Apple OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion is out now and with it comes the new "Gatekeeper" security feature, as evident from the name what this new security feature does is to prevent installation of unauthorized applications on user computer safeguarding them against malicious software.
The OS X Gatekeeper looks for verified “signature” by Apple in every application and block others, although essential this new security feature has broken installation of many independent software installation on Apple OS X Mountain lion and here is how to bypass this restriction both temporarily and permanently.

Error Message :
“[OS X AppName Here]” can’t be opened because it is from an unidentified developer.
Your security preferences allow installation of only apps from the Mac App Store and identified developers.
To continue installation of any package bypassing the gatekeeper temporarily follow the below procedure :
- Hold down the Control (CTRL) key and click open the installer. A menu would appear.
- Select "Open" from this menu and a new dialog box will confirm your action.
- Select "Open anyway" to continue your installation of non-verified (Apple code-signed) application.
To permanently disable the Gatekeeper functionality, follow steps as below :
- Open OS X, System Preferences application.
- Open "Security and Privacy" settings.
- From "General" tab, in "Allow applications downloaded from" section select "Anywhere" option.
- Continue by choosing "Allow from anywhere" from confirmation dialog.

Using anyone of the above two methods would allow OS X Mountain Lion users to install any application on there computers, bypassing the unidentified developer and insecure application installation warnings.
I hope this will push more
I hope this will push more people toward Linux... A close OS is shit.
Not able to validate license under Mountain Lion?
Hi Collobos!
Loving Fingerprint! - just updated MacMini to Mtn Lion at the in-laws, and now it won't accept the serial-number? Fixed under FingerPrint 2...? :-/
Best regards,
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