The best thing about open-source software is that custom version of them can be created and shared provided that you have the required technical knowledge, we have earlier blogged about the online custom Linux distro maker SUSE Studio making things easier for non-programmers and today we have something on the similar lines but for Google Android.
As the name suggest "RomKitchen" allows users to customize, compile and download there own version of Google Android OS by doing everything online in less than 5 minutes, the free online customization service supports only Samsung Galaxy S and Captivate as of now and allows users to pick there choice of Base ROM, Kernel, Modem, CSC, Apps, Tweaks, Themes and Boot Animation (coming soon) offering the most easy-to-use, personal custom android rom experience.

This is only Samsung galaxy ?
This is only for Samsung galaxy ? I want to use this on my LG but this don't work ?
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