guys Please call me on +263734462606
activate whatsapp call
pls activate my whatsaap calling feature +971555948494
invite me
invite me 8179950630
Please invite me...
Any body have the feature, kindly invite me to activate it:
call me please 9773891221
call me please 9773891221
call me to activate voice feature
Call me +918754336086
Please call me +923459383342 i wanna activate call option plzzzzzxxxx
Plz invite me968733905
Plz invite me968733905
Plz call me to activate my whats app call
plz call me to +918123321567 to so that i can activate my whats app calls
thank u
whatsapp free call
please invite me +919746700982
Pls call me in whatsapp
Whatsapp calling function
If some one has whatsapp calling function then please call me on this number:+91 9022653963
Please Call Me
Can someone kindly call me
to activate Whatsapp calling
+16132664777 Ottawa Ontario Canada
I need an invite call.
Anybody out there having the call feature activated Please give me a whats app call on +919850544110
I have ver. 2.11.543 and running on lollipop.
Thank you in advance.
whatapp calliing
Please call me at +919810261116 and activate my calling too
Plz call me +919703552680
Plz call me +919703552680
please invite me 00971502065356
Please invite me +79250022777
Please invite me
activate call features on whats app
please call me to activate whats app +966531971193. thanks.
Invite me @ +919825071188
please Invite me @ +919825071188
Please invite me
Please invite me.
my number is +38269579440
Please invite number is
Please invite number is 00966507125465
please invite me +919377770551
+919377770551 please invite.
Active Service
To Active WhatsApp Call Service Contact With Me
This is my Number
This is my Number +91994420124.kindly activate whatsapp voice call
Contact me my email id i will
Contact me my email id i will call you guys and active whatsapp call
pls call to activate
hi, can you please cal me to activate calling in wtsapp.. my number +91-8754490327
plz call me to activate calling feature of whatsapp
would you please call me when the invitations are back to help me activate the calling feature on my device?
thank you in advance :)
whatsapp call
please call me to activate whats app +91-9930378374.
activate calling feature
Please help me to activate whatsapp calling feature
my no is 9724425400. India
Command executed successfully
Command executed successfully but no change in whatsapp interface
Please invite me 09775853358
Please invite me 09775853358
Please call me to aectivate-
Please call me to aectivate-+91 9037913486
call me
-_- Not working
-_- Not working
what to do?
no. 9818660192
error message
"Activity class does not exist" shows in terminal emulator...
please call me at +91
please call me at +91-9672234561 to activate calling feature
Please call me
Please call me to activate Voice calling feature- +919931968372
Please invite me
Please invite me +918860412047
Please invite me ...
Please invite me ... +918860412047
please invite me on +919920845345
please invite me on +919920845345
kindly call for active Whatsapp call feature
Any body have the feature, kindly invite me to activate it
Please call me on whatsapp at +919654960389
Please call me on whatsapp at +919654960389
pls call 212638133306
pls call 212638133306
invite pls 212638133306 THX
invite pls 212638133306 THX
Call me please,thanks in
Call me please,thanks in advance good people for your service +254717872917
cl me +60127555957
Anybody out there having the call feature activated Please give me a whats app call on +60127555957
I have ver. 2.11 508
I am neaded.
I am neaded.
Please do call me at
Please do call me at +917382195795 in whatsapp
please calll me
My no. Is 8054265751
Please call me
Dear Sir
Rishi vyas please call me through whats app call
whats app text me to get it activated
At num 9490136972
Help Whatsapp Call Activation.
msg me on whatsapp (+91 9003037679) for activating call service
just msg me i will call you on your whatsapp no
dear friend i will help you to give you a call on your whatsapp no..just msg me on my no (09619910661) mumbai
Heeeyyy......My whatsapp
Heeeyyy......My whatsapp calling feature activated.
Send your number and i call you +919898751774
calling feature activation
Please someone help me to activate Calling feature on my whatsapp contact number @ 9811350406
Watsapp calling
Watsapp calling
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