Submitted by Deepesh Agarwal on Thu, 01/20/2011 - 13:38
If you are not a big fan of funky graphical user-interface like RealPlayer For Android and need a basic yet powerful multimedia player for Google Android "MPlayer Android Port" is for you. Supporting playback of all major video-codecs like .avi, .mp4,.mkv etc. the android port of popular free and open source media-player MPlayer also supports all subtitle formats, proper audio-video syncing and online media streaming.

MPlayer For Android - File Browsing

MPlayer For Android
MPlayer For Android Streaming Option
The port is still under development and features only a bare-minimal functional user-interface, MPlayer smoothly played all my .mkv and .avi files but did started shuttering playing 720p HD videos on my Samsung Galaxy S I9000.
Download MPlayer For Android :
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