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A Simple Trick To Increase Total Capacity And Get More Free Space On Apple iPhone!!

Recovering the mysterious "Other" space on Apple iOS devices has always been quest of it's own and many free and paid tools are available to get the job done. Here is a simple trick to increase "Total" and "Available" storage on your Apple devices.

Apple Free Space Cleaned

To get the job done all you need to do is to update your Apple devices to latest iOS version 10.3.1 (or greater), with this new update Apple has finally pushed the more efficient Apple File System (APFS) to users resulting in space savings.

The new APFS is not only more efficient than the old file system file-system (HFS+) in terms of utilizing storage capacity efficiently saving space but also offers much-improved encryption, and comes with support for "cloning" feature which lets the file system create an identical copy of a file without taking up additional space, by referencing the same storage structure as representing multiple files in different locations.

Apple iOS 10.3 Update

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