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Mozilla Firefox 7

Download Mozilla Firefox 7 With Faster Web Browsing And Optimized Memory Management

Mozilla Firefox 7 Final is out now and feature's the much awaited MemShrink memory optimizations to the popular web-browser, the new update to Firefox 6 brings an overall faster browsing experience to users by offering faster speeds when opening new tabs, enhanced performance when lots of tabs are open and during long Web browsing sessions that last hours or days, more responsive clicking on menu items and buttons on websites, lower memory consumption (see comparison between Firefox 6 and Firefox 7 before and after update with same tabs and load).

Firefox 6 Vs Firefox 7 Memory Consumption On Same Load (Click image for a larger version)

Firefox 6 Vs Firefox 7 Memory Consumption Comparison

Apart from the memory and speed enhancements - this release also features new tools which are designed to make it easier for developers to build speedy Web experiences for users. A new version of hardware-accelerated Canvas, W3C navigation timing spec API (allowing developers to measure page load time and other related crucial factors) and a brand new Telemetry tool to collect performance data across userbase for improving the browser performance further are also included.

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