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Multi-host Download Service

[Free Giveaway] Linkifier Premium Accounts For Downloading From 80+ Filehosting Services....

LinkifierAfter doing a small research out there, you will find out that you have plenty of file-hosting options. That’s a good thing right? Yes if you are an uploader. But what happens when you want to actually download a movie or a game or your favorite song, only to find out that all 3 of them are hosted on a different provider? You have 2 options:

1. You buy 3 different premium accounts and hope all your future downloads are stored on those 3 file-hosters you just bought an account for. That’s a good solution if you are rich and you don’t care spending your money on premium accounts

2. You find a good multi-host service and buy a premium account there instead!

Linkifier Multihoster

A multi-host service, like we have reviewed in the past, is a Premium service that connects you to all major file-hosters with one premium account!
We have found a new and upcoming service in this space: With one premium account at, starting at just $9.99, you can download from over 80 file hosters including all major ones like,, and Moreover, you will enjoy premium speeds, utilizing the full bandwidth of your connection. Finally, their premium links work with all major download managers and accelerators – including IDM – and they have a plug in on jDownloader.

Exclusive Free Account Giveaway Of Allowing Fast And Secure Downloads From 10+ Download Services Under Single Account logoMulti-host download services are the smarter choice for today's downloaders, FilePunch.Me is yet another service offering users the ability to download as a premium user from multiple file-hosts via a single account. The nifty web-app fetches and stores remotely hosted files promising fastest speeds in the industry, apart from providing flexibility the man-in-the-middle proxy aggregator also provides absolute anonymity and secure private downloads.

Once again we have free one month premium accounts for our blog readers to giveaway, read instructions after the jump to get started.

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