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Downloading Windows 7 Update Files For Computer's Without Internet Connection

Windows UpdateIt is advisable to keep your operating-system and software's updated for optimal computer performance and security and Windows allows automatic update functionality to ensure this; however if your computer does not have a functional internet connection getting updates can be a bit tricky and you need to get offline-update files via an internet connected PC and install them on your computer.

Windows 7 Offline Updates

Microsoft Windows 7 operating-system supports Windows Update Stand-alone Installer (.msu) which is used for distributing standalone update files for computer's without internet connection, follow the simple trick described ahead to download all updates in a single go.

Downloading Windows 7 Offline Update Files :

  1. Microsoft provides .msu files for allowing offline updates.
  2. To get .MSU update packages for Windows 7 visit this page.
  3. Now, to download all packages in a single go make use of free Firefox extension DownThemAll or a similar batch download link grabber.
  4. Downloading Windows 7 Offline Update
  5. Copy downloaded .msu update packages to target computer and double-click to install.

Unlike older versions of Windows currently there seems no automated utility to get Windows 7 offline update files but I am pretty sure someone should get it out soon :), if you know of anything capable of this pls. share it in comments below.


Well, there is . Works only in IE and requires knowledge of KB numbers like KBxxxxxx.

there is Windows Update downloader software to do the same.

only thing is "update lists" which contain the URL to updates have to be downloaded from another site.

updates are downloaing well. but when its installing after restarting pc. then reaching on 60 to 70 percent its suddenly stops working and failure. and gets back. i'm to much fed up. please anyone help me out

For security updates you can use "WSUS Offline Update" available at:

It's freeware!


please send me activation keys for windows7 ultimate??
send to my email ??

Please send me activation keys for windows 7 Ultimate??


thats good info for us admin send me also activation keys please

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